Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 3065

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:50:59 AM

Chapter 3065

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When he saw Guevara again, Locke found that the guy was like frost eggplant.

Presumably, no one in Leng will have a wonderful experience under the aiming of the muzzle of hundreds of warships.

stay α In the prison of No. 1 stellar war fortress, Guevara spent a short time in prison.

The galent Federation had no good feelings for the "thief" who sneaked into their war fortress. They did everything they could to steal Guevara except that they did not use forced confession.

The rag pocket that Guevara carried on her back, which had been stolen for years, disappeared this time.

It was not confiscated by the galent Federation, but directly decomposed by the federal laser dissociation instrument.

The laser dissociation device of galent Federation is completely different from the void dissociation magic mastered by magicians in the wizard world.

Stealing Guevara's treasure bag is also a good baby, but he was stunned by the three second pulse shooting of the laser dissociator.

On the bright side, however, the galent Federation showed great restraint in the booty they seized.

In addition to taking back the stolen Guevara α They did not steal other personal belongings in Guevara's treasure bag except several scientific and technological items taken by No. 1 stellar fortress and the energy supply crystal of the warship.

Including the rectangular metal block with the ignition source.

In fact, the galent Federation wants to cut off their heads directly to deal with such thieves, and then directly look for the information they want in the memory area of the brain.

Many foreign gods are good at fraud and lies, and even some creatures use it as their clergy.

But the memory area of the brain center will not deceive others. The technology and civilization level of the galent Federation is enough to support them to get everything they want from a more active head. (vertical and horizontal starting)

In a sense, such means are also equivalent to soul torture in the wizard world and soul searching in the immortal domain.

But in the form of expression, this approach of the galent Federation is more direct.

Because Guevara was a subordinate of Locke, this guy was saved from the bad luck of being cut off and settled in the experimental vessel.

However, Guevara was not happy about this. He was sad about the destruction of his "life artifact" - Baibao bag.

"Well, well, don't be bitter."

"Don't you always want a flat peach? Even if you finish this task successfully, I'll reward you a flat peach when you go back." Locke said.

After listening to Locke's words, Guevara's sad face looked better.

Flat peach is one of the spiritual materials obtained by Locke from the civilization of Xianyu.

At first, there was only one inferior flat peach given by Huolong immortal. Before Locke broke through the peak of level 5, he gave it to his woman Angelina to take and absorb. (for this episode, if you don't remember, please turn to chapter 2830 to review it. Don't ask me why Locke has flat peaches, and then flat peaches will mature.)

When taking flat peaches, Angelina planted the remaining peach stones in paradise lost.

Along with it, the immortal apricot stone and yehuohonglian seed obtained by Locke from the immortal region took root and sprouted in the paradise lost.

In addition, Locke has been closed for more than 1600 years and broke through level 6. Today, spiritual materials such as flat peach, fairy apricot and yehuo red lotus seed have been planted and developed in Locke's paradise lost for more than 2000 years.

Over such a long time, in addition to the fact that yehuohonglian seeds have only developed into flower and bone flowers, the growth of flat peach trees and fairy apricot trees has been quite gratifying.

The flat peach presented by Huolong immortal to Locke is only a low-grade flat peach. Its growth cycle is 3000 years of flowering, 3000 years of fruit and 3000 years of maturity.

The queen mother holds a peach festival every three thousand years. The hostel entertains the peach of Luo Jinxian, and they all wait for the peach.

(PS: don't ask me again why the flat peaches didn't fully mature until nine thousand years ago, but the queen mother held a flat peach event every three thousand years. People used to share them in batches. Would they take out all their money at once?)


There are many similar problems. The maid of the southern sage atlas is 200000 years old. In my chapter yesterday, I said that it is not a problem for ordinary level 5 creatures to live for 100000 to 150000 years. Did I bite level 5 creatures to death and only live so long? Even if the maid of the southern sage has only four life levels, don't you see who she is with? And did I write her as a young girl or something? Can't a few level 4 creatures live longer than level 5? Did I break it?

I'm really annoyed. Some readers don't talk to me privately. I don't have so much time to explain the contents of the novel one by one. I don't read more chapters a day. In addition to seven or eight hours of codeword time every day, please give me some private space.

Some people say I'm water. As a writer, I really don't have this feeling. Everyone's writing style is different. Sometimes I can't help talking a lot when writing novels. Those settings are written naturally. This is really my bad problem, so I'll try to change them in the future.

I didn't want to say this, but it's more uncomfortable not to say something. Maybe my character is really not suitable to be a quiet writer?


Due to the special properties of paradise lost, these immortal spiritual materials are growing well.

However, it also inherits the conclusion that the grade of silver apple tree is inferior to that of gold apple tree. Whether it is fairy apricot or flat peach, the level after the achievement is inferior to that of Locke.

For example, the flat peach, formerly known as the inferior flat peach with three thousand years of flowering, three thousand years of fruiting and three thousand years of maturity, was planted by Locke, but its growth cycle was shortened to five hundred years of flowering, five hundred years of fruiting and five hundred years of maturity, and its grade was one grade lower than that of the inferior flat peach.

So far, there are only about a dozen flat peaches hanging on the flat peach trees more than ten meters high in Locke's paradise lost.

Because it is the primary fruit, the quantity will not be too much. When there are more mature batches and the flat peach trees are more prosperous, the flat peach will naturally produce more and more.

Anyway, those flat peaches hanging on the tree won't break.

Locke even planned to follow the queen mother and cultivate a flat peach forest in his paradise lost.

Guevara wanted a flat peach, not because he valued the effect of restoring vitality.

In fact, the real value of a flat peach produced in paradise lost is not comparable to the silver apple that has become a large-scale one.

The reason why Guevara never forgets this is the guy's unique Collector's hobby.

Just like his title is "God of theft".

Does Guevara really like to do some dirty stealing?

No, he just wants to satisfy his collection desire.

After taking the rectangular metal block inhabited by the tempered provenance from the stolen Guevara, they flew to the direction of the space fortress.

Next, they will visit the first star of the galent Federation at the invitation of five-star general trichi pan baesa.

There, in addition to meeting with the president of the galent Federation, Locke will also meet his eldest daughter Bev.


It's a little too much today. Unhappy readers will fart as Xiaodou.

I have not moved at five o'clock these days. I try to stay at four o'clock, which is equivalent to adding two chapters. In this way, it will be almost the same by the end of the month.

At present, there are 225 monthly tickets, and Xiaodou needs to add 42 chapters.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!