Published at 21st of April 2023 06:52:26 AM

Chapter 462

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An extremely ethereal voice floated through the air, and Spade standing on the boat turned his head in an instant. He pressed his lips together and looked around the circle of people, trying to search for Cong Bailiu's figure from inside.

The crowd walking towards the ceremony was dressed up and talking lively with each other, but there was no sign of Bai Liu in the hall.

But that was indeed Bai Liu's voice just now.

Spade walked against the crowd, and while his eyes were quickly exploring the crowd, he simply opened his own system panel and threw an item out to check if there were other players besides him.

[System prompt: No movement tracks of other players nearby have been detected. 】

[System warning: Now it is in the league period, player spade, you have not moved in a map for three consecutive hours, and you will be given a negative game yellow card warning, please play actively, explore the map, contact npc, and complete it as soon as possible main mission! 】

Immediately afterwards, the main task's main task's main task was automatically zoomed in and popped up in front of Spades, and the upper main task was bolded and marked in red, and the main task's main task almost jumped onto Spades' eyelashes, like It's because I'm afraid that Spades won't be able to see it.

Spade turned his face expressionlessly and clicked his tongue, folded his five fingers together to shrink the system board and pushed it away, and glanced perfunctorily at the system board from the corner of his eye:

[System prompt: The identity of the player Spade is set to be the biggest sacrifice (attendant) of this year's evil god festival]

[Main task: Find the biggest sacrifice, and sacrifice it to make a wish to the evil god. 】

[Reminder: This year is the ten-year Evil God Sacrifice Ceremony. The sacrifice you are looking for is the sacrifice that has been tortured in the bitter room for the most years and accumulated the most pain since the establishment of the Evil God Sacrifice. This sacrifice was hidden by everyone in Luming County It's an extremely hidden location, what you have to do is to find this sacrifice and bring it to the shrine to sacrifice. 】

Spade read the main task again reluctantly under the system's compulsion, and continued to search for the shadow of Bai Liu in the crowd within a second of retracting the board.

A few young girls in summer festival kimonos were talking in low voices, passing Spade's side:

"I heard this year, is the Mifune family going to sacrifice that one?"

"Isn't it possible? The Mifune family is such a treasure, who has been hidden for so many years, and sacrificed him, why does our evil god sacrifice often come in?"

"I heard that Mifune's family got an order in a dream. From now on, the Cthulhu will not need this one to be born, and the Cthulhu will choose a new successor."

As a violent player who never collects information, Spades quickly walked past the talking npc as if he didn't hear it.

After a while, several adult men in bathrobes laughed and walked past Spades:

"Last year, my family caught a sacrifice at the Funamiya Night Carnival and made a wish at the Sea Shrine. This year is doing well, and this year I caught another one. It seems that next year should be doing well."

"No matter how well you live, it can't compare to the Mifune family." A man sighed and rubbed his chin with his hand, "Since the fire five years ago, the Beiyuan family was burned to the ground. After the defeat and the biggest sacrifice fell into the hands of the Mifune family, I knew that Luming County would be under the rule of the Mifune family for the next ten years."

"Hey, didn't you say that the Mifune family will offer the biggest sacrifice this year?" A man next to him poked his head over excitedly, chasing after him, "Isn't it fake? Didn't it mean that this sacrifice is very good?" Is it evil? Wasn’t it because the Beiyuan family was backlashed by this sacrifice that they behaved like that?”

"After a big fire, people died and went crazy. Only a few stupid juniors were left to live with two or three inferior sacrifices that could not be sacrificed at first sight."

"Hush." ​​The man who said at the beginning that he had caught the sacrifice looked serious, his eyes rolled left and right, and his voice was lowered, "I don't want to suffer retribution, you idiots at least mention to me five or six years ago That."

"Five years ago, almost half of the village was emptied by this sacrifice. A large number of people committed suicide by jumping into the sea. Everyone was terrified of the shrine."

The man warned with serious eyes: "Why do you think the shrine was moved to the sea? Isn't it because everyone dare not be on the same land as the shrine?"

Several men fell silent for a moment, gathered together with their heads shrunk, and walked silently towards Spades.

But Spade still didn't listen to what this man was saying, and still walked towards the end of his gaze:

The system jumped out of a board almost unbearably:

[Player Spade please pay attention to the main task related information given by the surrounding npcs when talking! You've missed mission-critical information twice! 】

Spades paused: "Why should I pay attention to what they say?"

The system panel displays: [Part of the key information of the game will be given to the player in the form of npc chat, so please pay attention to the surrounding information. 】

"Is that so?" Spade showed no emotion on his face, "I thought the game designer wanted me to follow the game path he designed, so he deliberately gave me information like this?"

"I don't like playing games this way."

Spade pulled out his whip, his black eyes reflected the magnificent and magnificent ship docked at the port, and his tone was cold: "Playing games like this, what is the difference between me and this arranged npc?"

"It's not my game at all, it's his game."

The jumping-out system board sizzled, and disappeared from before Spade. Spade held the whip with no emotion on his face, and walked straight to the big ship docked at the seaside port.

He walked to the port - this is also the ground where Spade heard Bai Liu's voice before, he swept his eyes and looked around.

There is a huge wooden high platform on the side of the port. The high platform is a eaves structure with four corners tilted up. Inside there is a wooden stage for performing sacrificial dances. A thick knotted rope is hung around the wooden frame. A certain distance from the rope is hung the white paper of the guard used to ward off evil spirits.

On the high platform ‌‌, there is a red paint on a wooden board that reads: [Dancing Performance Place of God Sacrifice].

On the opposite side of the high platform and the port, there is a magnificent ship docked, or it is not appropriate to describe it as a big ship, it is a stage for theater performances in the shape of a ship.

The stage was shaped like a boat, with a total of three floors. Many light bulbs were installed on the two sides and two tops of each floor, which lit up at night like daytime, shining brightly on the middle stage.

All the curtains on the stage are hung on both sides by rings, so there are layers of thick dark red velvet curtains on both sides, and the stage itself is composed of a polished wooden floor after being wiped and lubricated in the middle.

At this moment, there are two wooden stools facing each other in the center of the stage, with a piece of water-like glass in the middle of the wooden stools. Two actors in safari suits are sitting on these two stools facing each other through the water-like glass. Looking around, there is a male actor wearing a quicksand glitter coat standing next to him. These three actors are performing indulgently on the stage.

There is a small display board in front of the stage, on which it reads—"Cthulhu Festival Repertoire·Old audiences watched it with great interest, shaking their heads and explaining: "Master Cthulhu created all things and all living beings. He chose his own heirs, and in the end there were two heirs who met the requirements, so in order to choose the best heirs, Lord Cthulhu gathered these two heirs together and separated them with a water-patterned wall ,tell them--"

The "evil god" on the stage nodded with his hands behind his back, and looked at the two "successors" who were scrambling for the first place with satisfaction: "You are both excellent, but I have only one successor."

"I will erase all your memories and put them into all the world lines I created to experience, and the two of you will get two different identities, that is [sacrifice] and [attendant]."

"[Sacrifice] will get my help during the training, and [attendant] will be hindered by countless obstacles I set up." The "evil god" walked around the two heirs condescendingly, "But the identities are not fixed, but can be exchanged anytime, anywhere. At any moment, the person who is more painful will become the [sacrifice], and the person who is not so painful will become the [attendant] ],"

"After the experience of all the world lines is over, [Sacrifice] will become the first evil god after sacrificing pain and soul to me."

"And the [attendant] will lose everything he owns, friends, relatives, lover, and soul."

At this moment, the old audience nodded in agreement on the stage: "Yes, that's right, this is the origin of the [sacrifice] [attendant] system in Luming County."

With his back to the audience, the heir sitting opposite the water pattern wall suddenly said softly: "Scheta."

——This is the voice of Bai Liu!

Spade, who was looking for it on the stage, raised his head suddenly, and without any hesitation, he supported the edge of the stage with one hand and jumped up.

The moment he jumped up, the curtain behind him fell instantly, and the stage was shrouded in darkness. Spade heard the noisy audience discussion outside and disappeared in an instant, and the three actors on the stage The footsteps sounded regularly, and gradually overlapped into a person walking towards Spade.

All around him suddenly lit up, and the originally dazzling stage lights turned into swirling cosmic stars, and the flowing light swirled in Spade's emotionless eyes, reflecting the person he was walking towards.

Bai Liu raised the corner of his mouth: "Long time no see, Spade."

Spades stared at him without answering.

Bai Liu's gaze dropped, and he saw the black bone whip held by Spade in his palm, and the smile on his face deepened: "Is the whip I gave you still useful?"

[System prompt: The player's spade triggers the plot point, and enters the "Cthulhu Sacrifice·Part ‌ Act"]

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