Apocalypse Arrival - Chapter 134

Published at 26th of July 2022 07:54:12 AM

Chapter 134

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Feng Chengyu whirled out of its legs, kicked away the demon that was about to recover, and then made a lunge. The black sword vibrated at high frequency in his hand, and six black shadows appeared in the air, divided into three directions, rushing toward the demon.

The demon rolled several times on the yellow ground of the canyon, arousing smoke and dust. It was too late to get up from the smoke completely, and its body was struck six times by the sword.

“This is a good trick,” Chu Qianxun who was hiding gave a compliment, but she still lurked in the grass and did not move.

Although Feng Chengyu slashed the fallen one several times, he still hadn’t found the crystal core location.

The head, neck, throat, heart, waist… None revealed the crystal core, which made Chu Qianxun frown.

Feng Chengyu took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, leaped up and swung his sword straight at the fallen.

An equally black blade protruded from the smoke and slammed Feng Chengyu’s sword.

The face of the fallen white dog head appeared from the dust and it kicked Feng Chengyu away.

The smoke and dust on the ground dispersed, and everyone saw the demon below the elbow of the right hand, turning into a huge black triangular blade, while the left hand was a long slender red spike.

The black blade in the right hand of the demon vibrated at a high frequency, and six black shadows appeared in the air. The same blade divided into three paths, the upper, the middle and the lower, rushing toward Feng Chengyu.

The move was almost exactly the same as the one Feng Chengyu had just used.

Feng Chengyu couldn’t resist, and was hit twice. Half of his right arm, whose scales had fallen off, cracked, and blood flowed halfway.

“Support Lao Feng!” With Xin Ziming’s voice sounded, countless fireballs fell from the sky and hit the demon continuously.

Ah Kai, an ability holder of the flame system, used his ability to support his injured captain.

The demon’s face turned to him, and its narrow eyes glowed with the same white light as Xin Ziming, which controlled Ah Kai’s actions. Ah Kai froze on the spot, and the fire stopped in the air.

“Connect the control system and change to attack,” Xin Ziming said calmly.

Human thermal weapons had gradually withdrawn from the battlefield to deal with high-level demons, but at this time, for this fourth-order demon, the intensive bullet and explosive attack could still cause some damage.

That fallen one had the ability to imitate human attacks and abilities, but it couldn’t imitate thermal weapons.

Golden lines lit up under the demon’s feet again, circling around his body.

Xin Ziming’s eyes were full of white light.

The fierce ammunition and artillery sounded, and countless shining ballistic trajectories on the top of the mountain focused on shooting into the canyon, and some people even carried individual rocket launchers.

The dense firepower covered the location of the demon.

There was countless ammunition in its body, and when a bullet pierced the shoulder of the demon, the demon roared in the dust all over the sky.

“Found it! It’s there,” Chu Qianxun’s eyes lit up.

The demon’s body began to grow in size quickly, and its coat was swollen and split by the swelling muscles, and numerous sharp black and red intersecting thorns grew out.

Its figure suddenly disappeared in the air, and the next moment it appeared in front of Xin Ziming on the hillside.

“Are you the commander? I should deal with you first.”

Black light flashed by the demon’s right hand, instantly cutting the ability holder in front of Xin Ziming into two.

At the same time, the scarlet thorns of its arm penetrated Xin Ziming’s abdomen, picked him up in the air, and threw him to the ground.

“Xin Ziming!”

“Team Xin!”

The exclamation sounded one after another, but almost no one came to the rescue as the demon was too fast.

The demon raised its left arm and was about to give Xin Ziming a fatal blow. But suddenly, a sense of fear flashed in its heart, and its body subconsciously moved to the right side.

The amber eyes looked to the left side of its own body, and they met a woman who appeared to his left.

At the same time, a white blade flashed, and it cut off a piece of meat on its shoulder, exposing the green crystal core inside.

The woman turned around in the air and stretched out her hand to grab the crystal core.

The demon was shocked and pulled back quickly.

The black-clothed woman exerted force with her feet and pressed, her double blades were like snow, and crescent-shaped strikes lit up in all directions, clinging to the demon, and even cutting off several hard black thorns from the demon’s body.

Her gaze was fixed on the fallen man’s left shoulder, and she tried to get the demon hurt several times, trying to seize the crystal core in one fell swoop.

That human female who appeared suddenly brought a real sense of crisis to the fallen. A pair of black wings spread out behind it, intending to leave the battlefield and fly into the air.

Several thick iron chains rose from the bushes. The iron chains were intertwined in the air to form an iron net, facing the demon under the hood. The big hands made of yellow sand surged on the ground, grabbing the demon’s feet, and working together.

The demon roared to the sky, and countless huge fireballs fell from the sky, burning around the iron net.

No matter what, Chu Qianxun ignored the fire, and reached out to grab the shoulder of the demon.

In time, a block of yellow sand appeared in the sky, blocking the flames that were slamming on Chu Qianxun.

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