Published at 21st of April 2023 06:52:23 AM

Chapter 463

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"It seems that you don't want to discuss the matter of the whip with me." Seeing Spade distanced himself from him, Bai Liu changed the subject graciously, and he asked with a smile, "Then would you like to discuss Bai Liu's matter with me?" Question?"

Spade's retreating steps stopped, and he looked straight at White Liu.

"Maybe we can sit down and talk?" Bai Liu raised his hand with a half-smile, a stool spun out from the dark depths of the stage, and reached the crook of Spade's knee, Bai Liu politely asked to sit down posture.

Spades stared at Bai Liu and sat down slowly.

"The last time you saw me was when you won the championship last year, right?" Bai Liu unhurriedly walked behind Spade, he put his hands on the back of the chair casually, and spoke with a smile , "You let everyone in your winning team not make a wish to me, and store the wish with me."

"Very interesting approach."

Bai Liu lowered his eyes to look at Spades, and curled his mouth: "But this is the second time we met, do you still remember the first time we met?"

Spade was silent for a while, and then said, "The Town of Sirens."

"Yes, after you were born in "Siren ‌ Town", the first person you saw was me, and I gave you my own bone whip." Bai Liumu was full of pity, and his hand stroked across the air. Spade's head, "Do you know why?"

Spades didn't answer.

Bai Liu smiled and said, "Because you are the container of my most cherished creation."

"Do you know why you were born?"

Bai Liu slowly bent down and put it next to Spade's ear, he raised his hand, and a wall of water patterns appeared in front of Spade, and there were ripples and ripples on the water pattern wall, spreading out round and round, reflecting A new scene appeared.

Behind the water pattern wall appeared the fourteen-year-old Bai Liu who was locked in the closed room of the Love Welfare Institute. He huddled in the dark and slept soundly. It seemed that it was because of the cold or something else. His eyelids trembled, his limbs curled up unconsciously, he looked like a very insecure cock, his lips opened and closed slightly.


The animal murmured the name softly in its sleep.

Spade's eyes were fixed, and Bai Liu explained softly: "This is Bai Liu, who is fourteen years old."

The scene on the water-patterned wall is constantly changing, a face covered with bandages, and a huge slender ghost doll appear. This doll awkwardly raises its hands, shakes its legs left and right, and makes some amusing movements. do.

"Don't you really think about playing dolls to earn a living when you grow up?" A youthful voice with a smile came, and the scene changed, and the 14-year-old Bai Liu smiled all over his cheeks. His brows and eyes were stretched, and he looked at Scheta intently in his eyes, "I think you are very talented in this line of work."

The doll didn't seem to notice that Bai Liu was laughing at him, but instead asked seriously: "Really?"

"How much money can you earn playing a doll? Can it support the two of us?"

Bai Liu paused, and he turned his face away: "I don't want you to raise it, and you can't raise it either."

"Just take care of yourself."

Although Bai Liu seemed to be coldly refusing, Spade saw it, and the moment he turned around, the corners of Bai Liu's mouth slightly turned up.

Spade had never seen Bai Liu who smiled so easily, which made Spade completely quiet, his eyes reflected the light and shadow on the screen, and his eyes looked right at the water-patterned wall.

The water pattern wall is like a huge TV screen, showing what happened in the orphanage in time.

They met, read together, one was punished, the other was chased, and the other was hated.

——One hugged each other in the dark and fell asleep peacefully.

But then Scheta died.

So Bai Liu studied alone, was punished alone, was chased and beaten by the other, and hated by the other.

——A person curled up in the dark and slept restlessly.

And when all this was happening, Scheta, the Scheta that White Willow thought had gone, hadn’t gone, and Spade saw Scheta’s translucent soul in the water pattern wall anxiously surrounding White Willow’s around, constantly begging him:

"You go, you don't want to stay here."

"Don't feed me the food, you eat too little, you will die!"

And Bai Liu couldn't see Xieta, and couldn't hear Xieta's request, he still walked numbly according to the life trajectory when Xieta was still alive.

Bai Liu became thinner and thinner, her lips changed from light pink to white, and then blue, visibly thinner and emaciated.

Spades frowned slowly.

When Bai Liu passed out in the cold mud next to the pond for a whole night without being noticed, Scheta's soul bowed down, and his soul embraced Bai Liu who curled up after passing out of a coma— — just like they used to sleep in each other's arms.

Scheta closed her eyes: "God."

"If you exist right now, watching this right now, I want you to show up."

"I want to make a wish to you."

Scheta was surrounded by the wind, his soul was lifted upright, and facing him appeared an old carved door, behind which was an endless silver-blue radiant sphere, from which A hand reached out from these radiant spheres, grabbed the handle of the door, and pushed it outward.

The spheres shattered into light seeds one after another, Bai Liu stepped out from the pile of light seeds, and stood in front of Xieta, he looked down at the soul of Xieta kneeling in front of him, with a tinge of blood on his face With a pitiful smile: "Tavier, what wish do you want to make to me?"

Xieta knelt in front of Bai Liu's unconscious body, he raised his head and said softly:

"God, I want to give the person behind me all the happiness that ordinary people in this world can have."

"I want someone to accompany him in the loneliest time of his life. I want everything he suffered from to dissipate. I want everything he lost to be found back."

"I want to have someone to play with him all the time in his favorite horror games."

Xieta raised his head, his silver-blue eyes were filled with a very shallow gleam: "I think he will never be separated from the one he loves."

"They can meet in a human way, be together in a human way, and have a happy ending with the death of a human being."

Bai Liu curled the corners of his mouth with a half-smile: "It's really a greedy creature. These add up to more than one wish. What price are you willing to pay for these wishes?"

Scheta was silent for a long time, and he said softly: "I am willing to pay the price of my soul."

"I have a soul now, and I will become the next generation of evil gods as you wish, and guard the gate forever."

He raised his eyes and calmly looked at the silver-blue vortex and sphere in the door behind Bai Liu: "As long as I know that there is a world line in this door and he lives happily, I will never Get out of this door."

"—never leave the abyss, lust and pain."

"Are you sure?" Bai Liu smiled, "No matter how many times you see him happily with other people in the future, there is no turning back for you."

Xieta held Bai Liu's cold hand in his own, without any hesitation: "I'm sure."

"The deal is established." Bai Liu stretched out his hand, and in an instant all the shining silver-blue vortexes behind the door slanted out from behind the door, wrapping around the tip of Bai Liu's outstretched right index finger like waves, Planted between Xieta's eyebrows.

The silver-blue vortex rushed into Scheta's forehead, shocking him so much that he leaned back, his gaze was empty.

Bai Liu's ethereal and smiling voice rang in Scheta's ear:

"I give you the desire to change the world line. You can bring in all the people in the world line who you think can change Bai Liu's fate. Let Bai Liu have friends and relatives in a way you think is appropriate."

"However, Bai Liu is too old now, and he doesn't have any concept of love. When the time is right, I will use your way of making a wish to bring the person he loves to his side."

"However." Bai Liu said with a smile, "Although you have a soul now, you are not in pain."

"In order for you to successfully become the evil god after the end of this world line game, Tavel, I still have to give you some of his painful experience." Bai Liu's gaze shifted to the frowning sleeper behind Xieta Bai Liu, the smile on his face deepened, "If you can't provide me with enough pain at that time, I might choose another child who is more painful to be my heir."

"If you don't want to see this, try to be more miserable."

The silver-blue vortex rolled by, and Bai Liu woke up coughing and coughing. He looked at the empty pond around him, took another look at his right hand, and shook it suddenly.

At that moment just now, it seemed that Scheta was still alive, holding his hand vigorously, not wanting to leave.

Looking at the spades on the water pattern wall, he seemed to have noticed something. His face was more bright than ever, revealing an emotional resistance, and he turned his head: "I don't want to watch it."

The water-patterned wall deflected the same way as Spade's line of sight, and returned to the front of Spade. No matter how much Spade turned his head away in resistance, he was still facing him, getting closer and closer.

Spade simply closed his eyes, clutching the whip tightly.

Bai Liu chuckled lightly, snapped his fingers, and said in an empathetic manner: "If you don't want to watch it, I can explain to you what happened next."

"Because Tavel made a wish at the cost of his own soul, Bai Liu gained his own friends and relatives, and he became one of the happy and ordinary vulgar people in this world."

"But Tavel was exiled to the game by me, slaughtered and tortured by all players."

"But it's a pity that even so, he still doesn't suffer, he only suffers because of Bai Liu, so I induced Bai Liu to enter the game, and one year before Bai Liu entered the game, in order to fulfill Tavel's wish, let him and Bai Liu To meet and fall in love in a human way—”

Spades interrupted coldly: "I can't hear you."

Bai Liu smiled and continued sincerely: "——I separated Tavel's spirit and flesh in "Siren Town", and trapped the spirit in the game for seven days. □Release the game, get along with Bai Liu normally."

"He's got you, spades."

"You were born because of Tavel and Bai Liu's persistent love for each other, but to be honest, there is only one purpose for me to create you—"

Bai Liu smiled and said, "That is to make Bai Liu and Tavel suffer."

"Your birth is like the death of the soul that Bai Liu really loves——Tavier."

"The first time you met Bai Liu, you took out Tavel's remaining heart from Bai Liu's body and crushed it. The second time you met Bai Liu, you forced him to accept the identity of the heir of the evil god I gave, because That will save Scheta."

Spade opened his eyes suddenly, he swept across with his black whip, White Six shifted back to avoid, and several water pattern wall screens wrapped Spade, all of which were showing the scene of him hurting Bai Liu.

Bai Liu was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, and Du Sanying beside him cried and said to the doctor, "How could his heart be cut open?!"

At the last second when Bai Liu was submerged by the pond in "Border of the Jungle", she smiled and said to him softly, "I miss you very much, Xieta."

Bai Liu's voice came from behind these water pattern wall screens, with a smile:

"Your existence means that it will bring constant harm to Bai Liu and make him suffer constantly."

"You did an excellent job of completing the task I entrusted to you, but what surprised me even more and ‌ was—"

Bai Liu laughed lightly, he suddenly broke through the water-patterned wall several times and pressed the spade in the middle on the chair, lowered his eyes to look at the spade who was about to fight back, with a sharp face, Bai Liu had a big smile on his face a pitiful smile:

"You actually gave birth to your own soul under Bai Liu's loving gaze."

"Although that love is not for you, it's just through you looking at Tavel."

The moment Spade raised his hand and swung the whip, he suddenly felt a sharp burning pain in his lower back, which forced him to put down the whip in his hand.

——It was the wound hit by some soul-shattering bullet before, and it hurts from time to time.

But today the pain is so weird.

Since Spade was born, he has experienced all kinds of [pain], but he has never felt this kind of [pain]. This kind of [pain] is not a sharp stabbing pain, like being cut by a knife. Being hacked by the sword, it seemed that something started to burn from inside his body, which made his heart feel sore, his body movements began to slow down, and even his eyes began to water.

This kind of [pain] obviously didn't have that kind of [pain], but it made him feel... no matter what, he couldn't win.

But what can't you win? It's not like I can't win the game...

Spades are a little confused.

A transparent silk thread flew from a distance and was tied to Spade's right wrist.

Bai Liu smiled and said: "You also have a soul, and you have also caused pain. To a certain extent, you are also qualified to be my heir."

"But guess, who will Bai Liu choose to be his lover, who will he give up, and who will be his heir?"

Spades finally raised his head in a sudden realization, a drop of water dripped out of the corner of his eyes as if unconsciously.

Oh, this is it.

The thing he felt he couldn't win just now was this.

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