Published at 10th of March 2023 06:03:40 AM

Chapter 2799

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The Eternal Garden mentioned by Alemia is the home that the goddess once created.

From the mouth of the Speaker and Aurora, Luo Chuan heard some incredible news.

In fact, in his original expectation, there is a high probability that the gate of dreamland is more or less related to the goddess who has never met before. According to the relevant task description, it is easy to infer this conclusion.

But it never occurred to him that the connection did exist.

But the connection itself, was a bit beyond his expectations.

The witch once said, "Reality is a dream woven by all living beings, and dream is a cage you build for yourself", which seems to also indicate the relationship between the gate of dreams, reality and the goddess.

"System, what is the relationship between you and the goddess?" Luo Chuan asked in his mind.

"Why didn't the boss ask about your relationship with the goddess?" The system didn't answer, but instead asked Luo Chuan a question.

Luo Chuan: "..."

The system has changed.

It is no longer the old system. Remember m in a second.

Actually learned to ask questions.

"Okay, you can stop talking."

Luo Chuan chose to end the conversation.

He knew that there was a high probability that he would not get any useful clues from the system.

It's almost the end, and I'm still hiding it like this, I don't know what to think...

Cough, to get down to business.

Luo Chuan's attention fell on the discussion group again, and the speaker and Aurora were still waiting for his answer.

"If I say that I actually don't understand what's going on, will you believe me? 』

he asked tentatively.

Aurora was the first to respond.

The guardian of Kolo directly sent a photo, which is a selfie.

The green-haired woman in the photo looks at the camera with a smile, and the expression on her face can almost be described as "Do you think I will believe your words?"

"Do not believe"

In comparison, the speaker's answer was much more concise.

Luo Chuan sighed, not surprised by the two's answers.

"I really didn't lie to you"

Luo Chuan first emphasized a sentence, and in the following time, he used the method of telling Yao Ziyan before, and told about the existence of the department housekeeper.

"So, behind you, boss, there is a super super powerful force?" 』

After a brief silence, Aurora took the lead in asking the question.

"It can be understood like this"

A system is equivalent to a superpower, which makes sense.

"Then why didn't the boss just let them come over and solve the pollution problem?" 』

Before Luo Chuan could answer, Aurora figured out the reason by herself.

"Oh, I see, there must be some kind of special restriction that prevents you from doing this, right? Is it the operation performed by the mother on the universe? 』

In order to remove the impact of pollution, the goddess performed a "surgery" on the universe that was difficult to replicate.

She cut up the corroded parts and imprisoned them all in cages.

The universe is indeed still functioning normally.

But compared with the normal universe, it is different after all.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the boss from outside the world can only come here alone. This world can no longer bear more external forces.

Even in this world, the boss cannot use his own power too much.

Even the mastery of power has been affected, and he can only gain the recognition of the world step by step in exchange for mastery of power.

Many things including Origin Mall...

It should be the decision made by the boss to help the world.
As for Luo Chuan saying that he didn't know the truth about the Dream Gate... that might be because he really didn't know.

Perhaps from the very beginning, the boss discovered their special universe and decided to come in and help them without thinking too much.

Those who stayed outside also found ways to provide outside help.

There are certain factors that hinder the communication between the two, or it may be that they have not found the real answer from the beginning to the end, and they just acted according to their past experience.

The birth of the gate of dreams.

It is very likely that the dream already exists, and the holographic device just provides a way to connect, and provides some special help for customers.

Aurora quickly figured out the truth and posted it in the discussion group.

"Boss, is that right? 』

To be honest, Luo Chuan especially likes some readers and friends who like brain supplements.

No matter how unreasonable things are, they can rely on their strong imagination to perfect them and make them extremely reasonable.

They even convince themselves that they have really seen the real scene with their own eyes.

People always have a hard time admitting their mistakes.

Many times, when Luo Chuan wrote novels, when he didn't know what he was writing, he would drive his vest to talk with readers and listen to their thoughts.

The author is a novelist and knows the plot of the fart.

Well, that's pretty much it.

"Well, although there are some mistakes, it is generally correct."

Luo Chuan affirmed Aurora's brain supplement.

The analysis was well-founded, and he almost believed everything he said.

But having said that, will it really be similar to what Aurora said?

Luo Chuan felt that there was a possibility, and it seemed that the possibility was not small.

Aurora and the Speaker were a little curious about the mysterious forces behind him, but they didn't ask much after realizing that he didn't intend to discuss too much on this topic.

"About Alemia's identity, does the boss know? 』

Aurora raised another question.

"She should be the guardian, aren't you able to change your own form at will? 』

Among the digital guardians that Luo Chuan knew, none of them were the same.

Actively changing one's own life form according to the environment is a special ability given by the goddess when she created them.

"No, absolutely not"

Aurora directly refuted.

"It is true that the guardian can abandon the physical body, but Alemia is not the same as the guardian."

The speaker also followed suit.

The two are very familiar with the Guardian, and they can tell the difference between Alemia and the Guardian at a glance.

"Well, do you have any relevant clues? 』

Luo Chuan sighed, trying to find a breakthrough from them.

According to the usual settings of the game, a character like Alemia who appears at the beginning and guides the player to explore the world has a high probability of being inseparable from the final ending.

"I don't know, I was born relatively late, and my understanding of the Eternal Garden is limited to the name"

Aurora directly expressed the scope of her understanding.

"In the Palace of Stars there are some records related to the Eternal Garden"

The Speaker then replied.

"Hey, don't you remember? 』

"My memory has been affected by the fragmentation of information, and I have forgotten a lot of things, but the existence of Alemia does make me feel familiar."

"what? don't keep it up

"The Manager of the Eternal Garden"

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