Daily American Drama - Chapter 609

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:58:05 AM

Chapter 609: 609

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Medical center.



"what's the situation?"

Adam saw a man dragging an old man in with his hands difficultly, and immediately greeted him.

"He was in my restaurant. He just finished brunch and fell down suddenly, shaking his whole body and rolling his eyes, as if he was having a seizure."

The man holding the old man quickly introduced.

"Are you a restaurant manager?"

Adam took the old man to the push bed, and asked while checking.


The restaurant manager took out a business card from his pocket and stuffed Adam: "If he's okay, please call me. It's a shame to say it, but he hasn't paid for the $35 champagne steak dinner."

"It's not right, it's not epilepsy, nurse, scalpel!"

Adam had already guessed the context of his arrival at this time, winked at the restaurant manager, and then shouted.

"Yes, Doctor Duncan."

The nurse was very clever and took it very cooperatively.

The old man who was originally lying on the push bed in a coma, was so scared that he immediately opened one eye to take a peek.


When the restaurant manager saw this scene, he still didn't understand that the old man pretended to be sick and wanted to eat the King’s meal, so he rushed over with itchy hatred.


The old man turned over and jumped off the push bed with his hands and feet quickly, avoiding the fist of the restaurant manager, and gestured with a hippie smile: "It's just a meal, don't get excited."

"You old bastard!"

The restaurant manager said angrily: "Not only did I eat the King’s meal, but also wasted so much time and energy. I will not let you go."

When he came here just now, he was very worried about the impact of this incident on the restaurant and whether it might be a problem with the restaurant’s food.

"You call the police and catch me."

Lao Lai said indifferently, then glared at Adam: "You bastard, you dare to lie to me!"

He has tried this trick countless times, and he has never been seen through by doctors and nurses at first sight, nor has he been exposed by doctors and nurses afterwards.


Adam was too lazy to talk to this kind of person, and shouted directly.

As soon as Lao Lai saw the hospital security coming here, he immediately ran away.

If he is really not afraid of the police, he will not pretend to be sick.

The prison food in the American drama world is not so delicious.

Seeing many patients in the corridor, Lao Lai was in a posture of grabbing people and things to avoid. Adam stepped away, grabbed him, lifted him in the air, and handed him to the security guard.

"Talk to the police officer. He disturbed the normal order of the hospital."

Adam looked at Lao Lai as a rogue like "barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes", and exhorted the security guard.

"I see, Doctor Duncan."

The security guards naturally recognized Adam and immediately understood what Adam meant.

"What do you mean, you want to retaliate against me..."

Lao Lai panicked as soon as he heard it.

He is a human spirit, so I can't hear the meaning of asking the police to punish him heavily in Adam's words, and it seems that Adam is not an ordinary doctor from the security guard's attitude towards Adam.

The two security guards held him one by one and left.

People were all caught by Dr. Duncan and handed over to them. If they still can't do things well, then they will be some kind of security guards.

"What an old bastard!"

The nurse scolded bitterly.


Adam sighed and shook his head.

This kind of person is a waste of medical resources.

But many times the doctor knew that he was pretending, but they could only cooperate with him.

No one wants to cause trouble.

This kind of barefoot rascal who is not afraid of wearing shoes, once ordinary people get psoriasis, a group of disgusting.

Just like those who have silver plating come to the hospital to ask for an analgesic injection, often the doctor knows what the situation is, but they can only give him a shot.

Because his pain is real.

If you don't give him pain relief, he can sue you.

There are so many people with Western poison in the whole rice, and this kind of deception and waste of medical resources in hospitals abound.

Take a glimpse and see the whole leopard.

It's no wonder that the huge empire will be half-dead by the malignant tumor that has grown into a behemoth in the future.

"Doctor Duncan, it's ten o'clock, seminar time."

The nurse came over to remind.

"Thank you, Daisy."

Adam raised his hand to check the time, thanked the nurse Daisy, and walked to the room where the seminar was located.

Doctor is a profession that requires continuous learning.

Large hospitals often organize learning classes on new technologies and new instruments to help doctors learn better.

"How come?"

Not surprisingly, Christina came here early.

She likes studying best.

"I met an old Lai..."

Adam briefly said the matter.

"You don't care what he does for this kind of thing, just pretend not to know."

Christina said casually, then her eyes brightened and she pushed Adam: "Look, the director is here."


"Doctor Duncan."


"Doctor Yang."

Adam and Christina greeted Richard, the director of surgery.

"You two are really the best among the interns."

Richard, the director of surgery, admired: "Not to mention talent, it is the spirit of learning that is worth learning by all interns."

"Director, are you coming to class too?"

Seeing that the director also took out a notebook, Christina couldn't help asking.

"This is a good review course and it will be very interesting."

Richard, the director of surgery, smiled.

Adam poked Christina secretly and winked her.

"Today we will learn all the skills of laparoscopic surgery, starting from the operation of basic instruments..."

The lecturer started the class. After introducing the basic situation, he entered the practice session: "Who wants to be the first to try..."

Before she finished speaking, Christina's hand was already raised high.

"Okay, Doctor Yang, please start."

The doctor in charge pointed to the smiling Christina and motioned for her to try first.

"Very good, Doctor Yang."

Christina's operation was praised by the lecturer.

"Director, pay attention to your grip and relax."

The lecturer walked behind the director of surgery and pointed out.

Adam glanced at it, just when he saw the director's smile gradually solidify, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

Christina stared at the experiment screen, operated the laparoscopic surgical instrument, clamped a marble in the specified direction, and accurately put it into a small mouth.

"I'm done, I'm the first!"

After Christina finished, she immediately put down the instrument, raised her hands, and exclaimed in joy.

The solidified smile on the director's face couldn't be stretched either, he straightened his face black, pursed his mouth, and stared at the display screen to operate seriously.

"Doctor Yang, you are not the first."

The lecturer reminded: "Dr. Duncan was the first one, but after he was finished, he kept repeating the process of proficiency."


Christina stunned, and then ran to Adam to take a look. Sure enough, she saw Adam repeating this process over and over again. It was fast and accurate, and she couldn't compare to her at all.

"Speed ​​and precision are not the most important."

Adam reminded: "Basics are the most important thing. Don't be stunned there. Practice for a while. It's best to be familiar with muscle memory."

Seeing this, Christina's endless joy of defeating the director of surgery disappeared, and she could only go back and repeat the process in shock.

The morning study is over.



Adam and Christina were dining, George and Meredith were talking about Leeds, and Richard, the director of surgery, suddenly sat over.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

"Dr. Yang, Dr. Duncan, you are embarrassing me in the morning."

The director of surgery, Richard Pi, said without a smile: "My hands are a bit rusty recently."


Adam smiled and said: "The director's foundation is definitely the most solid, and that is the key to the operation."

"you're right!"

The director of surgery pointed to Adam, looked around at the crowd, and said with a smile: "Dr. Duncan said well, the foundation is the most important thing."

Seeing everyone watching him silently, just like the employees who couldn't let go of the leadership present, the director of surgery was also a bit embarrassed. He left a sentence and left directly with the dinner plate: "See you in the afternoon!"

"I really make him ugly, haha!"

After Christina waited for the director to leave, the endless joy of not seeing Adam defeating the surgical director before the operation came to mind again in the morning.

"Just keep a low profile."

Adam reminded: "So high-profile embarrassing the director in public, be careful that he puts on you shoes."

"I'm just telling the Am I faster than him?"

Christina retorted: "And you are not the same, we will compare this afternoon?"

"No, I won't go this afternoon."

Adam shook his head.


Christina exclaimed: "You don't really do it to protect the director's face? We are doctors and we are pursuing technology. It is something to be proud of to be able to defeat the director."


Adam smiled reservedly: "I just don't need to go anymore."


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