Daily American Drama - Chapter 1147

Published at 21st of October 2022 06:19:45 AM

Chapter 1147: Human Destroyer, Ammonia Warrior Sheldon

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   Duncan Manor.

   2:30 in the morning.

   Shelton refused to listen to advice, persistently explored the secret room of the manor, and finally fell to his ammonia-filled pool of tears.

   Amid the laughter of everyone, it seemed that they could smell the ‘fragrance’ of ammonia.

   "Sheldon, wake up!"

   Adam avoided the tears of ammonia and squatted to wake Sheldon.

   "Help me, the skeleton has spoken."

   Sheldon clutched Adam's arm tightly.

   "It's not the skeleton talking, it's me."

   Adam soothed.

   "It's not you, it's the skeleton, that!"

   Sheldon trembled and pointed to the skeleton of the skeleton still hanging over there.

   "Yes, it's me."

   Adam said, holding the phone to operate, the skeleton opened his mouth again: "Did you see it? It's me!"

   This time, Sheldon heard Adam's voice because he didn't deliberately change his voice.


   Sheldon saw that someone was controlling, and immediately got up, glanced at the skeleton, then at Adam, and asked with a distorted expression: "It's all you scaring me?!"

"Of course it is me."

   Adam murmured: "Otherwise, who wants to take care of you at night? To be honest, ghosts all dislike you. If you don't believe me, ask everyone?"

   "This can't be true anymore!"

   Everyone nodded in sympathy.

   "Sheldon, you go back to take a shower and change clothes."

   Penny pinched her nose and kindly reminded her.

   "oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear..."

   Sheldon lowered his head and saw that the hygienic disorder suddenly broke out, and he screamed and ran to his room.

   "This is really the most interesting vacation."

   "Yes, next Halloween, we can also consider doing it again."


   Leonard, who was fed up with Sheldon, began to think about it.

   "Adam, this skeleton is really real."

  Penny is looking at the skeleton hanging there with a cable: "Next Saturday is Halloween. I will have a Halloween party in the apartment. Can you borrow this skeleton from me?"

"Feel sorry."

   Adam shook his head and said: "This really doesn't work. Actually, if Sheldon hadn't had to play the secret game tonight, I wouldn't have used it as a prop."


   Penny is puzzled.

   "You don't want to know."

   Adam manipulated the phone again, and the skeleton began to move backwards on the cable track.

"No way."

   Leonard said with a little fear: "Adam, are you real?"

   "What is it really?"

   Penny still did not respond.

   "This skeleton is not a human skeleton model made of PVC material, it is real!"

   Howard also shrank his neck.


   Penny was shocked: "That's true? How could this be?"

   "You forgot that I am a doctor. There is also a doctor and nurse in this manor."

   Adam explained: "Isn't it reasonable for our medical staff to apply to buy a real skeleton for research and study?"

   "Is it reasonable?"

   Petunia looked at Leonard and them in shock and confusion.


   Leonard saw the goddess like this, and immediately suppressed the fear he had before, raised his neck and said: "In fact, many people want a real one. The reason why there is no one is that non-related researchers are not allowed to apply.

  Second, it is too expensive, and the average researcher does not have the financial resources to buy it.

   Both, Adam is fine.

   It's normal for him to have this. "


   Petunia looked around at these doctors and Howard, who were supposed to be doctors, and didn't know what to say.

   They grew up over Halloween, and they often hung a skeleton frame in the room and outside the door.

   But that's all fake.

  Who would have thought that someone would use it for real.

   "Welcome our ammonia fighters back."

   At this time, Sheldon changed his clothes and rushed over fiercely, and the three Leonards couldn't help but start joking.

   "Be complacent with the scary results, gentlemen and ladies, I think I scared a timid university scholar, but you have forgotten one thing."

   Sheldon said with high spirits: "I'm a Texan through and through. We can fix people. If you don't believe me, just ask the Mexicans..."

   "Don't ask the Mexicans, we trust you."

   Howard was funny and said: "It's just that I have a question and want to ask you..."

   "With your degree, I suggest you ask as much as you can."

   Shelton inserted the knife as always.


Howard's mouth twitched: "My problem is that a Texan who can repair people meets a group of Texans who specialize in repairing people. This Texan who can repair people has been repaired, should take this group of special repair people. What should the Texas people do?"

   said this, everyone looked at Adam.


   Shelton stagnated.

   He forgot that Adam is also a Texan. Peggy, Juneau, and Karen who live in this castle estate are all Texans. The more terrifying little sweet bear is also half of Texas descent.

"Curse you!"

   Sheldon's face was distorted for a while, and he cursed Howard who asked the question.

  Since the problem cannot be solved, solve the person who asked the problem.

   "It's so scary."

   Howard exclaimed, and then said with a weird smile: "Sheldon, do you know what you overlooked?"

"what's up?"

   Sheldon looked at him warily.

   "What makes you fainted by what?"

   Howard looked at Sheldon maliciously.

   "It's a skeleton made of PVC..."

   Sheldon said subconsciously, but seeing Howard's smile and Petunia's sympathetic gaze, I felt a little bit of a nuisance: "Isn't it?"

"of course not."

   Howard gave the answer directly: "Do you look down on Adam? Couldn't he still buy a real human skeleton? Still use PVC?"


   Shelton's tone changed. Under Howard's reminder, the high-definition graphic memory immediately recalled the previous memories, constantly zooming in on the details, then he turned his eyes and fainted again.

   "Poor Sheldon, he should really discuss with his bladder, who is the master?"

   Leonard sighed with a smile.

   "Poor Sheldon, don't make fun of you there, wake him up quickly."

   Penny had experience, and she hugged the fallen Sheldon by a bear.

   "Poor Sheldon."

   Adam shook his head compassionately.

   Now, just looking at it and thinking about it, I am directly shocked and dizzy.

   One of his wishes for the future, Amy, is to be able to buy a real human skeleton for collection.

   Seeing that she likes to look forward to, I'm afraid I can't wait to put it in the bedroom.

   What should Sheldon do?

   As Amy can't afford to buy it?

  As a good friend of Sheldon, Adam will definitely give them a big gift when Sheldon gets married.

   It is a must to give the bride one of her favorite gifts.


   This is simply the most appropriate wedding gift, absolutely nothing to do with bad taste.

   A perfect weekend just passed.

   Before leaving.

   "At my apartment next Saturday, I will have a party, Adam, you also come and have fun."

   Penny invited.

   "Let's watch it then."

   Adam declined and said: "You guys are having fun."

   "Oh, Sheldon, Leonard, you can come here too."

   Petunia followed Adam’s gaze to Leonard and the others, and invited by the way.

   "Party? Party for men and women?"

   Howard was immediately refreshed.

   "Uh, there are boys and girls."

   Penny explained disgustingly, and continued to look at Leonard: "It's just a gathering of friends, drinking beer and dancing."


   Leonard hesitated as soon as he heard it, but he remembered Howard took him to the dance studio when he was broken in love and glared at his teachers and ladies: "I don't know, dance, maybe we are not suitable..."

"Do not!"

   Shelton refused decisively.

   "Really? That's a Halloween party, it's fun."

   Penny invited politely again.

   "Halloween party? Masquerade?"

   Leonard and others got excited when they heard this.

  On the way back, I kept asking this and that, and as soon as I got home, I started to set off for the sewing machine to prepare Halloween costumes.

  As the **** two thorn apes, many of their clothes are sewn by themselves.

   Because only in this way can they achieve their ideal state.

   One week passed quickly.

   Sunday night.

   Adam received a call from Petunia and came over to take a look.

  TBBT4A apartment.

   On the sofa, Sheldon sat on the throne, and Leonard sat on the other side, empty in the middle.

   Howard stood in the open kitchen and watched the scene grinningly.

"What's wrong?"

   Adam opened the door and saw this scene. He couldn't help but smiled: "I heard Petunia say that Leonard is having a conflict with Sheldon. What is the strange thing that happened?"


   Shelton and Leonard's conflict is a routine operation.

   And Leonard took the initiative to quarrel with Sheldon, that's really strange.

   "How do I know, you ask why he always contradicts me?"

   Shelton said innocently.

   "I always have conflicts with you?!"

   Leonard's voice suddenly rose.


   Sheldon was very sure, righteous and confident.

   "...Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

   Leonard airway.

"what is the problem?"

   Adam sat down and looked at Leonard: "Is it because of the Halloween party last night?"

"of course."

   When Howard mentioned the party, he couldn't help but answer: "Penny's catwoman last night is definitely the most successful one..."

"she is not."

   Adam looked at him and smiled slightly.


   Howard stagnated, then looked at Adam with envy and jealousy.

   "Why did Sheldon annoy you last night?"

   Adam looked at Leonard again.

   "Yes, you say it."

   Sheldon said in a puzzled way: "I kept risking my life to support you last night!"

   "You risked your life to stand up for me?"

   Leonard shouted: "When I almost started a fight with Petunia’s ex-boyfriend, you would only hide behind me.

   Then after he was persuaded by Petunia to leave, he corrected the fact that he thought I was a fairy but mine was a hobbit. Is this also called supporting me? "

   "Doesn't that count?"

   Sheldon's eyes widened and shouted louder.

   "...I don't want to see your face."

   Leonard turned his head away, not wanting to see Sheldon.

   "There should be other reasons, right?"

   Adam smiled and said: "Leinard, let's talk about it, I will judge, no matter what, I will stand by your side."


   Sheldon exclaimed indignantly.

   "Because I'm sure, no matter what the reason, it is definitely your fault."

   Adam affirmed.

   Sheldon stared at Adam.

   Adam ignored him.

   "Actually, I can't blame Sheldon..."

   Leonard was a little embarrassed when he saw this, and said embarrassingly: "I have a reason too."

   "Let's talk about it then."

   Adam is curious.

   There is no such thing in my memory.

   This must belong to his butterfly effect.

   "Penny's ex-boyfriend also came over at the Halloween party last night. We had a duel and we ended up unhappy."

   Leonard began to tell: "After I went back, I became more and more angry. I thought I could use this party to go a step further with Penny. Who would have thought of making a fuss like that."

   "I also brought you a cup of hot tea and comforted you to stop being sad and want to talk."

   Sheldon couldn't help but interject: "Although I can only say this, it is something you don't want to talk about."

"I know."

   Leonard became even more embarrassed: "After Sheldon left, Penny came over, and she apologized to me, and talked about her and that bastard, and started crying..."

"Then what?"

   Howard was excited when he heard it: "Did you hug her? Is it light? Regular? French?"

   "What's wrong with you?"

  Leinard looked at such a wretched Howard, spitting out disgust.

   "I am a romantic."

   Howard said without shame: "Apart from these, what else can you do?"

   "She cried and leaned in my arms, I said she was perfect, she said no, I insisted, she was moved, and then we were relieved..."

   Leonard recollected.

   "Let me just say it."

   Howard showed a plainly wretched expression: "What about below?"

   "Then I asked something that I regretted my whole life."

   Leonard's expression of regret: "She was full of alcohol, so I asked her how much alcohol she drank.

   then asked her what she is doing now, is it related to drinking and being disappointed with her ex-boyfriend just now? "

   "oh, mygod!"

   When Howard heard it, he looked at Leonard incredulously: "You are such a nerd, what are you doing at this time?

   Replaced by me, I can't say a word! "

"do not talk!"

   Leonard yelled: "I regret that I died, and Petunia woke up from a drunken state, praised me as a genius, praised me as a good person, and hoped everyone would be like me...

   I am really a genius!

   It’s just that if people all over the world are geniuses like me, human beings will not be able to reproduce and will be extinct! "

   "This is the truth!"

   Howard made up the knife. UU reading www.

   "What does this have to do with me?"

   Sheldon wondered: "Why are you angry with me?"

   "Because you are the destroyer of mankind!"

   Leonard exclaimed, "It must be because I have lived with you for a long time and have been influenced by you. That's why I would repeatedly talk about those silly problems that affect the survival of human beings at that time.

   Without you, relying on the relationship between me and Howard, I would usually be influenced by Howard, I would not say anything, I would definitely not regret it like I am now!

   And now under your influence, I am also slow to become a human destroyer!

   Shouldn't I blame you? ! ! "

   "It makes sense."

   Sheldon thought, pursed his lips and nodded, accepting this statement, then his tone changed and he shouted: "But you should feel honored. The Human Destroyer is very domineering when you hear it, OK!

   And without me, you are still useless.

   Otherwise, you and Adam are also friends and are greatly influenced by him.

   Can it be said that Adam and Howard together can not offset my influence on you? "

   Leonard: "..."



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