Daily American Drama - Chapter 405

Published at 31st of October 2021 11:04:12 AM

Chapter 405: 405

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Send away happy Rachel.

Before the operation was performed on the female patient whose brainstem tumor had almost died, Adam went to see Mr. Dean.

"how do you feel?"


Mr. Dean leaned there, holding a pen and paper in his hand, as if he was drawing something. He saw Adam coming in, put down the pen and paper, looked at Adam, and thanked him sincerely.

"Doctor Duncan, I know all about it, I'm so grateful to you, you saved my life."

"You're welcome, this is what our doctor should do."

Adam smiled.

This is the truth.

A prompt of +0.01 in the system is sufficient.

Not to mention the significant increase in influence in the hospital.

"Mr. Dean is drawing the scene where Dr. Duncan rescued him."

The nurse couldn't help but reminded.


Adam couldn't help looking at the pen and paper on Mr. Dean's lap.

"I like to draw a few strokes in my hobby."

Mr. Dean smiled: "When I heard the thrilling story that happened to me, I had a strong urge to paint it."

"Can you take a look?"

Adam asked.

"of course."

Mr. Dean handed the drawing paper to Adam.

"It's so good."

Adam exclaimed.

In the end, the education received from childhood is different. Any amateur painting enthusiast can have such a level.

Of course, it may also be related to the near-death encounter.

The improvement of the mood makes the paintings full of appeal.


The profile of this doctor in the picture is so handsome!

"Doctor Duncan, I hope you can accept this painting by then."

Mr. Dean said.


Adam hesitated.

"Dr. Duncan, Mr. Dean is not a professional painter. His paintings have not been sold. They are just small gifts. It doesn't matter."

The nurse actively dispelled Adam's concerns.

American doctors are also not allowed to accept bribes.

At least not on the surface!

Otherwise, it's like allowing the teacher to run a cram school.

Once let go, most teachers will keep a hand in class and put the most important knowledge in their own cram school.

Isn't it true that the students who don't spend money to enter his cram school can't keep up?

The same goes for doctors.

Once you let go, the doctor will certainly not pay attention to you when it does not give you enough benefits.

Even some people who have no medical ethics directly put to death those who should have been able to save their lives.

The gossip spread.

Who is going to have an operation and dare not give a heavy gift?

I'm afraid that it won't work if doctors with a real conscience don't accept this.

Then it will be a vicious circle.

"Thank you very much, then."

Adam thought for a while, but didn't refuse this kindness.

This painting is just a casual work of amateurs. It is not a high-value gift. It is also a scene of Adam saving him. It is no problem to accept it.

At that time, Adam will be the attending doctor himself and will open his own clinic. This painting can be displayed in the clinic as Adam's honour.

This is also a routine operation of American doctors.

When some celebrities meet, they will also ask for autographs and group photos.

Doctors who do not have enough morals will secretly ask celebrity patients to sign not too personal.

For example, only sign and thank you on celebrity photos, books, and CDs, but don’t write words like ‘to Dr. Duncan’.

The celebrity patients also understood that they knew that the doctor was going to use this to sell it online.

Generally, they will not refuse.

There are also more weird doctors who collect things from the patients' stomachs.

For example, the doctor who performed the operation on Jobs in the Big Bang Theory kept Jobs' gallstones as a precious collection, which made Leonard and the others envious.

There are also patients who like to swallow all kinds of things. The doctors take these things out of the rectum, or put various things directly in and the doctors take them out of the rectum.

The doctors will put these things in a basket at the nurse's station.

This basket has a name: **** basket.

People who don’t know will take some good-looking and valuable ones with them.

Bald Chris has done this kind of weird thing.

When his relationship with Kara, a nurse in the internal medicine department, got closer, in order to show his sincerity, Kara asked him to choose a gift that could represent his understanding of her.

But he was originally bald, even if he scratched his hair, he could only think of sending flowers and chocolates, which were nothing new and personal gifts.

There is no other way but to find an expert.

And there happened to be one beside him: Adam!

Adam did not live up to his trust and spoke out the gift he should give: a beautiful pen.

Because Carla likes to write, all her letters are handwritten, which she finds more humane.

The idea is really good.

It turns out that Cara really loves this gift, and on the spot, he said that since Bald Chris touched her soul, don't treat her as a person tonight.

Come whatever you want!

You're welcome!

But Bald Chris was so busy that he forgot after thinking about it.

When Kara's agreed time came, he remembered that he hadn't bought it yet, and then he saw that there was a very delicate pen in the nurse's **** basket.

He didn't know this tradition. He thought it was a lost basket, so he asked the nurse if he could use it for emergency.

The nurses like to tease these rookie doctors the most, so naturally they won't tell him the truth and nodded grinningly.

So, he gave this very exquisite but very flavorful pen as a gift to his girlfriend.



God can be a girl, and the Buddha can also be of African descent.

After checking the room and knowing that Mr. Dean's physical data had no problems, Adam went to the operating room with the joy of receiving such a gift for the first time.

"Duncan, O'Malley, come with me to see the patient's family later."

Dr. Sheputt reminded: "Remember! Don't mention later that she was not rescued and was sent directly to the operating room for organ harvesting."


George, who had a sense of justice, called out immediately.

"The patient just needs to know that we are trying our best to rescue her."

Dr. Sheppert said helplessly: "In fact, we are indeed trying our best to rescue aren't we?"

"That's just us!"

George retorted: "The Hans doctor at Wicks Hospital and the doctor just now have no meaning at all. They almost killed her!"

"This matter is not easy to explode."

Dr. Sheppert said with a headache: "Otherwise, the impact will be too bad. It will be a blow to the image of all doctors and the image of the medical profession. One less organ donor will result in several patients who will not receive effective treatment."

"But it's not right!"

George was unconvinced: "Adam, what do you think?"

"I listen to the hospital."

Adam calmly said.

George looked at Adam incredulously: "Adam, you!"

Adam looked at him calmly.

Of course he knew that this was wrong.

But is this the only injustice in society?

I really want to take care of everything, and bump into it regardless of everything, just for fairness and justice.

Not to mention that Adam is just a small traverser with a trash system. He has only been a billionaire after mixing for almost ten years.

Even if he was Long Aotian and really dared to do this, he would definitely be taught how to be a man by the society every minute.

The shady and power of U.S. medical care, but the true dragon proud of Midi was withered.

All Adam can do is to do good deeds within his reach.

Not much at all, not much at all.

This is also the rule he has explored to extend the life of the system.

Otherwise, how many lives could be saved by spending money on charity with his current wealth?

But just because he didn't personally face the good deeds he had done personally, the system didn't recognize it at all.

Mr. Dean, he met, and he tried his best to help.

He met this woman who was almost dead, and tried his best to help.

But it is limited to this.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!