Published at 27th of March 2023 06:33:32 AM

Chapter 530: nan nan

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Chapter 530 囡囡

"Yong—" Grandma Jiang Jiazu's eyes widened, and the whole person was about to pass away.

"Grandma!" The Jiang family was terrified.

The old lady Wang was calm and calmly commanded the overwhelmed Ma Shi: "Go and clean up my room and let the old lady go and rest."

Ma didn't dare to ask why the old lady gave up her room, but she agreed and went.

The family bought some servants, all of whom did rough work, and Ma Shi was still doing the housekeeping.

Wang Aibao saw this and hurried to clean up.

The family has been busy for the past two days, Erlang was seriously injured, and now he is still taking care of himself, and she didn't mention Zao'er interestingly.

I was anxious and anxious, but Liu and Ma tried to persuade them one after another. After all, they calmed down. Knowing that the mother ignored it, it must have a deep meaning.

Grandma Jiang's family went to Mrs. Wang's room to lie down, and threw the Jiang family out, even her favorite Jiang turnip was no exception.

Mrs. Wang was not like that, she left her favorite little Ayu in front of her.

The grandmother propped up her upper body and looked at Xiao Ayu with joy in her heart: "This is your granddaughter, right? She looks so good."

"Yes, this is the only granddaughter in our family. She is pampered and pampered on weekdays." Mrs. Wang also softened her tone, with a rare smile in the corner of her eyes.

"Girls, it's better to be pampered. Boys can't do it, a little pampering will make people lose their marks." Grandma Jiang Jiazu sighed.

I don't know what to think, and my eyes are also gloomy.

Little Ayu raised her head, looked at Mrs. Wang, and at the grandmother of the Jiang family, with great doubts in her heart.

But now she also understands that sometimes children are not allowed to talk at will.

asked Danzi in his heart: "Elf, Ama and this old grandma, do you know each other?"

[It should be, I just refreshed the relationship diagram here, showing that your grandma and this old lady of the Jiang family are old acquaintances]

【They should have known each other before】

【Don't worry, she has no ill intentions towards your grandma and likes you very much]

Especially just now, when Mrs. Wang talked about Xiao Ayu, the love value of grandma Jiang's family suddenly soared.

It's hard not to doubt that she loves Wu Jiwu, so she likes Xiao Ayu more.

Little Ayu nodded: "Just like Ama."

Many people in the family are afraid of Grandma, but little Ayu is never afraid. She also feels that Grandma is lonely. I especially hope that more people will find out that Grandma is good and come to like Grandma.

"Yong—" Grandma Jiang Jiazu wanted to call Mrs. Wang again, but she held her hand.

Mrs. Wang: "Aunt Lan, you should call me as you used to. Those past events don't need to be mentioned again, they will only add to your worries."

"Yes." Grandma lowered her eyebrows and said in a very lonely tone, "Nowadays, things are different. It's not what it used to be. Nan Nan, where have you been all these years, how are you doing?"

Mrs. Wang: "It's good, I'm always at ease. Say it if you want to, and don't have to say it if you don't want to."

Also, if the child wants to be beaten, it all depends on her mood.

"Elf, what do you mean by 囡囡?" Xiao Ayu had never heard of this name since she could remember it, and felt very novel in her heart.

[It should be the language of the West Wind Country, usually referring to the daughter, or the little girl of the junior generation, which is a nickname]

"Wow, is this grandma's grandma's mother?"


Grandma Jiang Jiazu's "囡囡" recalled Mrs. Wang's memories of many years ago, when she was only a young girl, but she was well favored.

In the entire Wanning City, she was the second, and no one dared to be the first. Even the other princesses couldn't hide her brilliance.

Standing high, can't go further, just like cooking oil on fire, every step is going down, how can you be lucky?

(end of this chapter)

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