Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 244

Published at 12th of March 2022 07:59:43 AM

Chapter 244

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In the face of the fat Merlin, who can talk with both freshmen and Locke, when she saw Molly, a female magic mage with a high face value, she said the first sentence completely, she trembled and didn't stand at attention.

This is still a sultry fat man. Locke guesses that he must have little contact with the opposite sex.

Before Molly's expression became impatient, Locke pushed away the fat Merlin, introduced himself to her, and explained that he was entrusted by the grey formal magician.

"Are you a knight?" The sorceress stared. Since she entered the holy tower four years ago, she has rarely seen the career of knight, except that she can occasionally see some knights in the knight palace in the trading area outside the holy tower.

"Yes." In the whole Santa college, it is estimated that he is a knight who studies fighting spirit.

"Was it introduced by master Hermes? I'll check." The magic ball provided by Santa Claus for each student is much more advanced than that of Imperial College. Locke found it when he checked in Angelina and Diane yesterday.

This magic ball can connect the data of the holy tower in real time, and can also communicate with companions who exchange spiritual power marks through the magic ball.

The slender fingers scratched on the magic ball, and the magician Molly found this message.

"Locke, right?" Asked the sorceress.

"Good." Locke nodded.

"Well, from today on, you will work with us." The magician Molly extended her hand to Locke. Different from the lonely character of those magicians Locke had met before, the magician named Molly made a good first impression on Locke.

"Harris! Come out to meet your new companion!" The female mage Molly shouted loudly into the pile of containers behind her.

"Ah, coming!" Far away, a promise came.

"Then I'll go first." The appearance of Locke and Molly talking makes Merlin feel more than enough. His tutor's experiment in the afternoon is about to begin. He needs to go to the laboratory in advance.

"Go." Locke knew that he still had experiments to do. After a long time of getting along, Locke learned that Merlin, the fat man, was no worse than Angelina in terms of his hard work. As long as he could stick to it, the fat man would become a great man in the future. This is Locke's idea.

Since today, there has been Locke in operation area 43. There are only three of them, but they are responsible for more than 400 slave creatures. Molly is the team leader, and he and another magic apprentice named Harris are team members.

"Your task today is to register and store biological information, check the number, record all the data on it, and give it to me!" Molly, the sorceress, handed Locke a thick account book.

Locke didn't cultivate spiritual power, let alone use magic crystal ball, so he needed to use the most primitive method.

"Er... Can you change the task?" Locke looked at the surprisingly thick book and his mind was a little confused. The quill pen that Molly had just given him broke with a "click" under the spasm of his fingers.

Molly forked her waist and looked at Locke in front of her speechless.

"What can you do? Can you do the task of imprisoning the soul of slave creatures? Have you studied magic?" Molly's series of questions blocked what Locke wanted to say next.

"Ordinary people can do such a simple registration task. Come on?" Molly has never had a good temper with the team members who don't obey orders.

"Then let Harris do it. He must do it faster than me." Locke really doesn't want to do this kind of clerical work. He would rather face Warcraft.

Harris, another member of their team, is a middle-level apprentice.

"Harris has to control the rack and take out the slave creatures engraved with soul marks. He's much busier than you!" Molly doesn't have a good airway.

Just above their heads, a support composed of steel bars, like arms, flexibly lifted and put down piles of cages. Countless slave creatures were transported into or out of the operation area through the frame.

This is the power of magic. The energy in the energy spar is converted into mechanical energy through the magicians' magical alchemy and magic.

Unfortunately, the control of the rack must be done by a magician with spiritual power. Locke's heart is surplus but his strength is insufficient.

"You say you want to imprison the soul of slave creatures? Maybe I can help you!" Locke thought for a long time and finally thought of his strengths.

"Well?" Molly looked at Locke perplexedly, "how can I help you?"


"Bang!" A two meter green skinned black clawed humanoid fell to the ground.

Locke patted the dust on his hands and motioned to Molly with his eyes, "it's your turn."

Jasmine quickly reacted, ran forward, held the crystal ball in her hands, closed her eyes and recited some magic. A silver smoke floated out from above the crystal ball and gathered into a wedge-shaped text, which penetrated into the eyebrows of this green skin humanoid creature.

When the silver font dissipated, Molly opened her eyes.

"Your strength is a little stronger than I thought." With one hand on her chin, Molly turned around Locke two or three times and poked Locke's solid chest muscle with her finger.

"Don't you all say that these slaves have been branded with spiritual power and have no threat." Locke laughed.

"Different." Molly shook her head. "Those magicians on the West Coast won't give you a strong brand of imprisonment, so we need another layer of the holy tower."

Most of the slave creatures in charge of their No. 43 operation area have strength between middle-level attendants and high-level attendants. Too low-level ones do not need to be engraved with soul brand, which is a waste of resources, and higher-level imprisonment can not be completed by their apprentices.

"How much more?" Locke skipped this topic. He didn't know much about the west coast and the east coast, but he probably knew that one had a bad relationship with them and the other had an average relationship.

"Thanks to you, there are 47 today." Molly gave an accurate figure, "I thought I was going to be busy until night."

Those slave creatures will not be slaughtered obediently. Although Molly is a high-level apprentice, she also has a lot of trouble to deal with. If she meets a cruel character, she will have to rest for several days.

After Locke knocked the slave creatures unconscious, Molly began to imprison the soul brand, which made her work much easier.

"Come on, try to finish them by evening!" Locke waved his fist.

Most Warcraft and alien creatures have rough skin and thick flesh. Even if they are limited by magicians on the west coast, Locke must be careful. These are intermediate or advanced Warcraft. He doesn't want to capsize in the gutter.

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