Daily American Drama - Chapter 332

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:06:25 AM

Chapter 332: 332

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Grey Apartment.

When the party is in progress.

There is a small circle culture in the country.

Even if it was a big party with more than 100 people at the moment, Christina, Meredith, and George finished dancing on the table. After coming down, they just gathered in a room with Bianca, drinking and chatting.

Others are purely instrumental people who drive the atmosphere.

This is Meredith's home, and it is only natural that she does not like such big parties.

For this dispensable atmosphere, after the party, she has to face a messy home, who knows where to find the trash and indescribable things that give her a headache.

What made her hate the most was that Liz, the organizer of the party, was still trapped in the hospital and did the brain surgery they all wanted to do.

In addition to being punished, Meredith simply resumed his previous affiliation, pouring alcohol into his mouth frantically, and screaming frantically from time to time.

"Aren't you jealous?"

Christina looked drunkly at Bianca who was playing with them, and snorted towards Adam who was surrounded by women.

"Why am I jealous?"

Bianca drank a few sips and was more extroverted than usual: "I and Adam are just good friends, not his girlfriend, and he is an animal, and I sometimes wish to be like this."

As soon as these words came out, Christina and Meredith's eyes immediately radiated eight million degrees of gossip.

"How is he animal husbandry?"

"Talk about it."

"It's nothing."

Bianca was not drunk yet, knowing that Adam didn't like her to talk more about secret affairs in her boudoir, quickly stopped the topic.

"There must be something!"

"Everyone is a friend, but also a doctor. I haven't seen anything. What can't you say?"

"Yes, Bianca, don't you treat us as friends?"

How could Christina and the others let her go, you said and I said a word, one is heavier than the other, you have to understand the gossip in their hearts.

This kind of opportunity is rare.

If you change to another man, if you are so powerful, you definitely want everyone to know.

But Adam is too low-key, he is obviously very powerful, but he doesn't seem to want others to know that he is powerful.

Mysterious and powerful, is the most attractive to women.

"I can't tell."

Bianca couldn't help himself, so he had to say, "Anyway, I can't take it..."


Both Christina and Meredith were the real old Siji, and they immediately understood, and gave out unexplained exclamations.

"what's happenin?"

George was a little confused when he drank, and looked at a few people puzzled.

I can’t eat it, why is it OMG?

"I'm considering moving out."

Bianca took another sip of wine, some of which couldn’t keep his mouth shut, and vomited: “Otherwise, I’ll work 14 hours a day and work overtime again and again when I go back. I feel like my body is falling apart. If any of them can I really don't care if I hit Adam."

Not everyone has the endurance of Adam's "Just You Show".

Look at Meredith's serious lack of rest time since she got engaged with Dr. Shept. For the first time she held the heart so stimulating, she was able to snooze and almost killed someone. You know Bianca's mood. .

Bianca enjoys the feeling that Adam brings, but that thing is not the whole of life.

Studying medicine has been her dream since childhood.

Her father is a dentist, and many of her friends are doctors, which is why she graduated from medical school and planned to go back to Chicago for an internship.

Since she was in the circle of doctors, she has heard her father being teased by doctor friends, "Dentist is not a doctor", which is deeply imprinted in her heart.

Therefore, she has always wanted to be a surgeon, standing at the top of the chain of medical contempt, and giving her father a face.

If the happiness that Adam brings to her affects this dream, Bianca cannot accept it.

She is a human being, not a rat that pierces the electrode into the nerve control area of ​​the brain that controls the heart excitement, and then hands the control button to it and it will be pressed until a dead mouse.


Meredith's passionate eyes were instantly watery.

Mr. Dream is also very good, but based on her old Si Ji's experience, she can completely control it.

For the dignity of the other man's man, she even coaxed him with superb acting skills.

I can't remember how many men I have experienced before, and I have never met such a man.


If she is before twenty-four or five, she will try it anyway.

But now she and Mr. Dream are very affectionate, and the injured racer in the last dead baby car game sneaked and kissed her after being seen by Mr. Dream, Mr. Dream’s jealousy was greater than expected, and he absolutely couldn’t accept this. Open romance.

Bianca was also looking at them drunkly.

Her words were true, but she didn't tell Adam's dissatisfaction with them. She thought amusedly: "Even if you give you a chance, you have nothing to do."

On the surface, Adam calmly dealt with the extra enthusiastic female colleagues after get off work, but deep down in his heart, he was frantically complaining, and he made up his mind to attend this kind of party as little as possible.

It's too boring.

In various senses...

The principle of not having close contact with female colleagues in the hospital became a red line after Barney played him the first short video.

That's right!

Barney took the first step in a lame position.

And take the video as evidence.

Barney lives in a separate VIP ward and has the conditions for committing crimes. With his eloquence, willingness to spend money, and good looks, it is not difficult to deceive some pretty little nurses with casual styles.

The difficulty is that, in order to convince Adam, Barney has to let the other party accept him as Stinson's teacher once he is deceived.

Fortunately, Barney's lie came with his mouth open.

Adam heard that in the first video, when the little nurse saw that his phone was flashing against them, he asked him if he was shooting with the phone on, and he casually used'That's because the phone is dead' to fool him. Passed.

The party ended soon.

Everyone is at the bottom of the hospital's ecological chain. You must get up early to work tomorrow. Naturally, it is impossible to play all night like Ted Barney and the others.

The party started at seven o'clock, and some people left at nine o'clock. At ten o'clock, only Meredith and the people who lived here ~ faced the house full of garbage.

The next day.

The daily routine of the intern doctor continues.

When an intern in the emergency department squatted in the bathroom, squatted and fell asleep, the joke spread throughout the hospital, combined with Meredith’s nap, punctured the patient’s heart, and Dr. Burke rushed to leave the towel in the patient’s body. All cases reveal that doctors work too long.

In order to avoid more medical accidents caused by being too sleepy and damage the reputation and money of the hospital, the hospital board quickly passed the mandatory regulations.

It is Adam's guess that a week cannot exceed 80 hours at the most for the 566 mode of blessing.

Then Adam and the others ushered in the first weekend rest day of the interns.

Just as he was about to take advantage of this time to gather with Chandler and the others, he received a call.


Adam answered the phone in amazement.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!