Published at 4th of January 2023 11:04:19 AM

Chapter 1445

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Once you find the brimstone, things will be easy.

Sulfur can lower the ignition point of gunpowder, otherwise the gunpowder he made with only the other two would probably be a squib.

The crater looks like it hasn't erupted for a long time.

A lake has formed in the crater.

Surprisingly, there are clusters of silver sword chrysanthemums around the lake.

This thing also seems to be used as medicine, and it is a unique plant in the crater.

This once again illustrates the fact that this place was indeed a crater before.

That's easy.

The smell of sulfur can be detected by the system, or the sulfur has not been produced for a long time here, and there is still a smell of sulfur around.

Either the information revealed by the entire landform is rich in sulfur ore.

With sulfur, gunpowder is available.

Ginger can also use sulfur as medicine and make sulfur soap.

Among other things, although pancreatic soap can be used, it is really a psychological barrier to use.

People, when there are better alternatives, it is inevitable to find fault with the old stuff.

Love doesn't disappear, it transfers.

Mu Feng led the crowd to investigate on the mountain.

The system judges based on the information received by his vision and smell, and tells Mufeng where there will be sulfur mines.

Sure enough, Mu Feng dug a sulfur mine under the bee's eye stone near the lake.

And according to the distribution of sulfur mines, a large number of sulfur mines exist at the bottom of this lake.

In other words, the entire crater lake sits on top of the sulfur mine.

This is both good news and bad news.

The good news is that there are good reserves of sulfur ore.

The bad news is that if you want to excavate a large amount of sulfur mines, you must solve the problem of the lake on the top of the mountain.

An exaggerated and daring plan flashed through Mu Feng's heart - if you have to, then dig mountains and release water!

Of course, this is just an idea, whether it works or not is another matter.

In addition, he has no plans to use sulfur to make gunpowder on a large scale, so he doesn't think about it for the time being.

After discovering the sulfur mine, he asked people to dig the sulfur ore, and at the same time began to think about how to avoid the leakage of gunpowder manufacturing secrets.

Right now, this secret can only be kept in his head, but it may not be necessary in the future.

Therefore, the raw materials, ingredients, and ratios for making gunpowder are best managed by different people.

Just like Moule Beverage, the reason why it has been able to dominate the carbonated beverage market for many years is the mysterious formula.

It is said that the recipe of the drink is one of which is mastered by multiple people, and the drink can be made together.

I don't know if it's a gimmick, but Mu Feng thinks it's a good idea to do so.

The production of gunpowder can learn from this method.

The big deal is that these people ask them not to be in the same room with each other at the same time...

This is something.

Now all he has to do is get the gunpowder out first.

Sulfur ore is slightly toxic, which Mufeng said before coming here.

Therefore, the clansmen who dig sulfur are all covered with linen "masks" to prevent and reduce the possibility of poisonous gas and poisonous powder entering the respiratory tract.

Of course, the "poison" of sulfur is only slightly toxic, and inhaling a small amount is not fatal.

It's only a threat if you smoke too much.

Da Huyou didn't mine, but he also wore a special "mask" made by Mufeng.

He asked Li Wang's supervisor to dig sulfur, and he walked along the river with Wood Wind.

Mufeng just wanted to take this opportunity to look at the surrounding environment.

Because it is a crater lake, the water must be very deep, so the entire lake is dark blue.

At present, except for some silver sword chrysanthemums, there are only loose pine and fir trees around the crater.

The sparse vegetation makes small animals here rare.

The lake is calm because of the abundance of minerals, and there are few schools of fish—in other wild lakes, it is easy to see fish.

Mufeng thought that since it was a volcano, could there be some hot springs around it.
In this case, I might be able to develop a hot spring project on this mountain.

However, the result disappointed him, and it didn't.

The idea that I wanted to kill multiple birds with one stone was shattered.

Soon, everyone dug a lot of sulfur mines.

Mu Feng carefully inspected the surrounding environment again, and after confirming that there were no accidents, he brought his clansmen back to Black Bear City.

This sulfur-producing volcano is called "Sulphur Mountain".

back in town

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