Published at 12th of October 2021 10:16:40 AM

Chapter 263: 263

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Yin LiTing sees that Zhang WuJi had already fainted, so he hurriedly took out a 'Heavenly Heart Protecting Pill' and put it in his mouth. After handing Zhang WuJi over to Yu LianZhou, he pulled out his sword, rushed in front of Yang Xiao, and scolded, "Yang Xiao, you wicked bastard, I…I…" His throat became stuck, unable to keep yelling any further. The long sword shot out, aiming directly at Yang Xiao's heart. Yang Xiao, unable to move, simply closed his eyes and smiled, waiting for his death. Suddenly, a young girl came from the side, blocking in front of Yang Xiao, yelling, "Don't hurt my daddy!" Ying LiTing stopped. As he looks closely at this person, an "Ah" sound came out. His body turned cold as ice as he saw this girl. Tall and slender, eyes big and bright, she's actually Ji XiaoFu! After Yin LiTing got engaged to Ji XiaoFu, he never could concentrate on practicing his kung fu, as his thoughts were always filled with images of his fiancé. When he later found out that Yang Xiao kidnapped her, raped her, and killed her, the pain in his heart could not be described in words. Now that she has appeared in front of him once again, he stumbled, and said with shock, "Sister XiaoFu, you… you haven't…"

That young girl is of course Yang BuHui. She said, "My surname is Yang. Ji XiaoFu is my mom, she's already dead." Yin LiTing paused, then figured out what's going on. He said, "Oh, you're right. That was stupid of me! You should get out of the way. Today I'm here to seek revenge for you mother."

Yang BuHui points to Mie Jue, "Fine. Uncle Yin, go kill this old nun then." Yin LiTing asked, "W…Why?" Yang BuHui said, "Because my mom died under her palm." Yin LiTing said, "Don't be ridiculous! What does a child like you know?" Yang BuHui responded in a cold voice, "That day at the Butterfly Valley, old nun wanted my mom to come kill my dad. My mom refused, so the old nun killed her." At the time of Ji XiaoFu's death, Yang BuHui is still a little girl. So she obviously didn't realize exactly what had happened. But as she grew up and recalled those events, she pieced everything together. Yin LiTing turned around and looked at Mie Jue, his face filled with puzzlement, asking, "Is… she… Ms. Ji really…"

Mie Jue responded in a crisp, loud voice, "She's right. What use is there to let such a despicable student live? She and Yang Xiao loved each other. She would rather disobey me than to go kill him. Sixth Hero Yin, I only lied to save you some face. Humph, what's the need to remember such a ****?" Yin LiTing's face turned green, yelling, "I don't believe you! I don't believe you!" Mie Jue said, "Why don't you ask this girl her name?" Yin LiTing turned towards Yang BuHui. Through his teary eyes he could only see Ji XiaoFu, but his ears heard clearly, " My name is Yang BuHui*. My mom said that she never regretted what had happened.'"

*Bu means 'No'. Hui means 'Regret'.

'Dang', Yin LiTing dropped his sword, turned around and ran down the mountain. Song YuanQiao and Yu LianZhou yelled, "Sixth brother, sixth brother!" But Yin LiTing did not respond. As he's running, Yin LiTing suddenly tripped, but he quickly got back up and resumed running.

Everyone only felt sympathy as they watch Yin LiTing, for how could a person of his kung fu skills trip while running? The only reason would be if his mind is in a state of total disorder. At this time, Song YuanQiao, Yu LianZhou, Zhang SongXi, and Muo ShengGu all sat around Zhang WuJi, their palms pushing against four of Zhang WuJi's major pressure points, trying to heal him with their inner power. Only to feel a great deal of energy in his body, sucking their strength into him at a rapid pace. If they keep this up, their inner powers would be totally gone in four hours. Yet with Zhang WuJi's life hanging in the balance, they can't release their palms. Suddenly, Zhang WuJi opened his eyes, and in an instant, Song YuanQiao and others felt their chi moving backwards, returning to them. Song YuanQiao yelled, "Don't! You need to rest." The four brothers immediately released their palms, only to feel Zhang WuJi's Jiu Yang chi rushing into their body, strengthening their inner powers. The four brothers couldn't believe that even with his injury, Zhang WuJi can summon such great deal of inner power. Zhang WuJi said, "Eldest Uncle Song, Second Uncle Yu, Fourth Uncle Zhang, Seventh Uncle Muo, sorry about that. How is Martial Grandfather's health?" Yu LianZhou said, "Master is doing well. WuJi, you… you're so big…" Despite having thousands of words in his mind, no more words would come out. Only tears of joy flowed down their cheeks.

Delighted that that the youngster is his grandson, Yin TianZheng started to laugh out loud. But he could still could not muster the strength to get up.

Mie Jue waved her hands, as the E Mei disciples all followed her down the mountain. Zhou ZhiRuo followed her martial sisters slowly with her head down. After a few steps, she could not help but look back. Her gaze met that of Zhang WuJi's, who was watching her leave. Zhou ZhiRuo's face immediately turned red, her eyes seemingly saying, "I'm really sorry to have stabbed you so severely. Please take care of yourself." Zhang WuJi seemingly realized her thoughts, and simply nodded. Zhou ZhiRuo's face brightened up considerably, and with a big smile, left quickly with the rest of the E Mei sect.

Hua Shan and Kong Dong, taking their wounded, also followed down the mountain. He TaiChong came up to Zhang WuJi and said, "Little friend, congratulations on meeting your relatives…" Before he could continue, Zhang WuJi took out two common painkiller pills and said, "Here is the antidote." He TaiChong took the pills, wondering if it really can cure his poison. Zhang WuJi added, "If I say it's the antidote, then it really is the antidote." Despite his low voice, everyone can see how serious he is. Besides, even if he's lying, He TaiChong knows that he cannot force Zhang WuJi to do anything with the Wu Dang brothers around. He could only respond, "Thank you!" and swallowed the pill with Ban ShuXian. The Kun Lun sect then went down the mountain.

Yu LianZhou said, "WuJi, you cannot go down the mountain right now due to your injury, and we can't stay here either. But when you have time, please come to Wu Dang, if only so master can take a look at you." Zhang WuJi nodded with teary eyes. Although they have many questions, the Wu Dang brother did not ask any, for they do not want to further burden Zhang WuJi in his current state. Suddenly, they heard a Shaolin monk yelling, "Where's brother Yuan Zhen's body?" Muo ShengGu looked over at Shaolin's pile of bodies, and indeed could not see his body among the dead.

Yuan Yin yelled at the Ming sect, "Give us back brother Yuan Zhen's body!" Zhou Dian said with a smile, "Haha! Are you kidding me? If we don't even care to keep your live bodies, what the hell would we do with a dead one?" Shaolin realizes that he's right, and began searching around. But the body never showed up. They figured that some other sect must have taken it by mistake, and also began to head down the mountain. As Wu Dang sect started to leave, Zhang WuJi kowtowed to send them off. Song YuanQiao said, "WuJi, you are now the savior of the Ming sect. I hope you can guide them down the road of righteousness from now on." Zhang SongXi said, "Be careful. Make sure you guard against the sinister people." Zhang WuJi answered, "Yes."

When the six major sects all left, Yin TianZheng and Yang Xiao looked at each other, then said together, "Members of the Ming sect and the Heavenly Eagle sect express thanks to Hero Zhang for saving our lives!" In an instant, everyone got on their knees and kowtowed on the ground. Zhang WuJi doesn't know what to do, seeing his elders and even his grandfather and uncle among the people bowing. He tried to return the bow, but reopened his wound while trying to do so, and fainted. Xiao Zhao quickly held him back up. Two uninjured Ming sect members came by with a stretcher, putting Zhang WuJi on it. Yang Xiao said, "Take him to my room and let him rest there."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!