Published at 12th of October 2021 10:12:24 AM

Chapter 443: 443

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By this time, one by one his personal bodyguards and warriors had caught up with them. Even though they knew the severity of Lu Zhangke's martial arts, upon hearing their prince shouting his order to seize the man, four of them stepped in to surround him.

Lu Zhangke was shocked and angered; thinking that the princess was taking advantage of their father-daughter relationship. Just because she was angry he had injured her boyfriend, she had unexpectedly framed him. Like the saying goes, 'blood is thicker than water'. The princess was exceptionally crafty. How could he retaliate to her? In the meantime, he swept away with his palm, forcing the four warriors to retreat. He sighed and said, "Shidi [martial (younger) brother], let's go!"

He Biweng hesitated. Zhao Min called out, "Mr. He, you are a good man, not a lecher like your Shixiong [martial brother]. Quickly arrest your Shixiong, my Father will bestow a high-ranking official position to you, and will reward you handsomely."

The Xuanming Elders' martial art skills might be outstanding, but they were greedy of rank, fame and fortune. Ignoring the dignity of their master, they threw themselves into the Palace for worldly gain. He Biweng knew very well his martial brother's excessive lascivious nature. Listening to what Zhao Min had said, he was 70, 80% convinced. The offer of promotion had made his heart racing. Only, Lu Zhangke and he were not only martial brothers, they were also best friends; how could he make his move against him? So for a moment he was unable to make a decision.

Lu Zhangke's face showed his grief; with a trembling voice he said, "Shidi, if you want promotion, come and arrest me."

He Biweng sighed. "Shige," he said, "Let's go!" Walking side-by-side, Lu Zhangke and He biweng left.

The Xuanming Elders' prestige had shaken the capital [orig. Jing Shi – modern day Beijing]; the warriors of the Ruyang Palace respected them as immortals. Who would dare to step out and stop them?

The Ruyang Prince shouted his order over and over again, but the warriors only put on an act of shouting and moving around; they just looked on as the Xuanming Elders went down the mountain.

"Minmin," the Ruyang Prince said, "You are injured. Quickly come home with me to recuperate."

Zhao Min pointed toward Zhang Wuji and said, "This Zhang Gongzi saw me being bullied by Lu Zhangke. Seeing the injustice, he went out of his way to save me. But Gege did not know the real story, he accused him of being some leader of the rebels. Father, I have an important business I need to take care with Zhang Gongzi. As soon as we are done, I am going to take him to see you."

From her words, the Ruyang Prince deduced that his daughter wanted to marry this man, but his son had told him that this man was the Cult Leader of the Ming Cult. Right that moment, his leaving the capital heading south was to consolidate the troops, to deal with the Ming Cult rebels on the Huai Si and Henan-Hubei region. How could he let his daughter go with this man? He asked, "Your Gege said that this man is the Devil Cult's Jiaozhu. Is that true?"

"Gege loves to joke," Zhao Min said, "Father, take a look at him and tell me how old do you think he is? How can he be the brain behind the rebellion?"

The Ruyang Prince sized Zhang Wuji up; he saw a young man, not more than 21 or 22 years old, his face pale from the injury, hence it was devoid of the heroic and valiant air he used to have, he looked even less like someone who was in charge of hundreds of thousands strong rebel army. But the Prince also knew that his daughter was very shrewd. In addition, the Ming Cult had caused the nation some major disasters. Perhaps this man was not the Cult Leader of the Ming Cult, but he must be one of the important characters within the Ming Cult. Certainly he could not let him go. "Take him inside the city," he finally decided, "We'll examine him carefully. If he is not one of the Devil Cult people, I will grant him rewards." He said that to save his daughter's face, so that in front of all these people she would not look like a spoiled brat.

Four warriors immediately responded; they walked toward Zhao Min.

"Father," Zhao Min cried, "Do you really want your daughter to die?" She pressed the dagger in her hand about half an inch [orig. 'cun' – thumb, approximately equal to an inch] into her stomach; immediately blood seeped out and dyed her clothes red.

The Ruyang Prince was shocked. "Minmin," he said, "Please don't make a scene here."

Zhao Min cried even louder. "Father, your daughter is unfilial. I have secretly become man and wife with Zhang Gongzi. Please just consider you have never had any daughter. Let your daughter go. Otherwise, I'd rather die in your presence."

The Ruyang Prince kept pulling his beard with his left hand; cold sweats started to form on his forehead. He had held command over generals and soldiers, he had battled and crushed enemies; he was used to make decision in split second. But today, confronted by his own beloved daughter's embarrassing affair, his hands were bound and he was unable to do anything.

"Meizi," Wang Baobao said, "Both you and Zhang Gongzi are injured. Let us all come home with Father. We will invite renowned doctors to treat you. Afterwards, we will have Father to preside over your wedding. Father will have an ideal son-in-law, and I will have a hero as my brother-in-law. Won't that be good?"

His words were pleasant to be heard, but Zhao Min had been aware early on that he was trying to buy time. If Zhang Wuji fell into their hands, how could he keep his life? He would be executed in less than an hour. Thereupon Zhao Min said, "Father, things have come to this, your daughter marries a chicken, she will follow the chicken; she marries a dog, she will follow the dog. In life or in death, I will follow Zhang Gongzi. Whatever trick you and Gege are playing, you can't hide it from me. I will not fall on it. Right now there are only two choices: if you are willing to spare your daughter's life, let me go. If you want your daughter's death, you won't have to waste any effort."

"Minmin," the Ruyang Prince was angry, "You may want to think it over. Once you follow this rebel thief, you can't be my daughter anymore."

Zhao Min felt as if her intestines were tied in hundreds knots. She did not want to part with her father and her big brother, remembering that they loved her dearly and had always pampered her. She felt as if her heart was sliced by a knife; but she knew that if she hesitated even so slightly, Zhang Wuji's life will be gone immediately. Right now, the most important thing was saving her lover's life; she would seek her father and her brother's forgiveness later.

"Father, Gege," she said, "All this is Minmin's fault. You … please forgive me."

Seeing he would not be able to change her daughter's mind, the Ruyang Prince regretted that he had spoiled her too much. He let her roam the Jianghu unrestrained to such an extent as to cause this kind of trouble. He knew she was strong-willed ever since her childhood, if he forced her, she would certainly commit suicide by stabbing herself. All he could do was heave a long sigh, with tears pouring down from his eyes. "Minmin," his voice was hoarse, "Take a good care of yourself. Father is leaving … you … you have to be careful in everything."

Zhao Min only nodded, she did not dare to look at her father anymore. The Ruyang Prince turned around and slowly walked down the mountain. His personal attendant followed him behind, leading his horse, but he seemed oblivious; he did not even remember to mount the horse.

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