Published at 20th of April 2023 12:16:14 PM

Chapter 808

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German Lee and his companion Hill have encountered the biggest crisis in more than ten days of stealth! They were chased and approached by hunters, and never before!

Back ten minutes ago, the truck driver Kaplan called their mobile phones and told them that he was just leaving fort worth with full load of goods when he was overtaken by the hunter team. The hunter searched the truck and asked the driver!

Kaplan did not disclose any information to the hunter. However, what made German and hill cry out in a cold sweat is that they walked around fort worth to find a place to spend the night. However, after a day's walking, they were very coincident, only two blocks away from the location where the hunter stopped the truck!

At the moment, the distance between them and the hunter is only two blocks!

After thanking Kaplan, Geman and hill lost their time-consuming disposable mobile phone and fled in the opposite direction to the hunter.

Ten minutes later, German regained his composure, patted hill on the shoulder and said, "you can't run like this! Let's sit down and discuss it first. "

So, Geman and hill, who happened to be near St. Lucas square, found a stone table and sat down in a relatively hidden corner without a camera.

"We can't run a car with our feet." German said to hill.

"What I'm worried about now is, how can they trace us so quickly?" "I suspect that we've been able to contact our family and friends in the draft box of our new email address, and they've found it out," Hill said worryingly

"You're right. We can't use this plan for the time being." Geman nodded gently. "When we find the house, we'll comb it carefully to see which part is missing."

“OK! As before, we should go to private hotels first. There should be private hotels along the suburban highways that do not need to be registered. " Hill agreed that these days, they would either stay at friends' homes or stay in private hotels with the nature of black shops.

"No, you can't go to private hotels." Geman shook his head. He thought it over carefully. "If they had found out our sneak route, they would have known our mode of looking for accommodation. Now, private hotels and motels in Fort Worth should be investigated one by one. These people know that we are in Fort Worth, and we can't give them a chance."

"What can I do?" Hill hesitated. "Are we going to try to ask strangers for help?"

"I'm thinking about it, too."

"Ask strangers for help, so we will face great risk. We don't know if strangers will expose us." Said Hill, hesitating.

While they were struggling, suddenly the piano was playing on the stage in the middle of St. Lucas square.

The soft and wonderful piano sound attracted the attention of all the people in the square, including Geman and hilner. German and hill, and the photographer, subconsciously turned their heads and turned the camera.

On the stage, there was an Asian man with his body on his side, sitting in front of the piano. He was upright, and his long fingers were like butterflies, flying up and down the keys.

That beautiful melody, obviously is also this confident and elegant playing posture to play out!

This Asian man, of course, is Yang Yi.

When you listen to the music, you can't help but be attracted by Yang Yi's attentive expression when playing on the stage. But what you see is Yang Yi's fluctuating and rhythmic wrist when playing, but you are filled with the soothing piano sound in your mind.

Originally, the person in charge of placing the equipment on the stage still looked at Yang Yi with some uneasiness. But listening to Yang Yi's playing, he also knows music very well. Although he can't hear the source of this tune, he can also distinguish the excellent performance of Yang Yi!

The person in charge likes music, so he likes Yang Yi's playing very much. He also likes this wonderful music and hopes to share it with more people. He quietly turned up the volume of the microphone playing on the piano, so that Yang Yi's piano could be heard all over St. Lucas square.

"Nice to listen to, very beautiful music, also very wonderful to play!" After listening to the discussion between German and hill, their attention was attracted by the sound of the piano, and hill couldn't help murmuring to himself.

The photographer was more conscientious, and when he heard Hill speak, he focused on them.

Geman can not help but comment: "this song, there is a kind of calm power."

A song, but Yang Yi has not come down the meaning, he asked the person in charge to bring him a microphone, installed on a shelf on the piano.

"I want to sing a song for my favorite." Yang Yi simply said, palm pointing to Murphy and the children sitting in the direction.

Listening to Yang Yi's performance just now, I was a bit intoxicated. People laughed and clapped. Foreigners don't like to be introverted. This kind of generous expression of love can get more recognition from them.

However, Geman and hill were in a cold sweat. At this time, they found that the Asian man's family was sitting at a table not far from them."What to do?" Hill asked, "shall we go?"

"Don't move. A lot of people are watching. Keep a low profile." He said.

Yang Yi plays again on the stage. Geman finds that he is still playing the music he just played. He can't help but smile and says to hill, "it's just a coincidence. Let's listen to the song."

In recent days, he has been running around fighting with the hunters. German's spirit has been tense. Now listening to this man's playing and singing, he can hardly get a chance to relax.

The music being played on the stage is almost over the prelude. When the piano gradually goes into a low pitch, Yang Yi begins to hum affectionately: "if_ I_ had_ To_ live_ My_ life_ without_ you_ near_ me……”

Although it is only a semi professional audio equipment, but its voice is clear enough, Yang Yi's singing, accompanied by the gentle piano sound, spread throughout the audience. Professional singing, with a deep magnetic voice, immediately firmly grasped the hearts of the audience in the square.

The lyrics are also warm and healing.

"If I had to live without you, those days would be empty and the nights would be long With you, I see the future so clear... "

It is not very straightforward, but can still read the thick love between the lines!

German was fascinated, especially when the song came to a climax: "hold_ Me_ now,touch_ Me_ now,I_ don't_ want_ To_ live_ without_ you!nothing’s_ gonna_ change_ My_ love_ for_ you……”

Yes, the Song Yang Yi is playing is nothing's, the theme song of the classic bridges of Madison_ gonna_ change_ My_ love_ for_ you》。

Originally slow rhythm, suddenly become light up, and Yang Yi's singing, also let people see his strong singing foundation.

"My God, are we listening to a concert?" A young man drinking beer from the stage couldn't help asking his companion.

"I don't know, but I know how deep his love for his wife is!" The companion shook his head.

"How do you know it was his wife? Didn't he just say he was a lover

"You see, they all have children, two children!" The companion rolled his eyes and said, "can you let me listen to the music well?"

Without interference, German was infatuated. Although he could not judge the height of Yang Yi's singing level, he liked Yang Yi's song very much!

"I love Linda. She and the children must have been waiting for me at home for a long time!" Geman listened to the song and thought of his wife and children. "I think I will love them too. Nothing can change my love for you."

Later, the director edited it in Geman's diary, and he also mentioned it.

"Today, after listening to Yang's song, I feel full of energy, and the passion to continue fighting with the hunters has come back! I made a bold decision to meet my wife in front of the Hunter... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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