Published at 9th of December 2022 06:34:01 AM

Chapter 152: Diamond-Grade Exclusive Weapon — Dragon Knight's Sword (II)  

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Lin Ye immediately cast Stars Godly Glory and dispelled the buff on the Dragon. Then, he used the standard healing set.

The Dragon Knight was speechless.


Lin Ye laughed.

‘Can this hit you?’

‘Forget it, I’m giving up. I’ll just do it, you guys can do whatever you want.’

Lin Ye noticed that the Dragon Knight didn’t want to fight back anymore, so he immediately ordered the others to increase their damage output. They surrounded the Dragon Knight and attacked it crazily. If they had Skills, they would use them. If they didn’t, they would use normal attacks.

[Prompt: You have killed the Dragon Knight and obtained 137 Bloodsoul points. You have obtained the Dragon Knight’s Sword!]

Thank you for reading on

[Equipment Name: Dragon Knight’s Sword (Hive-like’s exclusive weapon)

[Type: Weapon]

[Current Forging Level: Level 1 (max level 10)]

[Grade: Diamond (Low)]

[Equipment Requirement: None]

[Equipment Effect: Increase attack by 200 points, all attributes by 30 points, has the ‘Dragon Slayer’ effect.]

[Dragon Slayer: All damage dealt to Dragon-type creatures is increased by 30%.]

Four-piece Dragon set effect: Can summon the Fire Dragon, Styder, to fight for you. After the Fire Dragon dies, it has to wait for a day to resurrect. Only effective in Hive-like. (There is a small chance of getting the four-piece set by repeatedly killing monsters in Hyde Fire Tower, or you can buy it from a weapon merchant in Hive-like.)


‘Exclusive weapon?’

‘And it’s a set that doesn’t have any Class requirements?’

‘Can I use one too?’

As he thought about it, Lin Ye equipped the Dragon Knight’s Sword on himself and realized that his stats had indeed increased. There was also the “Dragon Slayer” passive effect on his stats window.

Now, holding the Hidden Moon in his left hand and the Dragon Knight’s Sword in his right, coupled with the Priest robe he was wearing… He looked a little strange.

‘Dual blade berserker Priest?’


Lin Ye ignored this annoying thought and returned from the main hall. He went to the harbor outside the Hyde Fire Tower near the shore, took out the Camping Equipment he had prepared, and placed it on the White ground.

[Camping Package: A must-have item in the wild that can summon sleeping bags, tents, iron pots, and matchsticks.]

After that,

Lin Ye arranged the matches, set up the rack, placed the metal pot on it, and started cooking dinner for himself.

The Hive-like map had many harmless small animals, such as rabbits, deer, wild boars, and so on. If the challengers were hungry, they could catch and cook them.

Or he could fish in the blue sea around the Hyde Fire Tower.

If you have a unique taste, you can also roast the dungeon creatures you kill along the way. For example, some cannibals like to roast the corpse of the Hyde Knight for dinner.

Lin Ye wasn’t that crazy. He only plucked the feathers and organs of the three pheasants he killed along the way.

Two of the chickens were placed on a fork and placed on the torch to be roasted. The remaining one was placed in a pot and slowly stewed over a fine fire, intending to make chicken soup.

After that,

He ate and drank to his heart’s content.

The surrounding sky gradually darkened.

Fortunately, there were torches and magic lamps placed on the streets of Hyde Fire Tower. As long as you cast fire Magic, you could light up the torches, and the remaining mana would light up the streets.


According to the experience of a senior.

After the dungeon creatures here die, they won’t be resurrected immediately. You have to leave this area and come back again before they can be resurrected.

Boss-level dungeon creatures could not be resurrected after they died.

Only the small monsters and elite monsters would be resurrected.


If Lin Ye wanted to gather all four pieces of the Dragon set, he would have to do it.

He had to keep killing the Ancient Knights and Hyde Knights, relying on his mechanical repetition and a bit of good luck to get the remaining three pieces of equipment.

The other option was to spend a large number of Bloodsouls to buy from merchants.

According to the reward model of a Boss that only gave a little more than 100 Bloodsoul points, and the silver snake of greed ring cost 5,000 Bloodsoul points.

Lin Ye would need to farm for at least seven to eight days before he could save enough to buy Bloodsouls for a Dragon Knight.


‘It does seem like it’s more worthwhile to invade others, right?’

‘They’ve been farming for Bloodsoul for days, but it was all stolen by someone else with a Red Spirit Invasion. I might even lose my life unless I get that Portrait item…’


‘I have to say, no matter where honest people are, they are always the main force to suffer losses.’

While he was thinking…

Little Mumu walked to Lin Ye’s side and pointed at his shoulder. She then massaged him with both hands and asked if he wanted to relax and quickly recover his fatigue points.

Lin Ye remained quiet through the whole process.

‘If he didn’t enjoy it, would he still be human?’

‘Come on, little Mumu!’

‘Let me experience the power of big brother’s massage technique!’

Meanwhile… In another world…

After receiving the order from the Lizardman Niger, the members of Crimson Dawn immediately sent out a large number of people to explore Hyde Fire Tower, Forest of Fallen Giants, and One-line Sky Forest, to look for Lin Ye.

They had to figure out Lin Ye’s movements so that they could set up an ambush and get rid of this terrifying threat.

“I found him!”

“Outside the hall of the Hyde Fire Tower’s Dragon Boss!”

“Looks like he’s already killed the Dragon Knight and plans to camp here for the night. He’ll probably go fight the Fire Dragon tomorrow!”

“Okay, good job! We’ll keep an eye on him!”

“I guarantee there won’t be any problems!”

After ending the long-distance communication with master Niger, the Lizardman underlings who found Lin Ye immediately scattered and hid behind a few items on the dock. They quietly observed Lin Ye, who was sitting in a tent in the distance.

They decided not to invade Lin Ye’s world right now.

Which was why he couldn’t see that other than Lin Ye, who was reading in the tent, there was a white girl with two ponytails behind him, who was giving him a gentle massage.

Outside the tent, the Evil Omen Demonic Spirit sat on the left, carefully wiping its vine sword.

On the right, there was the Dragon-Armored Tree Guardian. He was holding some unknown plant and fruit in his hand, feeding the giant golden warhorse.

“Uh…” One of the Lizardman underlings spoke up curiously,

“Is this human really that powerful?”

“Why do I feel like he’s so weak?”

Another Lizardman underling used a special item to reply, “I’m not sure,”

“Although Big Brother said that this kid has obtained the recognition of the Cursemancer and can undergo the legacy trial with it and even obtain the legacy Skill…”

“However, I’ve heard from a Professional that you can choose not to accept the legacy trial of those special Bosses. You can then bypass them and safely enter the next area.”

“I feel…”

“This human might have chosen to give up.”

“Think about it. How long has it been? He has already cleared two and a half Hive-like maps and completed a legacy trial?”

“Even our Crimson Dawn Boss wouldn’t be that efficient.”

“How can those trash humans be so strong?”

Another person echoed,

“Just tell us what you know.”


As they were discussing, a black figure suddenly appeared behind one of the Lizardmen and whispered in its ear,

“Is the target you’re looking for here?”

The Lizardman underling reflexively replied,


Before he could finish his words, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. It quickly turned his head and looked at the figure who was talking to him.

[Prompt: You have been invaded by the ‘Guardian of Green’! Current number of intruders: 1]

The Lizardmen underling was shocked.

‘The Qing Cult’s Holy Church!?’

The newcomer raised the two daggers in her hands and instantly slit the Lizardman underling’s throat. Then a strange and creepy smile crept on onto the woman’s face,”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I’m The Guardian of Green from the Qing Cult.”

“The human challenger that your Crimson Dawn wants to deal with is someone that the Qing Cult’s Holy Church has taken a fancy to. He is now one of us and is under our protection.”


“According to the rules…”

“You Red Spirit Sinners who are after him…”

“Have to accept our punishment~”

“Wait!” The Lizarman underling shouted.

“We don’t have a ‘Portrait’ item!”

“We haven’t started an invasion on him yet.”

“You can not kill sinners who can’t be resurrected!”

The newcomer smiled.


“Is that so?”

“Alright. I’ll tell the people outside that you were discovered by this human when you were monitoring him, and then he killed you with a Red Spirit!”

“This doesn’t mean that our Qing Cult’s Holy Church has broken the rules,”


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!