Published at 11th of March 2022 08:56:53 AM

Chapter 652: Even the father does not know!

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The audience listened quietly to Luna's speech about giving the wandering children a warm harbor and giving them a chance to go to school.

The expression on the faces of the guests did not change much. Vivian was the daughter of the city owner. She let everyone listen. Then everyone listened obediently, not because the stories that can often be heard on the street are touching. But it is just looking at Vivienne, or the face of the city owner.

"Lvna teacher...has always been so good." Amy looked up at Luna, and the tears in the blue eyes were shining.

"Sure enough, when doing these things, this Nizi's eyes will shine." Vivian looked at Luna, with a smile on her face, her eyes sweeping through the well-dressed merchants, and her brows were slightly wrinkled. Guy, it seems that it is not as positive as expected.

McGonagall’s eyes also looked at Luna, the great lady who came out of the Luodu noble family, who came to the city of chaos to become a teacher and has been dedicated to helping the homeless children. , planting seeds of hope among their hearts.

There are some people in the world who do not count the rewards, do not count the gains and losses, and are committed to being fools in the eyes of others and doing something that is unpleasant.

Such a person will be called the Virgin.

Meg has no feeling for the Virgin, but he agrees with the world because those who are called the Virgin become gentle and lovely.

Luna may not be a complete Madonna, but the kindness and love that she radiated from her body made Meg moved and moved.

If it weren't for her, Amy and Alex would have been tougher in the three years of the City of Chaos.

It is she who, in poverty, still planted the seeds of goodness and hope for Amy.

Such a lovely person, how can people not want to be close?

"Maybe, I should do something too." McGonagall thought in his heart that the restaurant was on the right track, and the ice cream shop business was equally hot. It was not difficult for him to come up with a small amount of money. thing.

"What's the relationship between Mr. McGonagall and her?" Hill's gaze was quietly flowing around McGonagall and Luna, and he was somewhat curious.

"There are so many poor children..." Rodriguez looked at Luna, and her face was a bit unbearable.

"It’s really a good girl, but it’s going to be a good guy, but it’s very hard.” Camilla shook her head and moved her eyes from Luna’s body to Corolla’s body, holding her arms. The black cat’s head whispered: “Little black, how do you say that I can deceive this beautiful lady?”

"Madam, given her identity, I suggest that you still give up on this idea. The City of Chaos will not sit and watch the Miss of the Molton family being taken away. Also, ask me Caesar!" The black cat has some resistance and wants to put his head. Avoiding the bright red hands of the nails, but there is no way to escape the slender claws of the white.

"Is this low-level means to be taken by my wife?" Camilla smiled slyly and looked at Colora, her tongue slowly licking her lips. "If you can't get her heart, how?" Unlock more poses?"

"I don't know who used to ‘package! Take it!’.” The black cat rolled his eyes.

"Shut up!" Camilla's hand turned into a fist, and the black cat's head was hammered down with a punch. Looking at Corolla, she looked seriously: "This time, I will conquer this with my charm." Beautiful lady."

"Hey~" The black cat screamed with some grievances.

"This thing should have been solved by the city government, but the city government really can't get the money. I didn't expect Luna to come up with a solution. If you let Oldfield know, you must write a letter. I am." Michael looked at Luna and shook his head a little.

Jeffrey stood beside him, frowning slightly, wondering what was being thought of.

"Idiot people say dreams." Cyril looked at Luna with some sarcasm.

“I want to set up a foundation to raise funds for these children to purchase their necessities, to ensure their survival, and to create opportunities for them to learn.” Luna’s voice paused and looked at the stage. The wealthy businessmen below, sincerely said: "I don't know if the gentlemen and ladies present here are willing to contribute generously and contribute the first funds to the foundation?"

The audience was still quiet, and the guests subconsciously avoided Luna's gaze, that is, no one stood up.

"These guys!" Vivian clenched her fists, although it was expected that these unscrupulous businessmen would not easily donate money, but did not expect that there would be no supporters. These occupied the vast majority of the wealth of the chaotic city. Guy, is it too embarrassing?

Luna’s gaze is gradually becoming disappointing. Although such a thing has been experienced for her many times, the fundraising opportunities in Aden Square are rarely successful, but such an opportunity to face so many businessmen is still not Be able to raise enough money for the children.

"Mr. Luna, I am willing to donate all my money and buy them for food."

Just then, a tender voice sounded.

Everyone followed the sound, a little half-elf girl held a small hand, a solemn move forward two steps, picked up the tiptoe, hand to hand Luna.

"It's the little elf girl! Mr. McGon's daughter!"

Someone was surprised.

"Amy." Luna looked at Amy, who was holding her little hand on her toes, and shook her eyes again, squatting down and reaching out to Amy.

Amy put her hand on Luna's hand and then let go.

Two copper coins reflect the dazzling light under the light.

"Mr. Luna, this is the money I saved myself, even my father didn't know it! Now, I will give them all to you and buy them something good." Amy looked solemnly. Said Luna.

"Well, I will use it well." Luna slowly grasped her hand and nodded seriously. Although it was only two small copper coins, it was heavy in her hand.

"Come on, Luna is the best!" Amy held a small fist and leaned her head against Luna's sweet smile.

The guests looked at this scene, and suddenly they were a little shy, and their expressions on their faces became hesitant.

"Oh, it’s just a group of people who have life, no one raises them, even if they wear them, when they grow up, they are also the bottom of the chaos of the chaotic city. Without them, the city of chaos will only become more Ok." At this moment, Cyril came out of the crowd and watched Luna sarcastically: "So why do you think we will give you money?"

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