Published at 22nd of March 2023 05:59:41 AM

Chapter 24

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ACT IThe Failed Prodigy

Chapter 24
The Armadino, The Swamp Toad and To Genas

  Hans felt the need to test out his spells on two more types of beasts, like Sam wrote in the book. Only a few days have passed after his hunt of salamander and he dragged Rudolf to the forest back in search of Armadino, a heavy duty beast which is known for its strength and momentum. It was comparable to the height of an adult human but with a heavy body and armoured with some minerals crystals in its body which protected it like an exoskeleton. According to the information recorded, this beast was capable enough to breach a castle gate on its own with the good enough momentum.

  Hans has never seen this beast, which is said to have the ultimate defence. Hans was not using a direct method that he used in hunting salamander, but more of tracking and trapping approach.

  After their long stay in the forest, they found the tracks of Armadino, which was searching for dew filled grass in the morning like its habit recorded in the bestiary. Hans soon found the spots filled with these grasses and destroyed everything except one where he was setting traps for this heavy duty beast.

  With some freshly dug holes that contained VeganBind inactive seeds, the holes already made the terrain uneven. Armadino can only make his charging momentum on plain grounds, but Hans digging around set some preventive measures against Armadino from charging at him or fleeing at the same time.

  Hans had taken care of one problem, but the VeganBind was not strong enough to restrain this strength oriented beast completely and he knew it too. His SeedBullet also lacked the piercing power of its defences. The only solution he could come up with was exploiting its sole weakness, the tiny eyes.

  It didn't take long for the Armadino to reach this place. It was in a cranky mood because some maniac had destroyed its sweet grazing spots. The beast was not a fool, either. It understood what was going to face and was charging at full speed at Hans's likely location. his charge was sending vibrations through the ground and Hans got ready for the battle.

  Because of the several potholes in its way, the beast crashed very badly and rolled in Hans's direction. The VeganBind got activated, coiling everything that it could get its grasp on. The orca vines didn't even scratch the outer armour of the beast and the poisoning it was farfetched. These vines were also not strong enough to hold it completely, but a moment of stillness was the only thing Hans needed.


A long needle-like modified bullet pierced the Armadino’s eyes and damaged its brain inside the thick skull, killing it on the spot.

  The result and to test of the new VeganBind satisfied Hans, and he went on to test out this weapon on another target. He was targeting the slippery beast called Swamp toad. It was their sixth day inside the forest and Hans was living the life of a hunter, eating berries and roasting meat became a new normal to him.

  They soon reached their fifth swamp, where he finally found his prey. As soon as she heard the imitation of the mating call by Hans, she came out. The female toad was an enormous creature with bloated red lips and the yellow body covered in slimy swamp water. Its dark stripes revealed her age, and this was a full-grown adult.

  The swamp toad became enraged at not seeing the male and took a leap towards Hans, trying to crush him beneath, but the boy was ready. He already rigged the place where it appeared with the orca vines and the toad in the air looked like a kite tied to the string. The toad suddenly stopped in midair and fell down. Hans already predicted that his SeedBullet won't work and would slip against its slimy skin so he didn't even try it.

  The place where the beast fell was like a pit of snake-like orca vines, which was eagerly waiting for the toad. Just as the beast fell into that pit, the vines slithered on the toad and, with its fast movement and tight grip, it started shaving its skin and soon dismembered the female toad's limbs. The toad died because of blood loss and Hans achieved everything he wanted. His orca vines perfectly passed all three problems that Sam mentioned and now he was ready to turn a new page of the limitless.

  They returned home and after a hot bath, Hans's fatigue took over and the boy slept for at least twelve hours. Hans found that he still had some areas that he could improve and focused on optimising his SeedBullet. With the remaining time, he regularly hunted to sharpen his skill and, just like that, three more months passed.

  With three months of tough training, he improved in making two Seedbullets simultaneously and VeganBind had improved further in its speed and strength. Year 1065 was just three months away and the small space connection just closed after delivering another letter to Sierra. The letter brought the news of a new high priest succeeding her, and a pickup was scheduled in three days for them to Grimgar.

  It was earlier than the decided time, so Rudolf and Sierra were a little concerned because they will not have the protection of Concordia till their appointments. They were instructed to take their duties at the start of the new year of 1065. They have to survive on their own for three months.

Rudolf assured her by saying,
Hey, I still have a county in my name. I am a Noble after all. We will be fine for some time.

The title which you had bought from Grimgar king.

Rudolf, embarrassingly refuted,
They awarded me, dear.

  Sierra didn't say anything, but she also knew behind how those nobles treated her husband behind his back. Their disgusting gaze might have not affected, but she didn't like those people who looked down on him. If possible, she wanted to avoid going to Edenberg county, but it turned out she had no choice on the matter.

  Hans, on the contrary, was collecting everything he wanted to bring back. He didn't know that they would come back or not, so he selected his things carefully since there was a weight limit while transporting.

  The rain got heavier with the lightning in the sky. The phenomenon was identical to when Samwell came, so Hans was waiting for the people to come and it didn't take long for the SpaceDoor to form, but this time only a single person came.

  He was a bulky figure like Rudolf, but his clean shaved look made him look way younger than his gramps. Hans exceedingly greeted him, but the knight knelt down and addressed him.

It's my pleasure, young Lord.

  Hans looked back at his grandparents, asking what to do. They taught him everything except the way of aristocrats. Hans lacked the commonsense of civilisation and divided everything as black and white like things to kill or not.

Rudolf accepted the knight's greeting and said to the kneeling knight,
Arise, sir Richardson.

With his command, the kneeling knight stood and said to Hans,

I am the servant of Edenberg county, Aldrich Richardson, a dominion Knight of grade 88, pleasure to meet young Lord.

Hans responded him.
I am Hans, a Mage.

There was a sudden awkwardness between them, so Sierra broke the silence and said to the knight,
I hope you are well, sir Aldrich.

The knight hesitated a little but replied,
Yes, I was well countess.

You know I don't like to be called that.
Yes, Lady Sierra.

  The knight was staring at Hans, but there was no maliciousness and only curiosity in his eyes. Apart from very few people, the existence of Hans was a well kept secret, so the knight was plainly curious about their young Lord.

  The knight was familiar with Sam and the child with the same look suggested only one thing to outsiders, that it was Samson’s son, but the odd thing he felt around him was not making any sense to him.

Seeing his confused looks, Rudolf told Aldrich,
He is Hans, from now on he will be your ward.

  Aldrich got even more confused, but this was no place to clear his confusion. They will exhaust more space stones from the county's treasury as they wasted more time here. He urged the lord and lady to haste and Sierra cast some sealing spell to their house before stepping into the SpaceDoor while Hans shouted in excitement,

To Genas.

  The SpaceDoor was like a thick grey and odourless smoke. Hans was experiencing space travel for the first time. He started feeling jittery inside when the SpaceDoor started to function. Within a few moments, a blinding light welcomed him and Hans greeted the people waiting for them by puking on his arrival.

He had no time to see who was welcoming him or where he was, but with this he understood one thing: that he should avoid space travelling in the future.


There are 13 months in a year with 28 days per month
Academic session of Concordia 

1- 11 month
2 month holidays.

space travelling - portal jumps

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