Published at 11th of March 2022 08:50:50 AM

Chapter 879: No, this time is perfect

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"The trough! System, here someone is hanging!"

Meg was shocked for a long time, and couldn't help but burst into his heart.

The elements of the wind surround the body of Felice, screening out the fragrances and adding them to the large bowl in front of them, whether it is a spice that surrounds her body or a seasoning that floats in the air. It looks like a miracle.

"If she is my host, it must be very worry-free." The system sighed.

McGonagall: "..."

Although I don't know how it works, Felix's hand still keeps McGonagall, and... I am a little envious: "Surely the Master looks like a handsome swordman!"

After five minutes, all the spices fell back into the spice bag, and the bottles and cans were gently dropped back into place.

Felice looked at the thick brown sauce in the big bowl in front of her, and the silky scent had already come to her face. It seemed that there was no difference between the bowl that was previously blended with McGonagall.

“Is it finished?” McGonagall walked into the kitchen. The mellow aroma of the sauce came out, and the scent of the scent was felt. The sauce was full and the layers were distinct. Already counted as a top grade.

"Yes, please judge." Felice looked at McGonagall nervously, and the little hand had unconsciously pinched the skirt.

McGonagall, the porcelain white bowl, the brown sauce looks very thick, leaving some swirling lines after mixing, looks a bit like a milk cap, you can see the various spices and spices. The integration is perfect.

"The smell is OK, this shape is also acceptable." McGonagall nodded, took a chopstick from the side, gently rubbed it in the sauce, then rubbed it with the tip of his tongue and closed his eyes.

The scent of the sauce smudges on the tip of the tongue, bringing a very mellow taste. The taste of the soy sauce is combined with various spices to make it more mellow, and it also brings a richer layering. The rich fragrance is released and fascinating. .

But... seems to be missing something?

McGon's brow wrinkled slightly, and had to say that he only saw that he could demonstrate this level of sauce with a specific amount of ingredients. Felice was definitely a genius.

After all, even if he got a perfect experience package, the first time the sauce was made makes him difficult to talk.

However, this seemingly very good sauce has made him feel strange and seems to have lost something.

Felice looked at McGonagall a little, and saw him frown, and his heart even mentioned the blind eye.

Although I did not expect to pass it for the first time, it was still a little nervous to be able to reach that level.

McGonagall didn't open his eyes, but he licked the chopsticks directly.

Quiet in the kitchen, I could hear Feili’s nervous breathing. The ugly duckling on the counter looked up curiously and looked back on the stage.

After five minutes of quietness, McGonagall opened his eyes and put down his chopsticks. He looked at Felice: "When you stir, are you using magic?"

Felice quickly said: "Yes... Yes, I use a small wind column to drive the sauce in the bowl, so that the spices are completely integrated with the various spices. Is there any problem?"

"No wonder." Maggie's face showed a smile, and the expression was a little nervous, Felice said: "The fusion of spices and spices is really perfect, but it has lost the soul of this sauce."

“Is it lost?” Felice was somewhat puzzled and somewhat depressed.

Meg, seeing Felice, was frustrated and smiled. "The first time I was able to do this is very good. When I first deployed it, it was far worse. The amount of spices and seasonings was The order is very well controlled, there are almost no flaws and errors, and the control is good."

Felice’s eyes re-lighted.

McGonagall went on to say: "But good food has a soul. Accuracy is only the foundation. Some steps are not just to get results. You can use your hands to feel the change of food before you can inject a soul into a dish."

"So... should I abandon the magic and use my hands to cook?" Felice thought thoughtfully.

"No, the magician's talents and advantages can give you precise control. This is how many chefs dream of, and can give up." McGonagall shook his head and pointed at the sauce in front of him: "You need improvement." There is only one place, change the step of mixing the wind column to manual mixing, use both hands to feel the change of the sauce, and feel the critical point of the sauce fusion. When you find the tipping point, the sauce is also It’s perfect.”

"The wind column is good, but the perfect fusion does not mean that it is the perfect sauce. This degree can only be felt by the chef's hands."

"Critical" Felice thought for a moment, her eyes lit up, and she suddenly realized that the sense of harmony that came from when I saw McGonagall’s cooking came from, it was a match, people and The fit between the pot and the dish in the pot is a wonderful zero point.

What she is best at is control, the precise control of ingredients, seasonings, and the pursuit of the ultimate perfect cooking process, but lost the fun and rhythm of that silence.

Meg's words seemed like a beam of light, which led her to find the direction.

Rigorousness is the attitude of a chef, but the chef's bet in the heart of a dish is the soul of this dish.

McGonagall glanced at Felice's eyes and smiled. "You try again." Then he turned and walked out of the kitchen.

"Not uniform enough, no."

"The supernatant is thick, no."



McGonagall sat at the table and tasted a portion of the sauce that Felice sent, and then made a short evaluation.

Although it has been denied, Felice is not anxious, and soon returned to the kitchen for the next deployment.

Time flies like this, and McGonagall glances at the wall clock, and he should start preparing for the evening business. He is about to get up. Felice walks out with a bowl of sauce and gently puts it on the wheat. In front of the grid, the expression is calm, but the expectations in the eyes are difficult to cover.

McGonagall looked at the sauce, the thick tan sauce was evenly colored, and the rich sauce scented.

Pick up the chopsticks and order the sauce, then lick it with your tongue.

"This taste!"

Meg's eyes lit up at once, and the full rounded sauce bloomed on the tip of the tongue, bringing a very mellow taste. The spices and seasonings were just right, with a distinct layering and endless aftertaste.

"This time... is it a failure?" Felice asked nervously.

"No, this time is perfect." McGonagall put down the chopsticks as if looking at a gem and looking at Felice.

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