Published at 10th of March 2023 06:07:33 AM

Chapter 2668

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"The boss actually replied to my message!"

At the counter, An Weiya, who was holding a magic phone, let out an exclamation. This was the first time she was happy after being lost all morning.

"Where is it, let me see."

Yao Ziyue couldn't help asking, she naturally knew the travel plans of Luo Chuan, Yao Ziyan and An Weiya today.

But for some reason, it was originally agreed to leave today, but the boss and her sister didn't know what happened, and they lost contact at all.

Not only is the boss offline, but even Yao Ziyan is also offline.

Yao Ziyue was very curious about what happened.

just woke up

A message from Luo Chuan was displayed on the screen of the magic phone.

The tone was flat, without the apology and uneasiness after losing others.

"This is not in line with the character of the boss." Yao Ziyue stroked her chin and analyzed it seriously. Ziyue Holmes went online again.

"Well, I think so too." An Weiya felt deeply.

"Ask the boss what's wrong." Yao Ziyue made a suggestion.

An Weiya nodded, and quickly sent out a series of messages. As for whether any of them contained personal emotions, that's another matter.

! ! ! Actually replied to me! What did you do at night? Woke up so late? Doesn't conform to the original habit?

You are young

"Huh? What do you mean?" An Weiya frowned, turned her head subconsciously, looked at Ziyue Holmes, and asked her for an answer.

Yao Ziyue fell into deep thought, as if she had thought of something, her eyes widened slightly, and a hint of cherry blossom appeared on her face.

"You are young."

She shook her head, feeling a little hot on her face.

"You say I'm young too?" An Weiya opened her eyes wide in disbelief, looked down at herself, then at Yao Ziyue, and rushed towards her, "Let me see yours."

"Ah, what are you doing..."

The movement at the counter attracted the attention of many customers. After seeing the two people who were fighting, they immediately smiled knowingly.

Then get on with your own business.

After a long time, Yao Ziyue pushed An Weiya away with her face flushed, her hands tightly shielding her body, her clothes were slightly disheveled.

An Weiya is in a similar state.

"The world is getting worse, the world is getting worse." Qing Yuan shook her head and couldn't help sighing.

Xie Mengwu squinted at her, remembering her usual behavior with Yao Ziyan, and handed Bingshuang a piece of potato chips, not wanting to talk.

The fight between An Weiya and Yao Ziyue finally came to an end.

"What does the boss mean?" The dragon girl was still struggling with the original question.

"You really want to know?" Yao Ziyue asked casually as she straightened her clothes.

"Of course." An Weiya nodded confidently.

"Okay." Yao Ziyue sighed helplessly, "This is what you want to hear, come here."

An Weiya leaned over, Yao Ziyue whispered something in her ear.

It seemed that the girl from the Dragon Clan couldn't help but hide for a while because of her exhaled breath hitting her ears.

Gradually, those beautiful eyes widened and the pupils shrank accordingly, as if hearing something unbelievable, her face also turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This this……"

She faltered and couldn't speak.

Yao Ziyue was also a little embarrassed, but when she saw the performance of the dragon girl, she became excited again: "You insisted on me explaining this."

"...It's so strange!" After struggling for a long time, the dragon girl finally couldn't help but say.

"Strange? Isn't this normal?" Yao Ziyue blinked, not quite understanding An Weiya's thoughts.

"Our giant dragon is different from yours." An Weiya turned her head, and Yao Ziyue's gaze made her a little uncomfortable.

"Eh—what else is going on? Tell me, tell me!"

"I still have to ask the boss if he will go or not..."


"Luo Chuan, what are you doing?" Yao Ziyan walked over wiping her hair, her feet left small and exquisite footprints on the wooden floor.

"Explain to An Weiya why you didn't go to the Origin Mall today." Yao Ziyan paused, her body froze slightly.

Sensing the teasing gaze of a certain boss, he couldn't help but give him a light punch.

The breeze is blowing on the face, bringing the unique moistness after bathing, the fresh and elegant fragrance is very familiar, but it is still intoxicating as always.

Yao Ziyan sat beside Luo Chuan, with her slender legs crossed together, pinched a grape from the fruit plate in front of her and put it in her mouth, biting her silver teeth lightly, feeling the cool and sweet juice bursting out of her mouth, passing by Lips and teeth, passing the tip of the tongue, finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

"What did you say? In the afternoon?" She asked casually.

"Why are you so anxious, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Luo Chuan shook his head.

"Then what if it's still like this tomorrow?" Yao Ziyan blurted out.

Luo Chuan didn't speak, but just looked at the girl quietly.

Yao Ziyan finally realized what she said after realizing what she said, and her cheeks blushed immediately. When she saw Luo Chuan's interested gaze, she subconsciously put her palm on his waist.

"Stop, I didn't say anything."

"Should I still wait for you to say it?"

After a fight, Yao Ziyan combed her slightly messy hair, and told Luo Chuan what she had just heard.

"I saw An Nuo just now."


"She said the Hearthstone Tavern is closed today."


"Didn't you say that? The Hearthstone Tavern is going to be expanded today, and now the giant ax is leading a large group of dwarves to construct it below."

Yao Ziyan expressed concern about Luo Chuan's memory.

"Alas..." Luo Chuan sighed, "It seems that I still can't stay up late, and memory loss is the most obvious impact."

Yao Ziyan felt that Luo Chuan was insinuating, but she had no proof.

But most of the time, she doesn't need a reason.

"I won't come here in the future." Yao Ziyan threatened.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong." Luo Chuan apologized.

He has long been used to sleeping with a cold and soft girl at night, and if he leaves suddenly, he will definitely feel uncomfortable.

For the quality of your sleep, apologizing is a normal choice.

After all... girls are the cutest creatures in this world.

If you also become a cute girl, that would be three shares of happiness!

Wait, what am I thinking?

Luo Chuan's heart trembled, and he quickly suppressed his gradually strange mood.


The result of not eating breakfast is that it is easy to feel hungry after waking up. When Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan went to the kitchen together, An Nuo was already preparing lunch.

From a clerk to an announcer, now the elf girl has another identity as a cook.

In a sense, this can be regarded as having too many skills and not overwhelming one's body.

After seeing Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan, his expression seemed a little unnatural, and his eyes wandered as if he didn't dare to look at Luo Chuan.

She is a child, why should she know this?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!