Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 3683

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:35:35 AM

Chapter 3683

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"I choose the underworld battlefield."

"I choose the underworld battlefield."

An interesting scene appeared. Nu Wa sage and Jie Yin sage said at the same time.

Nu Wa sage chose the underworld civilization as his opponent, and everyone around him was forgiven.

However, it is strange that the sage should also choose the underworld battlefield with low war interests.

Seeing the curious eyes of Locke and Styx, the sage smiled and said, "I'm not familiar with the three world civilizations mentioned by Locke knight. Although I have these images and the intelligence information provided by Locke knight, I think seeing is the best."

"After detailed contact, it's not too late for the poor monk to make a decision. During this period, he will cooperate with the demon family led by younger martial sister Nu Wa first." Then the sage smiled.

Sure enough, there is no simple guy who can become a saint in the highly competitive world.

The steady and calm way of introducing the sage is in line with his identity as a Taoist saint.

Pick up the persimmon and pinch it soft. The profit is naturally held in hand.

Even if you want to seek more benefits, you must at least make clear the battlefield conditions around the wizard star domain.

Locke was surprised and regretted the choice of introducing saints, because he really wanted powerful Buddhists to deal with the sinister and cunning brain eater civilization.

Moreover, the battlefield of brain eater civilization is adjacent to the light Protoss. At that time, once there is any friction between the wizard world and the light Protoss, Buddhist monks must be at the forefront.

However, Locke did not show any special expression. After receiving the answer from the sage and Nuwa sage, he simply nodded.

"Which battlefield do you think is suitable for me and the blood sea Asura?" When asked about the decision of the Styx ancestor, the ancestor's response was very chicken thief. He asked Locke in turn.

Locke's marriage to Princess Iron Fan of the sea of blood has been widely spread in the wild world.

All friars in the immortal region know that the ancestor of Styx is barely Locke's father-in-law. Locke obviously can't have any small thoughts or bad intentions towards his father-in-law.

Locke hehe replied, "since the saints and Nuwa saints have decided to go to the battlefield of the underworld, and most of my noumenon and Tongtian cult leader are now focused on the battlefield of brain eater civilization, please lead the Ashura army to the battlefield of Mesopotamia civilization."

Going to the battlefield near the Norman star region where the Mesopotamian civilization is located is indeed the best choice for the blood sea Asura.

The brain eater civilization is too dangerous, and there is really no oil and water in the underworld civilization.

After several considerations, it is near the Norman star region where the battlefield of scientific and technological civilization is located, which is most suitable for the ancestors of Styx and the army of Asura in the sea of blood.

In addition, Locke also plans to send the witch army led by Houtu, Xingtian and others to the battlefield near the Norman star domain.

With the naked collision between physical power and scientific and technological elements, the Norman star domain is now full of mecha and warship debris. It's time to send some creatures dominated by passive evolution to clear the field.

The ancestor of Styx got a lot of information from Locke in advance when he was in the flood world.

He was also too lazy to compete with the forces such as jiejiao, Buddhism and demon clan in the battlefield of the underworld. Anyway, Locke wouldn't pit him, so he nodded directly and said "OK."

The space-time jump of the space fortress was launched immediately. Before many immortal creatures who had just arrived in the wizard star domain had time to carefully observe the surrounding exotic style, they drove to the front line of the wizard star domain battlefield under the command of stronger immortal creatures.

Because there are too many armies in the immortal region, and the wizard world cannot send too many space fortresses for troop transportation under the pressure of front-line war.

Therefore, except that a few lucky people can directly reach the designated battlefield front by taking the space fortress or floating ship of the wizard world, the vast majority of immortal creatures either arrive through the transmission array after several turns, or they are forced to fly directly to the battlefield front of the wizard star domain.

Fortunately, at present, the main battlefield of the wizard world and the tripartite civilization is still located in the wizard star domain. Even if you travel by flight, it won't take too long, but it will be more tired.


Shuimu star plane is one of the main battle planes between the wizard world and the underworld civilization.

At present, among the three world civilizations, the brain eater civilization occupies the largest number of areas under the jurisdiction of the wizard world, nearly 500.

In addition to Titan, chaotic starfish and some mother star regions of the wizard world, the leading army of brain eater civilization has even approached the wild star region not long ago.

The underworld civilization occupies the second place in the wizard world, nearly 300.

In fact, it should have been the underworld civilization that occupied the largest number of places in the wizard world, because at the beginning of the civilization war in the wizard world, the underworld civilization fought fiercely with the wizard world alone.

However, after losing the battle to defend the mother plane of the wizard world, the seventh level creature nether ancestor fell, and the wizard world pushed back strongly with a large number of foreign aid giants, which reduced the number of underworld civilizations that used to occupy as many as 900 in the wizard world to 300.

The Mesopotamian civilization occupies the least number of aspects of wizard civilization. Today, the tentacles of this scientific and technological civilization are mainly extended in the Krupp star domain where the Xingling family is located, the Norman Federation and a small number of mother star domains of the wizard world, with only more than 200 occupied areas.

The Mesopotamian civilization should really want to win over the Xingling clan. These spiritual bodies are not as shameless as the brain eater civilization. They directly changed hands and gave up the dark clan.

As for the Starling family's home star domain, the Mesopotamian civilization is now just a garrison and does not interfere with the ruling power of the Starling family in the star domain.

But that's all Mesopotamian civilization can do.

On the premise that even a neutron star ship crashed, the Mesopotamian civilization was too busy to help the Starling family deal with the rule reversal disaster facing their parent star domain.

Shuimu star is one of the main battle planes between the wizard world and the underworld civilization. From the situation of this battlefield, we can roughly spy on the battlefield pattern of the whole underworld.

Today, the war on Shuimu is still fierce, but if you carefully observe it, you will find that the army of the underworld, which occupies half of Shuimu's position, has shown a decline. On the contrary, it is the momentum of the wizard world, the truncated monks in the immortal region and the family members of Quan Zu.

It seems that it is only a matter of time before we attack this low-level plane with rich resources.

"Knight Locke, what are those water spirits?" In the Space Fortress, the sage Nuwa asked, pointing to a level 6 creature on the plane of Shuimu star.

The opposite is Quan Zu's fourth child, the spring of vitality.

Obviously, Nu Wa saint is interested in this amazing little guy with the power of water vapor.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!