Published at 25th of May 2023 07:04:03 PM

Chapter 120

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“Wait what? Do demons take prisoners?” He asked in shock.

“Then we have to save them!” He yelled, getting a look from Will as he did and quickly explaining what he’d learned.

“That doesn’t mean we can just do nothing! I’ll follow my skill and we’ll figure something out on the way so warn us if you see anything ahead. If they die before we can get there then we’ll leave. Will, come on, we need to get going.”

They started running but it was apparent that Ben couldn’t keep up with Will’s speed so again his friend carried him as Ben passed on the information he’d gotten from his god. It looked like there was forty of them in a deep cave system and they were being left alone, save for small, snake like creatures the demons had feeding off them, with Thera getting the worst of it, five being attached to her unlike the others who got one each, and hers were being changed out frequently.

But why is she getting the worst of it? He thought to his god. Are they trying to poison or kill her in particular?

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