Published at 27th of November 2022 04:44:11 PM

Chapter 300: Simply incredible taste!

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At the door of the magic potion, a black maid-dressed Miyah Miya, plunged into the broad chest of Elizabeth wearing a blue dress.

Elizabeth's hands were lifted subconsciously, and the whole face of Mt. Mia was buried in her chest, and the time seemed to stop in an instant, silent.

"Hold... sorry." Yana Mia's face slowly lifted up against Elizabeth's chest, watching her face apologize with a little embarrassment and full of embarrassment.

“Can you take your face off me?” Elizabeth’s cold face flashed a blush and annoyance. If it’s not clear who the guy is, dare to meet her... Now it has definitely become a land of ice.

I can look at the petite body in front of her, put her face on her chest, and look up at the half-dragon girl who is embarrassed with her head. The magic that is released to half is stopped hard. Looking at her, I feel silly. A little cute.

"Sorry, sorry, I am really sorry." The Mia of the North was back from the soft and warm, and quickly retreated two steps. He apologized for forty-five degrees, and even his ears were red, and he was embarrassed to think: "What to do! I have done such a rude thing, ah ah! My God! But... it’s really big... it’s so soft... so comfortable.”

Elizabeth looked at the North Asian Mia who hurriedly apologized, but the slightest displeasure in her heart was dissipated, and she was thinking about things before, so she did not notice the rumor of the North Asian Mia.

And Elizabeth’s thoughts were just about her. Although it’s almost impossible to find a half-sister on the first day of the news, it’s almost impossible to find someone in the city of chaos. I am able to meet a half-year-old girl who is in a good age. Naturally, I can't easily let go.

"I'm fine." Elizabeth's voice was cold and her eyes looked at Kia Mia.

Yabei Mia's body is somewhat petite, her limbs are slim, and her black and white dress with a strange pattern on her body perfectly sets off her figure. The chest is... a little big.

There is a pair of pale golden dragon horns on the top of the head, the hair is wearing a white headband, the golden hair is tied with the side pony tail hanging to the right, and Elizabeth is concerned with the different colors of the North Asian Mia.

Golden left 眸, black right 眸!

There was a trace of suspicion in Elizabeth’s dark blue eyes, although it was not certain that the golden eyelids were the blood of the golden dragon, but there was no doubt that it added some possibilities.

"Good... beautiful!" Miami Mia was also secretly looking at Elizabeth. The girl’s skin was as white as snow. At the age of twenty, she looked very beautiful. Her long skirt was like a frosty, like a day. Goddess.

Just standing freely, the cold and arrogant temperament makes people want to bow their heads. Unlike Sally's noble and cold, this girl's cold is purely cold, without a hint of fire.

I rushed out of the door and ran out of the door. Even though she said nothing, the heart of Mia's Mia was still a little nervous, and she looked down and didn't know what to say.

"Mia, what's wrong?" At this moment, Sally's voice sounded, and looked at the hand of the north, Mia, who stood on the side of the mistake, and walked out of the magic potion. Elizabeth on the side, the same flash of a glimpse in the eyes.

"Is it a dragon?" Sally had a guess in her heart. Although she is now a human being, the atmosphere of the dragon is still somewhat different, and this innate arrogance is a testament to this. One thing, just don't know how the North Asian Mia provokes the dragon girl?

"I... I accidentally bumped into the girl." Yabei Mia heard Sally's voice a little bit sighed, a little embarrassed.

"I said, I am fine." Elizabeth frowned slightly, looked at Sally, and there was a strange color in her eyes. The heart said: "This elf is not simple. From the magic fluctuations in her body, the strength may not be in me. Underneath, I don’t know what is the relationship between her and her?"

"Hey, it’s a beautiful white dragon sister." Amy’s pleasant voice came, holding the ugly duckling out of the door and looking up at Elizabeth.

"Amy, do you know her?" Ami Mia was a little surprised.

"A few days ago, my father and I met Bailong sister at the gate of the city. Because she was so beautiful, I remembered it." Amy nodded and waved at the hand of Elizabeth: "White Dragon Sister, you." Okay."

"Hey!" Amy's ugly duckling looked at Elizabeth with some hostility, explored her little claws and tried to show her minions.

"Yeah." Elizabeth glanced at Amy. She nodded and said hello. At noon, she saw the man riding this strange **** a strange car. I didn't expect to meet again at night, and they looked like they. Several people still know each other.

"I am really sorry, my name is Miyazaki, but I am going to work now, goodbye." Yabei Mia looked at the restaurant in front of the restaurant and was a little anxious to apologize to Elizabeth, and quickly walked to the restaurant. Go.

"Millet, let's go in." Sally looked at Elizabeth and took Amy's little hand to the restaurant. The character of the dragon was generally irritable, and the code of conduct was always good, so she did not trust Amy. People stay here.

"White Dragon sister, the food in my restaurant is super delicious, you must come and try it." Amy, although she was neatly appointed, led by Sally, but still did not forget to look back at Elizabeth.

"Mike Restaurant..." Elizabeth's gaze stayed on the restaurant sign for a while and walked toward the restaurant.

"Your simmered chicken rice and salted bean curd, please use it slowly." McGonagall walked to the side of Novovan with a tray, and put it in front of him, smiling.

"Okay." Novo van Gogh nodded, his eyes were drawn to the two foods in front of him.

Golden chicken nuggets, tempting chicken soup scent, a variety of side dishes cooked in a pot, it looks no mess, thick golden red chicken soup wrapped in chicken, so that he can not help Suck a mouthful of saliva.

"Although you have lived in this chaotic city for decades, but you want to say good food, then I have to take you to eat the best." Krassu picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of yellow pheasant that had just arrived. Into the mouth, chewing slowly, the face showed a happy and enjoyable expression.

"Then I taste it?" Nuo Fan also picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of chicken. The golden red chicken soup was wrapped in the chicken and fed into the mouth. The delicious chicken soup was first opened in the mouth, thick and not greasy. The umami and scent do not know what kind of spice has been raised to the extreme, gently bite the chicken, the meat is fresh and refreshing, swallowed after careful chewing, and the lips and teeth are fragrant.

"This... is an incredible smell!" Nuo Fan looked at the yellow chicken in front of him, could not help but admire, picked up the chopsticks and put a piece of chicken into the mouth, feeling delicious in the mouth, unbeatable enjoy.

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