Published at 3rd of December 2021 08:49:55 AM

Chapter 258: 258

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In the 18th century, there were few ways of entertainment, especially Allen, who experienced the great era of entertainment in later generations. But for people of this era, this Caribbean port city is a happy nest. When night fell, a large number of sailors, or pirates who changed their appearance, wandered between pubs and brothels, telling vulgar jokes, drinking low-quality rum, holding prostitutes with crisp breasts in their arms and laughing loudly.

This is the norm during the period of large-scale navigation. Although humans can sail in the ocean, they gamble their lives every time they go to sea. The high income makes them form the habit of crazy enjoyment every time they land.

The noisy environment, smoking and drinking, and the inferior perfume sprayed on the prostitutes love a strange smell. Especially during this period, Europeans did not like to bathe. They were just biochemical poison.

One theory is that they believe that water is the root cause of diseases. The most famous is the Black Death incident. At that time, the black death broke out in Europe, killing tens of millions of people, equivalent to one third of the population of the whole Europe at that time.

Now everyone knows that the black death is the plague. The problem is that people in that era did not know. They saw many people bathing in the bathroom, and they died of illness. They thought the black death was caused by bathing. They were afraid to take a bath.

There is also a saying that the dirtier the body, the closer it is to the god they believe in (I think this is very unreliable, so smelly, the God is also smelled to death...).

It is said that if a person doesn't take a bath all his life, he may be canonized. This atmosphere has led believers not to take a bath in order to become saints

The famous French Sun King Louis XIV took a bath in single digits in his life. His son Louis XV was even worse. He took only three baths in his life, birth, marriage and death. You can imagine the taste of these nobles at that time.

In order to cover up the bad smell of Louis Xiv, the craftsmen invented a spice, which is perfume. The invention of perfume overnight swept through France and spread to the whole continent.

Don't expect this era to be as noble and polite as you think, knights and handsome gentlemen. Those are things that have been beautified many times later. In this era, sailors and pirates have no quality, nor do nobles and kings. Even the king urinated everywhere. It is said that there was no toilet or toilet in the French court. Those nobles solved it in the grass.

Allen came to this era for the first time and was full of curiosity about everything. Only after wandering around once, the reality became more cruel. Although the aristocratic area is also very dirty and at least acceptable, you should be careful in the civilian area anytime and anywhere. Maybe there will be excreta falling from the sky

Therefore, after the residence was built on the hillside, Allen built a perfect drainage system in the manor. Even the road connecting the port was paved with slate, and the black slaves were allowed to clean up every day. The manor also built a bathing place to force everyone to take a bath. Allen didn't want to be surrounded by a group of people who didn't take a bath.

Soon people in the port found that there was no such smell on the black slaves, servants or housekeepers in Allen manor, and the manor was particularly clean and tidy. Although it is out of tune with the people around it, money is advocated in this era, so it is understandable for rich people to have some quirks.

As the richest man in this port, Allen often received invitations from some nobles to attend some banquets. At first, Allen also attended, but the experience of these banquets was not pleasant.

In this era, fashion makes Allen feel hot eyes and destroys his three outlooks. The era of the Sun King has just passed, and their aesthetics still affects the whole of Europe. For example, Louis XIV wore a wig because of hair loss and baldness.

This strange trend swept the whole of Europe. For a time, kings and nobles of all countries were proud to wear wigs. This trend began to spread to the civil army. The nobles of this era would wear wigs on formal occasions. The shape of wigs was very strange and looked like a rolled back book.

Until Allen crossed the era before, this wig was still popular in some industries such as Britain and Xiangjiang.

If you think that wearing only wigs is a fashion, it's a big mistake. You can't imagine the aesthetics of European nobles in this era. In Allen's impression, high-heeled shoes are worn by women who love beauty. In this era, high-heeled shoes are men's favorite, not only high-heeled shoes, but also Ballet skirts, that is, tight pants.

Imagine a forty year old male white nobleman, tall and big, wearing high heels, tight pants, and a wig, with perfume and strong smell. This picture is... Uh, beautiful.

This strange style is the most popular fashion in Europe during this period. The portrait painted by the famous painter yasent Rigo for the Sun King Louis XIV is wearing wigs, tight pants and high heels

After attending several banquets, Allen rarely accepted invitations again. Generally, he only asked the housekeeper to bring a gift to congratulate him.

At first, these nobles also complained about Allen. These Europeans were very realistic. With the development of the era of great navigation, Britain's strength is increasing day by day. This group of British people want their eyes to grow to their heads and look down on human beings in other places except Britain. Allen only used one [spiritual hint], and this group of people tried to please him.

If Jack Sparrow could not arrive at Royal harbor on time because he was afraid that his actions would interfere with the plot, and could not use Captain Jack's good luck to find those things he was interested in, Alan would have patted his ass and left.

He remembered that Jack Sparrow's first appearance was at the banquet at which Captain Norrington, commander of the Royal harbor Navy, was promoted to brigadier general. Now the Colonel Norrington is just a captain of the interceptor, and the Royal Navy is tracking down and arresting rampant pirates in the Caribbean.

After defeating the Spaniards and dominating the Caribbean Sea, the British no longer need pirates. What they need is prosperity and peace. The infrastructure of the Royal port is perfect. Ships go in and out every day. As a business center, those pirates who undermine order are naturally unpopular. Security has become a bottleneck hindering the development of the port. As a result, it is obvious that birds are exhausted and good bows are hidden. The cunning rabbit dies and the running dog cooks.

After all, not everyone has the courage to live in chaotic and dangerous areas.

Captain Jack, the protagonist of this period, has been left on an island. Alan uses prophecy to find him, but what he sees is a fog with no effect. Obviously, he is hidden. The world is not as simple as it seems.

Unable to find Captain Jack, Allen couldn't find the Trident at all, so he had to stay in Royal harbor and wait for him to appear.

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