Published at 1st of August 2023 02:58:27 PM

Chapter 631: Chapter 631 - Chapter 631: Carried home by mistake?

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Chapter 631: Carried home by mistake?

Translator: 549690339

Compared to the two of them, Gao Mian and Qiao le were much more ordinary.


Meng Fu slightly nodded at the camera.

In the hall, some people had already left Meng Fu. Most of them were exclaiming in shock, and only one or two of them asked for an autograph. Most of the people who came here were patients or family members in a hurry. Even if there were fans of Meng Fu, they were not in the mood to chase after him.

Meng Fu quickened his pace to catch up with the other four.

Doctor Chen’s time was tight. When she arrived, it was only a few seconds before nine.

Doctor Chen held a pen in one hand and a notebook in the other. He tilted his head to talk to the doctor next to him. When he saw the five of them, his gaze stopped on Meng Fu for a while. you will enter the operating room from today onwards. There can not be too many people in the operating room. Divide yourselves into two groups and follow me into the operating room. The topic of your internship is to divide you into groups. In five minutes, the first group will change your clothes and wait for me outside the eastern operating room on the third floor. The second group will go to the observation room and wait for me to call for someone.

After saying that, he left in a hurry.

As soon as doctor Chen said that, Gao Mian quickly gathered song Jia to form a group.

Gao Mian could tell that among this group of students, song Jia knew a lot of internal information and had even seen doctor Chen’s lectures. He was a strong competitor and an excellent partner.

Jiang Yiran also turned his head and said almost at the same time as Qiao le, ‘”‘1 also want to join.”

The four of them wanted to be in the same group, so Meng Fu felt a little awkward being separated.

Gao Mian scratched his head. He looked at the camera, a little stiff.

This time, he wanted to learn from doctor Chen. If doctor Chen saw that they performed well, he might let them perform minor operations. Meng Fu was a celebrity, so there must be many things he did not know about entering the operating room. Although following her would increase his exposure, it was also very risky.

Not only would the variety show be criticized, but if they made doctor Chen unhappy, they might not even have the chance to get a pair of hemostatic forceps.

Although Gao Mian had a good impression of Meng Fu, Song Jia was the best partner at this time.

Even if he didn’t get an offer, he could still learn a lot.

Most importantly, bringing Meng Fu along would obviously be a hindrance to the internship’s topic.

Jiang Yiran spoke before Qiao le. Although Qiao le also wanted to be in the same team as song Jiajiang, she knew that she couldn’t let Meng Fu be in the same team for the recording.

Moreover, compared to song Jia’s resume, his excellent experience of studying abroad in country Y, and especially Jiang yiran’s experience in the Chinese medical base ..

Qiao le knew that his third-year postgraduate degree in T University was really not worth mentioning.

Qiao le didn’t force him and took a step back, trying to get closer to Meng Fu.

you three bosses, please go first.

Gao Mian also understood human feelings and felt sorry for the two girls. you guys go to the operating room with doctor Chen first.

There was no need to fight with Qiao le and the others for this.

Qiao le did not stand on ceremony and turned around to pull Meng Fu to change his clothes. then we’ll be leaving first.

Meng Fu was wearing a snow-white intern doctor’s coat.

Her originally lazy face now looked a little cold, and Qiao le was stunned for a moment. She couldn’t help but sigh in her heart. She was indeed worthy of being called ” the most beautiful woman in the world ” in the entertainment industry.

She took out a book and handed it to Meng Fu. this is the map of the emergency room. Pack it up and read it when you go back tonight.

Not far away, someone recognized Meng Fu and wanted to come up to ask for his signature. Meng Fu seemed to have seen it and gestured to the other party to keep quiet. Then, he pointed to the photographers around him. The fans immediately stopped in their tracks, too excited to say anything.

Qiao le looked at this group of fans and remembered that Meng Fu was a celebrity. She was a little worried and kept reminding her to be careful when she went to the operating room.

There were no major Emergency Operations today. Doctor Chen’s first operation was a car accident, which required wound closure.

Although Qiao le had worked in a teaching hospital before, most doctors didn’t pay much attention to interns. She rarely only followed the doctor to check on the wards, or to do some observation and consultation in the ward. This was her first time entering the operating room.

As soon as he entered, he could feel the low temperature inside.

There were two doctors by the operating table. Doctor Chen was the chief surgeon, and the other doctor was the assistant. The nurses around them were busy in an orderly manner.

“I’m wiping my sweat.” Doctor Chen said.

Some people handed him forceps and forceps, some helped doctor Chen wipe his sweat, and some wrote down a nursing report.

Qiao le gestured for Meng Fu to keep quiet. He pulled Meng Fu to stand beside the nurse who was writing the nursing report and gestured for her to watch quietly.

All of a sudden, the device beside him beeped.

The assistant surgeon’s expression changed slightly. Doctor Chen raised his head and ordered in an orderly manner, continue the surgery. At the same time, prepare to Pierce the lumbar spine and measure the intracranial pressure.

The assistant Surgeon nodded and went to get the lumbar spine puncture report. He also went outside the operating theater to get the patient’s family to sign it.

The patient’s complications were sudden, and the nurse recording the medical records went to get a new set of surgical tools and hurriedly handed the medical records to Qiao le. write this down, I’ll go get the anesthesia needle and the waist piercing needle.

Qiao le had written medical records before, so he quickly took it and recorded the patient’s real-time status.

This patient had complications and needed to be sent to the brain Department. Doctor Chen cleaned the wound and did not look up.”Hold the hemostatic forceps.”

The nurse beside him held the forceps for the wound very steadily.

“Right-angle forceps.”

Doctor Chen spoke again.

The nurse who was holding the hemostatic forceps did not dare to move.

Just as she was about to ask doctor Chen to wait, a slender hand appeared in her line of sight and handed over the right-angle forceps.

“Surgical forceps.” “Needle holder,”

“Triangular needle.”

Every time Doctor Chen finished speaking, the item would appear in front of him, and his reaction was faster than before by a second.

He quickly finished sewing the wound and looked up. As he removed his bloodied gloves, he looked at the nurse beside him. prepare to Pierce the upper lumbar spine …

As he said this, he looked at the pair of bright eyes in front of him and was slightly stunned. were you the one who handed me the surgical instruments just now? ‘

Meng Fu looked at the patient who was unconscious on the bed. There was a nurse outside who came in to help him perform a puncture and push him to the brain Department. His brain complications were very dangerous. I’m sorry. I think time is tight. I hope I’m not disturbing you.

Doctor Chen nodded slightly and looked at the white coat under her protective suit. He then looked at Qiao le, who was dumbfounded, and took Qiao le’s medical records, “”Are the two of you interns today?”

Qiao le hurriedly nodded.

“What is it called?”

“I’m Qiao le, and she’s Meng Fu,” Qiao le had explained it to doctor Chen this morning, but it was obvious that doctor Chen didn’t remember much. Now that he asked again, it must have left a good impression on him.

okay. doctor Chen took off his hat as he walked out. that’s all for today. You two can stay here to watch the lumbar puncture surgery. After that, you can go back to your dormitory and pack your luggage.

When they came today, their luggage was at the hospital’s security guard, so they didn’t even have time to check on the dormitory.

Not only was she lucky enough to see Doctor Chen perform an operation, but she was also lucky enough to see a lumbar puncture operation. Even if she did not do it herself, Qiao le was still very excited.

When they were eating in the hospital’s cafeteria, Qiao le looked at Meng Fu with admiration, “”You actually recognized those surgical tools, and you’re so fast.’

At least, Meng Fu had done his homework in advance.

Even a professional like Qiao le couldn’t recognize all of these things. Even if she could recognize all of them, her hands would tremble from nervousness when she was doctor Chen’s assistant, and she would either take the wrong thing or be a step too slow.

Qiao le had been recording the medical records, and she had seen very clearly that Meng Fu was calm and unflustered from the beginning to the end. In particular, he seemed to have predicted doctor Chen’s progress. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made doctor Chen ask for Meng Fu’s name.

Was this the aura of a famous star?

Qiao le was also in the field of scientific research. He often heard some famous seniors exclaim that foreign hospitals offered them a high price of two million a year. There were also many professors and seniors who were studying abroad who stayed.

Before he met Meng Fu, Qiao le had doubts about these internet celebrities in the country.

After seeing Meng Fu today, she seemed to understand why Meng Fu had so many fans.

In the past, she was like Song Jia and the others, thinking that Meng Fu was not their competitor. Now, Qiao le felt that although Meng Fu was a celebrity, he might be a bigger threat than Song Jia and was also her best business partner.

Qiao le raised the can of Coke in her hand. She originally thought that she would be. burden if she were to team up with Meng Fu and bring a newbie along. But now, she felt that she might have been. burden …

Meng Fu ate his meal lazily.

The phone in her pocket rang.

It was Jiang xinchen.

“Are you crying again?” Meng Fu raised his eyebrows.

He was in the physics competition, and the finals would be held in July next year.

“I didn’t!” Jiang xinchen said loudly.

“Oh.” Meng Fu nodded.

See, he was feeling guilty.

“I’m just …” On the other end of the phone, Jiang Xinyu was hesitant. did I carry the wrong baby too? ”

Meng Fu narrowed his eyes and pinched his chopsticks.. “What’s wrong?”

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