Published at 11th of October 2021 10:40:09 AM

Chapter 1051: 1051

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After talking about Zuyin, Zhou Xuanji felt a little idle. He returned to the Yuanting of Kunlun and began to travel.

Although the sword emperor's shenting is in a hot fight in the south, he doesn't need to appear in person.

Today's nanendless is a big meat pie. Anyone can eat it.

Thanks to Hunyuan heaven and supreme heaven cleaning up the strong, now the endless overlords of the three parties don't have to come forward in person.

Just because they don't show up doesn't mean they don't care.

They are all waiting for each other to come first.

For a long time, Zhou Xuanji didn't come to Kunlun Yuanting in person. Zhou Xuanji suddenly felt that Kunlun Yuanting had changed a lot.

The strength of all sentient beings has obviously become stronger. There have been many accomplishments like the Supreme Master of the world of mortals in the past.

At the beginning, the supreme mortal was so majestic in Kunlun Yuanting.

Zhou Xuanji suddenly thought of the emperors of the yuan court in Kunlun.

It's embarrassing to say.

Most of them did not come to him, but went to worship other endless overlords.

Zhou Xuanji didn't mention these things, nor did his people. All sentient beings knew that he was the contemporary master of Kunlun Yuanting. As for the living supreme, no one paid attention to him.

He began to return to his rise.

From the great Zhou Dynasty to the emperor's sword and divine pulse.

After so many years, the great Zhou Dynasty is still prosperous.

It has a great relationship with Zhou Xuanji.

In the northern wasteland, Zhou Xuanji has become the largest God, and the great Zhou Dynasty has also built momentum with this.

All creatures who fly from the northern wasteland will be taken care of by the upper world. Even if they are not gifted, no one will easily offend them.

The biggest reason is that the disciples of the imperial sword court will come down from time to time to practice, or get married and have children.

In modern terms, they like to go back to the novice village to abuse people.

As long as they don't mess around, Zhou Xuanji doesn't bother to pay attention.

This is a hundred years.

Zhou Xuanji walked all the roads he had traveled before and reviewed the scenery again.

Everything has changed and my mood has changed.

He felt more.

Although he didn't greatly improve his cultivation level, he felt very good.

Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.

When he returned to the stars, a God King came to spread the news.

Zhou Xuanji let him into the hall.

The God King half knelt on the ground and hugged his fist and said, "Your Majesty, Qin Zun is fighting against Gu Jue Jiao. The two sides are still in a fierce battle, regardless of up and down."

Zhou Xuanji asked, "have the West endless troops in the South endless troops been recovered?"

"No!" the God King replied.

Zhou Xuanji squinted.

It seems that Gu juejiao didn't pay attention to Qin Zun.

Whether he wins or loses, it will not affect dongendless's position.

After all, Zongji, supreme heaven and Hunyuan heaven have been defeated by Qin Zun. He is not ashamed to lose, but just send Qin Zun to the peak.

Compared with personal reputation, unity is the top priority.

"Your Majesty, do we need to fortify?" God asked.

He knew that Zhou Xuanji was unfathomable, but Zhou Xuanji was young after all and was estimated to be weaker than those old monsters.

Previously, Gu Jue Jiao came and was forced back, but Gu Jue Jiao was not injured. All sentient beings were guessing that the two had actually reached a deal.

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and said, "he is not my opponent."

No one can defeat him as long as it is not eternal.

At best, he can't defeat the enemy.

Seeing that Zhou Xuanji was so confident, Shenjun wanted to stop talking.

Qin Zun is too strong.

Born in the sky, it directly challenges the endless overlord.

Looking at the whole universe, there is no second person.

"Go down."

Zhou Xuanji waved and said, smelling the speech, the God King can only leave.

After he left the hall, Zhou Xuanji smiled.

"Qin Zun, I want to see who you are and what secrets are hidden in the eternal God gate."

Zhou Xuanji muttered to himself that the supreme opportunity probably came from the eternal God gate, or there may be a real supreme opportunity hidden in the eternal God gate.

Although the supreme sword system is strong, it can't make him invincible directly.

The real supreme opportunity is to be invincible and unstoppable.

Then, Zhou Xuanji closed his eyes and stopped thinking.



The terrible strong light swept the whole universe, and countless creatures were annihilated.

Hongqin Shengjun is dishevelled and his divine clothes are broken, which makes him look very embarrassed.

In front of the strong light, there is an extremely powerful figure. It is as tall as the giant god who opened up the world.

"Wait for a curfew! Don't want to wreak havoc on my south!"

The giant god roared and screamed, making the whole Universe tremble.

In addition to Hongqin Shengjun, there were more than ten immortal people scattered in all directions. They all looked at the great God in horror.

"Who is this guy?"

"What a terrible and immortal place. At that moment, I felt that I wanted to destroy both form and spirit!"

"Let's fight him together!"

"No, this guy is too strong. We are not his opponent at all."

"When did such a super statue exist?"

"We must suppress him, or our subordinates will die miserably!"

The indestructible strong quickly reached an agreement, and Qin Shengjun fought against the great God with them.

In the distance, countless magic soldiers are watching, all with a look of horror.

Too strong!

Only from a close distance can you feel how terrible the giant god is.

At the same time, three endless spies immediately sent the news back.

When it reached the hall of stars, it was a few days later.

Zhou Xuanji immediately found zufo and told him about it.

"Do you want me to do it?" zufo asked with an unhappy face.

Zhou Xuanji said seriously, "do you want to go further?"


The ancestral Buddha immediately disappeared in the temple.

Zhou Xuanji smiled and followed him back.

With the help of zufo, it should be stable.

Although zufo has not yet fully learned the anti constitutional creation Sutra, his own strength is super strong.

The other side is not like Gu Jue Jiao. Zufo should be able to suppress it easily.

About the last eight days.

The voice of the zufo came into the hall of stars.

"It's settled. That guy is the first immortal territory in the post ancient period. His strength is good. I've accepted him."

Zufo's voice was very indifferent.

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and laughed. This guy really pretended to be forced.

However, he was really surprised that zufo easily suppressed so many opponents that could not be solved in the immortal realm.

It seems that zufo has made great progress.

Maybe he can really achieve eternity.

After thinking about it, Zhou Xuanji came directly to the temple of zufo.

Zufo was playing with a white jade bottle. When he saw Zhou Xuanji appear, he frowned and said, "why do you suddenly appear? I don't know to say hello outside?"

Zhou Xuanji said with a smile, "what? Are you plotting behind my back?"

Zufo snorted coldly without explanation.

Although he has worked for Zhou Xuanji, he is still not comfortable.

I always feel like I've lost my generation.

"Can you show me that guy?" asked Zhou Xuanji.

If zufo doesn't kill each other, it means that the other party is still valuable to zufo.

He also wanted to know the difference between the first immortal territories in the post ancient Zun period.

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