Daily American Drama - Chapter 654

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:56:49 AM

Chapter 654: 654

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Medical center.

Anna, who learned the unfortunate news, was naturally dumbfounded.

However, under the affectionate offensive of the little romantic prince, he soon accepted Ted's proposal with mixed sadness and joy.

It's just that the date has been moved to tomorrow night.

no way.

Time is too hasty.

The next day night.

The big hotel next to the medical center.

The place where Rachel got married last time.

It was another emergency wedding organized by Adam.

Adam was naturally also after get off work, so he simply cleaned up and came over.

When I arrived at the scene, Kate was there.

"Things are terrible?"

Adam understood when he saw Kate's expression.

"It's worse than expected."

Kate paled and said, "You are right! Those photos with eyes open are buried alive. The opened coffin board is covered with **** scratches.

Almost all the dead had their eyes open, their eyes full of despair and fear.

The message could not be blocked.

The people in the town were scared mad.

Many people left overnight.

Many family members who were buried alive were mad and vowed to kill Eliot Deakin.

One by one assembled with guns, preparing to attack the police station.

The police officers didn't want to protect him at all. What's more, they kept the door for the family members who were about to attack the police station.

If it weren't for ours, if he was sent away in time, he would have died in the town.

Just this, several people were injured.

There are angry family members as well as ours.

Throughout the town, adults and children cried.

It's too awful! "

"Nor can you blame the people in town."

Adam sighed: "Most people do this."

Instead of him, he would not shoot Eliot Dickon directly, but would catch him, heal his body in his own way, inject him with hydrating sleeping pills, and then bury him alive.

Even if Eliot Dickon was calm, as long as he was still an individual and had human survival instincts, in that environment, he would not do better than those victims.

He will truly feel the feelings of the people he hurts.

Even Adam would monitor the movement inside, and immediately rescue him if he is dying.

Then keep repeating and repeating.

In contrast, the families of these victims just wanted to shoot him and they were too restrained.

Kate was silent.

Although she is an enforcer, she believes in the law and believes that everything must be done in accordance with the law.

But the tragedy in the town was really shocking.

Even her knowledgeable and veteran detective had a nightmare when she fell asleep last night and woke up again and again.

With her, she really can't say whether she can abide by the law.

"He didn't deny it?"

Adam asked.

"He admitted it all."

Kate looked bad: "Very calm and frank, and straightforward to say everything he has done over the years, clearly organized, you can't imagine who his first victim was."

"His relatives?"

Adam took a breath.


Kate shocked: "It's his mother!"


Adam asked.

"He is a single-parent family, and his mother has ignored him since he was a child."

Kate said: "I only knew that I was sitting there watching TV for a long time. In his eyes, his mother was a walking dead. One night, he sent her away, then he was only ten years old.

No one thought he did it, and no one cared about them.

When he grew up, he went to join the army.

On the battlefield, he learned enough.

After returning, he married briefly.

Then I experienced bereavement.

In grief, he awakened his former hobby.

Such killings made him feel that he was a responsible man of heaven.

In order to do better, he also opened a funeral home.

Has been doing it for more than 20 years.

The criminal psychology consultant in our bureau told us that he has a serious mental illness, and there is no regret or sympathy. He really thinks so! "


This is the return of the true God of War!

Become a lunatic after returning!

"It's a pity that this is New York!"

Adam shook his head.

Kate glanced at him and understood what he meant.

There is no death penalty in New York.

"By the way, you remind my first responders and the inspecting doctor."

Kate said with a heavy face: "I really found out the problem."

"Is there really an interest entanglement?"

Adam's eyes narrowed.

This is not good news.

"It's not an interest entanglement."

Kate shook his head: "It's scarier than that. There is a first responder who is his believer and has been helping him with things!"


Adam cursed directly.

This is the worst result.

He is not afraid of interest entanglement, because compared to his ability to make money, this interest can't move him at all.

But in this case, he couldn't help but not worry about it.

"Kate, you must thoroughly investigate all of his affairs this time, and you can't let go of any details."

Adam said awe-inspiring: "I will help you analyze it together."

"I know."

Kate originally wanted to make a joke, but seeing Adam being so serious, he immediately understood Adam's importance and worry, and nodded: "Don't worry, I won't let him hurt you."

"I am not afraid of myself."

Adam said with a headache: "What I worry about is my family and relatives and friends. It seems that it was correct that I did not accept the interview yesterday. No, I have to increase my efforts and erase me as much as possible from this matter."

In the United States, many perverted criminals like to follow celebrities who are involved in crimes, and want to play a game with you at every turn.

In many cases, this passively involved celebrity can't die, but his relatives and friends have died in a large amount, which is horrible.

Adam naturally couldn't let this happen.

Thinking of this, Adam called his assistant Ida, and asked her to use relationships and connections, as well as Adam's authorized banknote ability, to dilute Adam's existence in this matter and eliminate traces as much as possible.

"Start now."

Hanging up the phone, Adam ignored the upcoming wedding, took Kate to the corner, and urged: "Tell all the information you know, and we will start analyzing now."

Kate is also used to talking to Adam about cases that should be kept secret, because Adam's super brain can always find details and clues that she ignores.

Coupled with Adam's strong combat effectiveness, Kate often lamented afterwards that Adam should be a police officer, and he must be a super detective and evil nemesis by then.

It's a pity that Adam has no interest in this.

It was a pity for Kate.

Now that Adam is so active to participate in the analysis of the case, she naturally has no objection to avoid her tongue.

Adam listened to Kate's detailed case story. After the wedding, he went directly to Kate's apartment. He read more case files overnight, and he was full of brainpower to help analyze.

It was the same for the next week.

Fortunately fortunately, this tragic and vicious incident is very important in terms of confidentiality, and it severely restricts Eliot Deakin's apprenticeship.

After all, for the sake of privacy and loneliness, the scope of communication is really limited.

For so many years, just by accident, he accepted the first responder who had nearly the same experience as his apprentice.

And it was cultivated since childhood.

Adam used various relationships to assist the police in a comprehensive investigation to ensure that nothing was missing.

This was relieved.

The unknown is the most terrible.

When everything is under control, it's actually no big deal.

The first aid apprentice did not have the luck of Eliot Dickon. The news leaked out immediately and was directly found by angry family members. He couldn't escape and was shot to death that night.

:. : M.x

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