Published at 4th of January 2023 11:26:28 AM

Chapter 153

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Mu Feng felt that this wolf king was very smart.

There are several grounds for this feeling.

One is that after the previous wolf king was shot and killed by Mu Feng, the new wolf king met Mu Feng again and didn't hang his neck to avenge Mu Feng, but led the wolves to show weakness when they met for the first time.

Do it if you can beat it, and give up if you can't beat it. This is a smart move that many animals such as wolves and dogs will do to protect themselves.

The so-called "one who knows the current affairs is a hero" refers to a man with such insight as the wolf king.

The second is that although the wolf king succumbed to Mu Feng's "violent power", he never put his clansmen in danger. This can be seen from the fact that the wolf king never disclosed the traces and numbers of his clansmen.

The third is that during the battle with the Black Fang Department a few days ago, the wolf king had discussed with him that "one sheep per wolf" had been discussed with him in advance, but he brought over thirty wolves all at once.

This wolf king is very smart, so smart that he is a bit of a "chicken thief". In some respects, Mu Feng feels that he is dealing with a "person".

Because the IQ of canines is high, it is equivalent to a human child aged 4 to 7, and the smart border collie can even reach the IQ level of a child aged 8 or 9.

Even so, this is also the result of testing in later generations, and now it is still in primitive society, this wolf king can't help but be surprised by so many "twists and turns".

However, during their "communication" with the wolf king just now, another thing suddenly occurred to them - the wolf king doesn't know how to count!

Because the wolf king never mentioned anything about numbers during his "cooperation" with him from the beginning to the end!

He remembered that there was an animal research center in Georgia in his previous life. After repeated experiments and repeated verifications, he came to a conclusion that the wolf with the highest number of knowledge was 7!

Is this the ability evolved by wolves who fought against humans for tens of thousands of years in later generations?

"Hey!" Mu Feng was generally in a good mood when he discovered the New World, "If you don't know how to count, you are illiterate!"

He thought of a good way to deal with the wolf king: "Let you trick me, this time I have to trick you too!"

Mu Feng's laughter naturally attracted the attention of others, and Ming Guang couldn't help asking: "Great Chief, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing!" Mu Feng said with a smile, "The wolf king promised us to hunt together, saying that they also want to store food!"

"They also store food?" Ming Guang frowned, "Food is very perishable at this time, will they also be smoked?"

"No, so this time they will catch live prey with us and store them in our tribe!" Mu Feng laughed.

"You want us to feed them again?" Ming Guang was indignant.

"It's okay!" Mu Feng laughed, "Putting the sheep with us is only good, not bad!"

"There are only advantages and no disadvantages, why?" Ming Guang was puzzled.

Mu Feng said with a smile: "You will understand in the future!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at the pack of wolves walking ahead.

But the wolf king seemed to be aware of it, turned around and looked at Mu Feng in doubt, snorted in a humane manner, and then continued to move forward.

The hunting team composed of members of the Jiang clan and wolves moved quietly along the way, and came to the vicinity of the previous Baishuyuan again.

Unsurprisingly, because the group was too large, the group of wild beasts that had taken eighty or ninety prey a few days ago by Mu Feng and the wolf group returned to normal, and gnawed again near the original grazing place like last time. .

Looking at what used to be a piece of green plants, but now it is a piece of bare grass, Mu Feng suddenly realized.

It's not raining yet, and the animals are grazing at the junction of the jungle and the grassland. Once the rainy day lasts for 20 or 30 days, these animals will inevitably face a very direct problem: how to avoid the rain!
Mu Feng thinks about how the animals on the prairie sheltered from the rain in the previous life: they would not deliberately shelter from the rain.

But "birds return to their nests, animals return to their dens" is nothing more than a normal thing.

Even large herbivores will generally look for large trees on the grassland, or go to the nearest place where the jungle can shelter from wind and rain for shelter.

In other words, the group of herbivores in front of them must be looking for a place to hide from the rain in a while.

And where they can hide from the rain, apart from the few trees they can see, it seems that the closest place is the jungle behind them.

"Huh?" Mu Feng's eyes lit up, and he felt that he seemed to have found some key node, and his breathing became a little short.

"Great chief!" Before Mu Feng could continue thinking, Ming Guang interrupted him with a low cry, "What should we do now?"

It was only then that Mu Feng noticed that everyone had lowered their bodies, and the wolves had already prostrated themselves in the grass. Only the wolf king was nearby, waiting for his "command".

"This wolf has also become a spirit!" Mu Feng whispered in his heart.

Obviously, this wolf king also knows now, as long as he listens to Mu Feng when hunting, he can catch his prey!

It is obvious that it is intended to contribute to the thoughtless thinking.

Mu Feng looked at the general distribution of the herd, and thought about it for a while.

This time, he was going to catch the prey alive. Considering the hit rate of Feishisuo head-on, side and back, he had to arrange the clansman in the position where the beasts confronted head-on.

But this time because flying stone cables were used instead of bows and arrows, this posed a certain threat to the safety of the tribe.

Therefore, the clansman who threw the flying stone rope must be facing the herd of beasts, but not the front, but the side!

Especially when he looked at the two sides, it was probably a "zebra", which was also the biggest purpose of his trip!

Of course, if you throw the flying stone rope from the side, the hit rate will decrease, and the escape speed of the herd will also increase.

After thinking about these key points, Mu Feng began to command.

He first told Lao Wang in a low voice, "Aww, aww, you take your people and start a surprise attack from there. This time, you are the first to attack and drive the prey to our side!"

Wolf King: Shall we do it first?

Wooden Wind nodded: The beast will run towards us! So your danger this time is very small, if you want, you can chase and kill a few prey after the beast!

The wolf king showed his thoughts in a humane manner, and then responded: Good!

Mu Feng nodded: "Okay, I'll shoot an arrow to signal later,

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