Published at 17th of April 2023 04:44:00 PM

Chapter 65: [Another Perspective] Slaves brought 2

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There were still many small children. Can such a child walk to a border village?

That's what I was worried about, but the kids were able to get in the carriage. Furthermore, I was worried about the long road, but obviously a number of apparent adventurers were hired: the powerful.

One after the other my worries subsided, but we all kept walking with a dark look on our faces.

Anyway, my biggest anxiety will never go away.

The story of a total of one hundred and fifty of us being bought quickly entered my ear. That's all there is. After all, there may be a rare gold mountain, or a mythrill mine.

It seems the big mines are kept secret by the state, and the general public doesn't know much about them. So I didn't think it was strange to be on the edge.

So I can't even argue with the moaning voices I hear from everywhere.

He who was a bard, a blacksmith, a merchant.

In addition, noble daughters, daughters of the lords of the enemy nations, etc., are all sent to the same place. All those who could have been spoiled or won the seat of mistress were sent to the border. I also know how to mourn.

The only one with the power to fight was different. We need power anywhere on the border. For this reason, I am not as pessimistic as I imagined that I could use my powers.

That young man, a merchant named Rango, was generous and treated the slaves well.

You were sweet about the atmosphere, and there were many fights between slaves on the road.

As a result, we arrived in the neighbouring village, which was a destination, in a state of pessimism, although bad for the youth.

But everyone was confused in many ways.

"Is that it?

That's what one of the kids who had his face out of the carriage says, and the guy nearby opens his mouth with an indescribable face.

"No, that's not it, I think..."

The man was also tilting his neck, saying so in a bewildered tone.

Anyway, it may not be as good as the king's capital in front of you, but it's obvious that the walls of an atmosphere such as a fortified city stood.

It was a beautiful but strangely shaped town with buildings visible across the walls.

Do you mean resting here and then heading further to the border?

That's what I thought, but Rango seems to have a fun conversation with someone and have some kind of interaction with a kid in good clothes to see.

And when I gave him something that looked like a gift, the kid jumped up and rejoiced, shooting a big bow and arrow at the woods.

I'm smiling to please you like a child, but what you're doing is horrible. If you were a noble child, you might have sold your hunting tools.

Thinking of that, the child walked over here and opened his mouth.

"Welcome, everyone. This is the border land, the village of Ceato and the town of Espa. I am Lord Van Nay Fertio. Next time you do an interview, I'll hire someone in our village who doesn't seem to have a problem, thank you. Come on, first off, you'll be tired from a long journey today, and soothe your fatigue by having a barbecue tournament in the village and staying overnight at the inn. Well, we'll be there in a little while, so come here."

With a bright voice and a soft atmosphere, the kid said that.


"Van Nay Fertio is a rumor...?

"Are you the new baron named Dragon Crusader? Don't be silly."

I hear such conversations whispering.

I was also incredibly eyebrow-rooted and looking at the child's back, but the moment I thought I had gone bare through the walled city and out on the street again, I was blinded by the view beyond it.

Because a town like the fortified city I just saw appeared in front of me like a giant building that looked like a toy.

In fact, the distance would still be one or two kilometres.

But its presence was clearly conveyed even from a distance.

It's a huge, powerful and beautiful, alien fortress. Behind the walls, which were forced out to the left and right, is a splendid gate equal to the main gate of the Wang capital.

Behind the walls, one left and one right, a large tower was seen in the front.

As we approached the gate flashly, we noticed that there was a moat around the walls and a bridge was crossed.

The child and Rango walked ahead with the villagers and crept through the open gates. We'll be surprised after that.

"... what's going on?

Someone voiced confusion.

Anyway, when I crept through the splendid gate, the other side of it was a wide land with potpouts and buildings. And there's a wall in the back that's now smaller.

Still, it looked bigger than the first town I passed.

When we get to the village and the children tell us something, the villagers move in unison. Seeing that, I did find out that the child must be the lord.

"Everyone arrives. Good luck."

That's what Lango tells me, and I sit on the spot like I'm out of my mind. There seemed to be many similarities.

Then, from nowhere, the old man or child brings a chair.

"Well, use it. If you get some rest, it's dinner soon."

"Oh, no, we're slaves..."

I stood up hastily and changed my attitude, but the old man who came by me shook his head left and right.

"Don't worry about it. I see you've just come to this village. I sat down the same way when I was with you, and the original villagers brought me a chair."

That's what they say. They put the chair down, and I let them sit with their heads down.

Then the old man laughed happily and went back again after a couple of stories.

Looking around, it seemed like something similar everywhere. Confused slaves and villagers who happily converse or prepare something.

If the village to return to was here, even if the place to work was the mine, I felt I could do it.

This is a sweet village.

When the sun began to set, I was told dinner was ready.

We were all confused as to whether it was good to sit down even though we were slaves, but the welcoming party seems to be what the lead is sitting on. I appreciate it, but I'm in trouble.

But since dinner began to be ready, that feeling had all blown up somewhere.

Because it was full of a good smell of meat to cook. If adult slaves couldn't hold me back, such as the children, I would have jumped out.

We can hear each other whilst the beeps are pounding.

"Look, come here"

That's what they said, everyone was lined up in front of the meat. The gravy overflows from the thick meat and the fire dances.

If they get this far and tell you not to eat meat because you are a slave, not only children but adults may cry.

That's what I thought, that child lord stood on the platform and opened his mouth. Until then, the villagers, who had been deliberately busy, quiet at the same time.

"Uh, gentlemen. Good luck today. Also, Mr. Rango, who has just finished his journey from the far King's Capital, is really tired of his line. Enjoy your hard work, fatigue, and anxiety for all your slaves today, by lifting the ban on delicious meats and fruits, as well as alcohol. The villagers also ask for guidance when slaves prefer to go to the bathroom. We will now host a barbecue tournament!

At the same time as the declaration was made, a great deal of cheer arose from the villagers. Then we are offered a stung skewer of roasted meat.

"Look, eat. Delicious."

That's what the old man who brought me the chair said happily.

"Oh, thank you"

I managed to say all that, including meat in my mouth.

The skin area on the surface was crunchy and tasted like salt and tingling spices. When chewed, the sensation of chewing off soft meat fibers and the flavour of savoury meat spreads throughout the mouth.

It's just cooked and hot meat, but it doesn't stop. I can't stop it.

It is an unusually tasty piece of meat that has not been eaten so far.

"... delicious!

The delightful voice of the child echoed from nearby.

The villagers look at it with tender eyes and smile.

"... eh"

Vision seeped in. Wipe your tears with your empty hands as you cling to the meat.

"Gu...... Ugh!

"... ku, ku... Huh!

Mixed with the roasting sounds and laughter of meat, I could hear tears.

I ate meat crying no more tears. Remembering my days as a slave I had endured for so long, I couldn't stop crying.

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