Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 2136

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:11:37 AM

Chapter 2136

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It is such a new level-4 knight with unknown reputation, but he has repeatedly created legends. How can he not be concerned by those level-4 knights and magicians in the wizard world.

In the process of paying attention to Locke, his Thor suit has become one of the key points.

Many people believe that Locke's strength is largely due to his Thor gun.

Especially those Knights above level 4 regarded Hephaestus, the God of fire and craftsman, as a sweet cake.

This has also led to a sharp rise in the importance of Hephaestus in the wizard alliance. Letting him leave the battlefield first and return to the Titan world is not a disguised "protection" for Hephaestus.

Titan world, compared with Locke's last arrival, the concentration of energy elements in Titan world increased by a few points.

And with hundreds of years of recuperation, the Titan world can no longer see the traces of invasion and destruction by the wizard world army.

Hera, the queen of Titan God, is undoubtedly a competent guardian. Under her call and leadership, the Titan world is moving towards a better tomorrow.

"Knight Locke, your highness Hera has been waiting for you for a long time." Before the transmission array, Venus, the God of love, welcomed Locke with a long skirt.

Locke never thought that the Titan world would send a fourth level God to meet him. As one of the Twelve Gods of Olympus, Venus, the God of love, has a higher status in the Titan Protoss than the ordinary fourth level Titan gods.

"Please lead the way." Locke nodded and replied. (vertical and horizontal starting)

Among the humanoid women Locke has been in contact with for thousands of years, there are two people who are the most perfect in terms of appearance and figure.

One is Avril, the mermaid king of the wizard world, and the other is Venus, the God of love.

Similarly, these two women can be called the most beautiful women.

Unfortunately, the pink fish tail of mermaid King Avril makes Locke unable to have any "sexual interest" in her.

Venus, the God of love, is beautiful, but her meaning of existence is more a vase than a powerful fourth level God.

Locke didn't think he was the one who lost his square inch when he saw a beautiful woman, so he hasn't had any strange ideas about these two most beautiful women in the world.

On the contrary, Hera, the goddess of marriage and fertility, is more attractive to Locke than Venus, the God of love.

Compared with the beautiful appearance, Locke cares more about the inside.

Led by Venus, the God of love, Locke flew to the golden apple orchard north of the Titan world.

Although Hera holds the post of Titan God, she stays in the golden apple orchard more often after taking over the guardian.

Golden apple tree is not only the world-class secret treasure of Titan Protoss, but also the navel of Titan world.

As a guardian, Hera must ensure the safety and integrity of the umbilical plane.

Under the golden apple tree, in addition to Hera, the Titan God, Hephaestus, the God of fire and craftsman, was summoned here early.

According to Hera's shrewd mind, she can naturally guess what Locke came to the Titan world.

Moreover, Hera, through Hephaestus and other Titan gods who returned from the war, also knew Locke's brilliant achievements in the chaotic starfish domain.

Since the defeat and becoming the vassal of the wizard world, the two leaders of the Titan Protoss knew their position very well.

God King Zeus responded positively to the call of the wizard world and led the giant Legion to the front line of the war.

As the steward of the Titan Protoss, Hera has been trying her best to make friends with the top powers in the wizard world over the years.

Fortunately, the efforts of Zeus and Hera have not been in vain.

In addition to Locke, many knights and magicians above level 4 in the wizard world began to show a certain favor for the converted Titan Protoss.

The second wizard alliance conference is still more than 400 years away. There is no doubt that the Hai nationality has entered the wizard alliance and owned one of them by virtue of its contribution in the ruling war.

It is believed that except for the sea clan, there are not a few aliens who intend to join the wizard alliance.

The "alien" mentioned here includes not only the existing Warcraft, Asian and other ethnic groups in the wizard world, but also the middle and low-level people who have become vassals in the wizard world.

Vassal is not equal to slavery. In terms of rights, vassal position obviously exceeds slavery position.

At present, the Titan world, the elf world, the orc world and the MI Jing Tianlun world that Locke contacts are the vassals of those large, medium and small forces under the jurisdiction of the wizard world.

With the gradual integration of various forces in the wizard world into the wizard alliance, these vassal planes have gradually become the resources of the whole wizard alliance.

Once the sea clan successfully takes the most important step and becomes a member of the wizard alliance, it is inevitable that other vassals will not have any ideas.

At present, the most powerful within the wizard alliance is the Titan world. In addition to many level 5 Titan gods, the scepters of the gods and the golden apple tree are their important weights.

When he saw Hera again, Locke was surprised to find that the other party had reached the peak life level of level 4 and began to embark on the road to level 5.

"Hello, your highness Hera." Locke greeted politely.

His "Highness" is entirely based on Hera's identity as the guardian of the Titan Protoss and the hostess of the Olympian God system.

Because Locke owed Hera a certain favor on the Thor gun, so this face must be given.

Hera wants to make friends with Locke, a potential level 4 knight. Similarly, Locke naturally wants to make friends with Hera, the mistress of the Titan Protoss.

It is not only the cultivation of friendly relations, but also the mutual utilization of interests.

Hera is a shrewd fourth level God. She naturally knows the meaning behind it.

The corners of her mouth raised a little. Hera smiled implicitly and politely and said, "welcome to the Titan world again, Knight Locke."


Today, there is an activity called "year-end inventory". All readers can vote for their favorite authors and works. This vote is free, so I hope readers who like Knight's journey can click on the activity page to vote for Xiaodou.

We don't need to vote for the best author. We just vote for the best work. At present, Knight's journey ranks sixth. Let's rush to see if we can kill a great God in front, hehe. (just vote for free. There's no need to spend money ~)

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