Published at 5th of October 2022 06:02:45 AM

Chapter 323

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Han Bin and sun Xiaopeng went to the taxi company first and found the driving records of Ma Chaoran and Fang Ping.

Then he drove to the southern suburb of the city and found the place where Ma Chaoran and his wife got off.

Before long, Zeng Ping also led the police dog brigade and technical team.

It's not a Labrador, it's a brown and white spenger.

Spenger is not big, but its athletic ability and endurance are quite outstanding. After some training, it usually takes on the job of searching.

Han Bin takes out Zhang Zihan's clothes and hands them to the dog trainer, who is responsible for letting the police dog smell the source.

Although police dogs don't bite people, they sometimes have the same temper as children. In order not to affect their search work, Han Bin keeps a certain distance from spenger dogs.

After sniffing the source, the dog trainer gave an order: "search!"

The spenger dog ran out with a little bump, followed by the dog trainer, and Han Bin and others were separated by several meters.

Here are basically hillsides, with bare trees, yellow leaves piled up below, and "chucking" on the ground.

After walking about 100 meters, the Spaniel stopped, sniffed on the ground with his nose, and then looked at the trainer with a pair of innocent big eyes.

The dog trainer took out Zhang Zihan's clothes again, let the dog smell it, and then let it continue to search.

Sniffing the scent track on the ground, the spenger went on for more than 100 meters and stopped again.

The dog trainer asked him to smell the source of the smell and ordered, "Peng Peng, search!"

After walking more than ten meters, he turned right again, walked more than twenty meters, continued to turn right, and walked more than twenty meters.

The trainer stopped the spaniel, calmed him down, and let him hear the news again.


The spenger sniffs the ground and goes on again.

However, after walking ten or twenty meters, he began to turn to the right, as if he had lost his scent.

"Team Zeng, the police dog seems to be spinning in place." Han Bin frowned.

Zeng Ping nodded and went to the dog trainer: "is the trace smell missing?"

"It may be that the smell has disappeared, or there may be a pungent smell nearby, which affects the judgment of the police dog." The trainer stroked the dog's head.

After a bit of pacification, he tried again, but the Spaniel still revolved around.

Zeng Ping asked the dog trainer to take the spenger dog to the police car for a rest. He, Han Bin and sun Xiaopeng stayed nearby.

"As you can see, we can't count on police dogs. We have to do it ourselves." Zeng Ping Road.

"I suggest that we search around the police dog to see if we can find any clues." Han Bin said.

"I'm going east." Zeng Ping Road.

"I'm going south." Han Bin said.

Sun Xiaopeng went to the north.

Han Bin observed the surrounding terrain. The hillsides were covered with trees. The trunk was straight and smooth, and it was a little more than ten meters high. With the palm leaves of heart shape, Han Bin judged it should be Wutong tree.

Han Bin turned around and found nothing unusual.

At this time, not far away came a cry: "Zeng team, Han group, I have found here."

Han Bin walked in the direction of sun Xiaopeng: "what's the matter?"

"A cigarette end was found here." Sun Xiaopeng pointed to the ground not far away.

Han Bin put on gloves and picked up the cigarette end: "who would come here to smoke in such a remote place?"

"Could it be the suspect." Sun Xiaopeng guessed.

"Team Zeng, what do you think?" Han Bin asked.

"Look around and search carefully. Maybe you'll find something." Zeng Ping Road.

Then, Han Bin took a branch and scraped away all the fallen leaves around him. The leaves were very thick, and the work was not easy.

"Han Zu, I'll do it." Sun Xiaopeng still has the eyesight, took the stick in Han Bin's hand, and then did it.

Han Bin is also happy and relaxed, standing aside to observe.

Sun Xiaopeng scraped away the fallen leaves, revealing the land below.

After a while, sun Xiaopeng cleared out a large space.

"Stop." Han Bin suddenly stopped sun Xiaopeng and said, "you have footprints in front of you on the right. Don't destroy them."

Zeng Ping also came over, footprints are very miscellaneous, several footprints overlap together.

"These footprints are very strange. There are no footprints in other places. There are several footprints in the half meter square place." Sun Xiaopeng was puzzled.

Zeng Ping squatted down to have a look, and said with a smile: "this piece should have been dug. The soil layer is relatively soft. In order to tamp the earth, the diggers stepped on it hard to leave footprints."

Zeng Ping finished, took out his mobile phone, made a phone call and called the technical team.The technical team collected the shoe print, dug the soil beneath the shoe print, and found a black plastic bag containing a scarf and a small leather bag, containing a mobile phone and perfume, a small mirror and a powder bag.

Han Bin wrinkled his nose: "how fragrant."

"the perfume bottle is covered with a lid. It's just because black plastic bags and leather bags lock the aroma. It may not be heard for us, but the police dog must smell it." Zeng Ping explained.

"Since the police dog smelled it, why not dig it out?" Sun Xiaopeng was puzzled.

"police dog smell is millions of times of human beings. We smell pungent perfume, which is very stimulating to police dogs, but it will affect the search of police dogs." Zeng Ping said.

"No wonder police dogs only search around, but dare not approach." Sun Xiaopeng showed a sudden look.

Han Bin put the mobile phone into a plastic bag, and then opened the mobile phone. A picture of a beautiful young woman appeared on the screen saver. It was Zhang Zihan, the victim of the case.

"The mobile phone belongs to Zhang Zihan, so this scarf is probably the murder weapon to kill her."

Zeng Ping gave the material evidence to the technical team, and told them to identify the first time after returning to the branch.

After another search, they left the scene without finding any more clues.

Han Bin took out a packet of ham from the car as a reward for the spenger dog. If it had not found the general scope, the police would have more difficulties in searching.

On the way back to the branch office, Han Bin's mobile phone rings: "Ding Ling Ling..."

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and saw the number of Li Hui on the screen.


"Binzi, where are you?"

"On the way back to the branch, did you catch Ma Chaoran and Fang Ping?" Han Bin asked.

"It's necessary. You don't see who leads the team."

"Efficiency is OK." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Did you find the murder weapon and cell phone?"

"Found, Zhang Zihan's mobile phone and a scarf, as for whether the murder weapon, also need to be tested."

"Binzi, I have another thing to report to you."

"What's the matter?"

"Let Tian Li tell you." Li Hui finished and handed the mobile phone to Tian Li.

"Han Zu, Tian Ruini just called me."

"What did she say?"

"She asked me, if I go to the branch now, is it a surrender?" Tian Li asked.

"Did she say what she had committed?"

"This one is not."

"Where is she now?" Han Bin asked.

"She refused to say. I advised her to turn herself in and tell her that she would be lenient as long as she confessed." Tian Li Road.

"Well done." Han Bin answered and asked, "where are you now?"

"We'll be at the branch in a minute."

"When you call Tian Ruini, you must keep her steady." Han Bin exhorted.


Zeng Ping was nearby. After listening to the conversation on his mobile phone, he asked, "what role did Tian Ruini play in this case?"

"I speculated that the other party might be a witness. Later, I thought carefully that if she was just a witness, she would not have to run. Therefore, she should have something to do with the case. However, I don't think she has much to do with it. The main culprits should be ma Chaoran and Fang Ping." Han Bin analysis.

"What's the motive for the killing?" Zeng Ping asked.

"It's not easy to say. Ma Chaoran is the anchor of shoumai district and Zhang Zihan is the anchor of dance district. Their styles are also different. It's reasonable to say that there is no conflict of interest between them." Han Bin said.

"If there is no conflict, it is likely to be a manslaughter, which is also in line with the characteristics of this case." Zeng Ping said.

"The key now is the identification of the technical team. Since Ma Chaoran and Fang Ping have gone so far to discard their mobile phones and scarves, they must have a lot to do with Zhang Zihan's death." Han Bin takes out a box of cigarettes and hands one to Zeng Ping.

Zeng Ping took the cigarette and said, "by the way, what do you think of Durge?"

Han Bin lit a cigarette and took a puff: "it's very good. I'm experienced and diligent enough."

Zeng Ping took a few puffs of smoke, opened the window and flicked the ash: "there are fewer people in group 2. Now I'm leaving the group. I'm going to transfer Duqi to group 2. What do you think?"

"Naturally, I can't wait for it." Han Bin laughed and asked, "does sister Zhao agree?"

Zeng Ping didn't speak and looked forward thoughtfully.

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