Published at 4th of January 2023 11:18:35 AM

Chapter 601

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After Mufeng arranged the details of the construction of Qilin City to Lihu and Mingguang, he considered taking people to the valley of the former Heishuibu.

He remembered that the area of ​​the valley that he had explored was only a small corner, and he hadn't explored the wider places and creatures.

But seeing that the market was about to open again, Bai Yue took Shuang Qiu and others to the Shuangye Department to change defenses and the soldiers hadn't returned yet, so he had to wait in the tribe.

During this period, he arranged the domesticated Mengji beast near the forest to the west of the tribe, which is where Sha Laosan stayed with the wolves.

One reason is that this group of Mengji beasts are cats after all, they are more wild than wolf dogs, and it takes longer to domesticate them. He needs to come here often for acclimation.

The second is to put it here to prevent possible dangers in the western and northern forests.

Thirdly, with the double protection of Sha Laosan and the wolves, this group of Meng Ji beasts can't turn the sky.

According to his plan, he would take this group of Mengji beasts with him the next time he went to the valley and let them act as thugs.

And he also experimented, so many Mengji beasts did not eat as much rations as soldiers when marching, but the effect of driving livestock and living things was far better than that of soldiers.

This reminded him of the last time he was forced to return to the valley because of insufficient manpower.

If you go next time, bring this group of Mengji beasts with you, and you should not have this problem.

And Mu Feng also thought that these Mengji beasts seem to have a natural advantage in grazing livestock compared to wolves.

So besides placing the Mengji herd near Sha Laosan, he also got two of them to take with him, domesticating and influencing them from time to time.

The Mengji beasts are indeed feline animals. The two Mengji beasts were not afraid at all when facing the big wolves and the nine wolves. They bared their teeth.

At the beginning, Mu Feng wanted to let Da Ma Zi and them kill Meng Ji Beast's vigor.

When the result surprised him, the two Mengji beasts fought and retreated at the same time, retreating and biting in the face of nine wolves attacking at the same time.

Although they couldn't take advantage of it, they didn't suffer much after all!

Even Doudou, who has always been extremely slippery, and Xiaobai, who is the most agile, were scratched and bitten by the two of them.

Of course, they were also injured.

His plan fell through.

However, he also discovered a phenomenon, that is, whether he or King Li was in front of these two Meng Ji beasts, they would not behave so aggressively, and they would not even be able to fight.

They are more about showing "flattery" and submission to the strong.

Li Wang has no interest in beasts like Mengji Beast. He only immerses himself in practicing the sixteen-way hammering method that Mufeng taught him every day. He practiced and hammered repeatedly until he knocked down several trees near the Moon Tower. He didn't give up, and started hammering stones again.

He smashed a lot of gravel out of Nanshan with a sledgehammer—it solved a lot of stones needed for the construction of earth buildings.

Mufeng thinks of ways to tame Mengji Beast.

Take them around in and out of the tribe.

Something even more unexpected happened to him.

The horned rhinoceros, who had never been tamed like the idle man in the tribe, became extremely manic after seeing the Mengji beast!

This made Mu Feng very surprised.

You know, these horned rhinos are not stage-frightened even in the face of armored dragons and mammoths-even if they can't beat them.

But for some reason, it was such an existence that became extremely uneasy when facing the Meng Ji beast.

With a thought, Mu Feng asked someone to get one of the horned rhinos out, and then put the two Mengji beasts in front of it, and didn't care about it anymore.

A miraculous scene happened that made Mu Feng yell!

The horned rhinoceros actually chose to turn around and leave when facing the Mengji beast.
However, Mengji Beast, who has been "keeping a low profile" after entering Dajiang, took the initiative to attack for the first time, one ran to intercept, and the other leaped high and directly onto the back of the horned rhinoceros!

Before the horned rhino could react, the Mengji beast stretched its claws along its neck, and grabbed the horned rhino's eyes!


The horned rhinoceros screamed in pain, and its eyes were bloody for an instant, and it was blind!

It shook its head suddenly, trying to shake off the Mengji beast on its back, but the Mengji beast grabbed it firmly on its back, and it was firmly fixed on it like a suction cup.

Before the horned rhino could react, another Mengji beast jumped up and landed on the horned rhino's body, and with another claw, it also blinded its other eye!

The horned rhinoceros, who was instantly blind in both eyes, rushed left and right, unable to adapt to the sudden blindness, and fell to the ground with a crash!

It's over!


From the time when the horned rhinoceros faced the two Mengji beasts alone, it took less than ten seconds before and after, the horned rhinoceros with rough skin and thick flesh, which was impervious to oil and salt, was caught and blinded by the Mengji beasts!

The horned rhinoceros had no ability to resist in front of the two Mengji beasts!

Mu Feng was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

He didn't expect that the horned rhinoceros, which even mammoths and armored earth dragons can't do anything to, has no power to parry in front of the Mengji beast!

Taking advantage of the situation, the two Mengji beasts grabbed and bit the horned rhinoceros' neck together!

It's just that although the horned rhinoceros was lying on the ground, it was extremely strong, and when it shook violently, Mengji beast couldn't get close.

The two Mengji beasts no longer stepped forward, but paced and roared in a low voice from time to time.

Every time it roared, the blind horned rhinoceros panicked and struggled wildly.

But every struggle it makes is a waste of energy.

Mu Feng had no doubts, two or three more Meng Ji beasts would kill this horned rhino right away.

"This..." Mu Feng was shocked from the bottom of his heart, "It's really a bit of tofu in brine, one thing is one thing! I didn't expect that Da Jiang, so many beasts, could not subdue the horned rhinoceros, but was defeated by Meng Ji, who was less than one-tenth its size. The beast is down!"

This reminded him of the animal chess he played when he was a child: the elephant eats the lion, the lion eats the tiger, the tiger eats the leopard, the leopard eats the wolf, the wolf eats the dog, the dog eats the cat, the cat eats the mouse, and finally the little mouse can eat the elephant!

The reason why mice can eat elephants is that mice can get into the nose of elephants and kill elephants, and mice are more flexible.

In reality, it is hard to say whether a mouse can kill an elephant, but in reality, there is indeed a chance to win by chance.

The palm-sized Flycatcher Xiao Huang Tian overcomes three fierce birds, the Big Dragon, the Second Dragon and the Little Dragon.

The Meng Ji Beast is now holding the horned rhinoceros tightly!

Mu Feng was shocked: There are about 30 horned rhinos in the tribe, and they have not been tamed.

If he hadn't been hesitant to kill or keep, these horned rhinos would have been skinned and eaten long ago!

Now that Meng Ji Beast can restrain the horned rhinoceros, he suddenly realized the opportunity of domestication!

He said to Li Wang: "Li Wang, smash it to death, so that it won't suffer here!"

King Li nodded, raised the hammer and hit the blind rhinoceros on the forehead, and then the rhinoceros froze and died.

As for Mu Feng, he immediately grinned and said: "Go, go and get all those Mengji beasts, tame all these horned rhinos now!"

"I, Big Ginger, have another powerful mount!"

(end of this chapter)

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