Published at 11th of October 2021 11:02:53 AM

Chapter 167: 167

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"Huang Ming and his father?"

Zhou Xuanji muttered that he had heard Huang Ming speak before. He thought that the ghost royal family only had Huang Ming and Huang Lianxin. Unexpectedly, there was another Huang Hantian.

Qin Gang sighed: "Huang Hantian is very strong. I'm not his opponent."

The dust storm came unstoppably, trying to break down Dachen border.

Zhou Xuanji stepped forward and fiercely waved his sword forward.

The sword Qi turned into the sun, moon and stars and swept away.

The picture was so spectacular that countless people were in an uproar.

The sun, moon and stars are magnificent and fast. They break through the dust storm with the potential of breaking the embankment.

"What an exquisite sword technique. It looks like a sword, but the sword moves vary endlessly."

Qin Gang was frightened secretly. It seems that the rumors outside are not empty.

Da Chen's soldiers and monks were also amazed by the sun, moon and stars.

The sun, moon and stars will blow the billowing dust storm into two halves, and soon the sword Qi will dissipate and disappear.

A figure flew out of the dust storm. He was wearing golden armor and spread his hands. A strong wind wrapped around him like a tornado.

His white hair was flying wantonly. His face was ugly, as if he had been burned by fire. His eyes were like snakes, staring at Zhou Xuanji coldly.

Emperor Hantian!

The second expert of Xinhao sect!

A powerful devil who frightens all sentient beings!

Countless demons of Xinhao cult flew out of the dust storm, like demons coming into the world.

Looking ahead, there are at least 200000 people, which makes people inside and outside Dachen border scared.

"Inform the imperial city and nearby cities to come and support! Xinhao sect is coming!"

A general guarding the pass shouted loudly, hoarse, and took out his magic weapons to prepare for battle.

Huang Hantian flew to Zhou Xuanji.

"Zhou Jianshen, I have absorbed your spiritual power, and maybe I can directly break through to Mahayana."

His voice was so cold that everyone who heard it felt terrible.

Zhou Xuanji raised his left hand and the ghost emperor sword appeared.

Then, other divine swords appeared behind him, raising gusts of strong wind.

"Want to kill me? What are you?"

Zhou Xuanji raised his mouth and sneered.

Huang Hantian is really strong, so he is not sure of confrontation.

But he won't wait to die!

Qin Gang took a deep breath and raised his hands. The magic Qi overflowed from his body, condensing a hundred feet high magic shadow with thousands of arms, which was dazzling.

Zhou Xuanji glanced at him and was secretly frightened.

This guy's breath is so strong!

I really underestimated him before!

"Thousand hand devil, tut Tut, unexpectedly, Zhou Jianshen and the remaining evils of Tanhua sect are mixed together!"

Huanghan Tianleng smiled. He deliberately amplified his voice and resounded through the world, causing an uproar among countless people.

In the whole northern wasteland area, the most embarrassing evil force is Tanhua sect. Everyone yells at them. Even other evil forces don't allow them. Unexpectedly, Zhou Jianshen is even with Tanhua sect.

Did Zhou Jianshen come from Epiphyllum sect?

You know, Zhou Jianshen has been famous for a long time, but no one knows his origin.

Zhou Xuanji sighed in his heart.

Now it's yellow mud falling into your trouser legs. It's not shit, it's shit.


Qin Gang snorted coldly and rushed out first.

With a kick on his right foot, the ground under his feet collapsed directly, and with the shadow of a hundred feet and a thousand hands, he rose into the sky and quickly flew to the top of Huang Hantian's head.

He clapped his hands wildly towards Huang Hantian, and the thousand hand shadow behind him waved his hands.

How terrible it is to have a thousand palms together!

Boom! Boom! Boom

One by one, he clapped his hands on Huang Hantian and was blocked by his evil spirit. Even so, the surrounding dust storms dispersed directly.

The earth collapses, cracks emerge one after another, and the ground within a hundred miles is shaking violently.

The strong wind swept away in all directions.

Zhao Congjian was forced to retreat.

Zhou Xuanji rushed with all the divine swords.

The ghost emperor appeared on him, holding double swords, and other divine swords galloped away like sharp arrows.

Zhou Xuanji stepped on the wind chopping sword, performed eight sword steps, jumped over the shadow of a thousand hands, and waved his sword one after another towards Huang Hantian.

Batian sword!

The sword moves are domineering, the sword posture is domineering, and the sword Qi is more domineering!

The sword Qi fell, and with a bang, Huang Hantian was pressed down.

The emperor's white hair danced wildly in the cold sky, and the ferocity of the unparalleled evil devil was displayed incisively and vividly.

"Thousand hand devil! Zhou Jianshen! Very good! Today I'll show you why Xinhao cult can become the pillar of today's evil way!"

He laughed wildly, rebellious and pushed his palms up.

A terrible evil spirit directly overturned Zhou Xuanji and forced Qin Gang to slide back.

"This guy... Feels much better than the sword emperor of Zhou Dynasty..."

Zhou Xuanji looked dignified. I don't know when, the great Zhou jianhuang has become a standard for him to measure the strength of the enemy.


Huang Hantian suddenly disappeared, turned into a remnant shadow and rushed to Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji immediately cast six sword shadows.

Then perform soul devouring and mourning magic chop!

Eighteen black swords rage away, breaking up all the remnants of the emperor's cold sky.

Emperor Han Tian was faster. He appeared behind him out of thin air and kicked him like a sharp whip, kicking him to vomit blood and fly upside down.

Qin Gang roared and killed. The momentum of the thousand hand demon shadow surged and the world shook.

Zhou Xuanji stabilized his body and rushed again.

Two people fight together in the cold sky!

Boom! Boom! Boom

The three men are staggered in shape. They fight you and me, and let the plain explode and collapse one after another, and the dust roll up the sky.

The big Chen soldiers at the border were stunned and shocked to see the gods fighting.

"Pope Xinhao, it's so cold..."

"These three people are all well-known. Now they have a big fight outside Dachen. Won't it harm Dachen?"

"Very likely, you see, those demons haven't moved yet!"

"I feel that Zhou Jianshen is not against him!"

"Nonsense, Huang Hantian is an old devil who has lived for thousands of years. No matter how strong Zhou Xuanji is, he can't defeat him so soon. A few years ago, Zhou Jianshen and Neidan had to be injured."

The soldiers exclaimed and began to talk to each other.

Zhou Xuanji showed his double sword intention and still lost to the emperor cold sky.

The cultivation gap is too big. Even if you hold two golden swords, you can only barely fail.

Qin Gang also tried his best to show all kinds of magic spells one after another. However, the emperor could easily break it in the cold sky.


Huang Hantian fell from the sky and hit the ground with one foot. Zhou Xuanji and Qin Gang were shocked to vomit blood and fly upside down. The wasteland that had already been turned into ruins collapsed again, sweeping 10000 meters. The high wall of Dachen border pass was shocked to produce cracks.

Zhao Congjian was forced to fly away from the ground.

Before Qin Gang could stabilize his body, he was strangled by Emperor Hantian and held high in the air.

Zhou Xuanji waved his right hand and killed the divine sword above the silver level.

Emperor Han Tian did not look at the divine swords. With a wave of his left hand, a Jiao shaped magic spirit flew out of his sleeve and swallowed all the divine swords.

Zhou Xuanji was too close to escape, so he was directly lifted out. The white dragon Royal gold clothes were cut by the divine sword, and blood splashed out.


Before he landed, Huang Hantian stepped on Zhou Xuanji's chest with Qin Gang, which made him fall down and startled the rolling dust.


Qin Gang gnashed his teeth and felt very uncomfortable.

Zhou Xuanji felt that his bones were broken and was pressed by the emperor's cold sky. He couldn't move.

"Zhou Jianshen, your sword technique and sword are very powerful. Unfortunately, your cultivation is too low. Your body and bones can't bear the blow of this seat."

Emperor Han Tian looked down at him and said with a contemptuous smile.

One to two!

The second expert of Xinhao sect deserves its reputation!

Zhou Xuanji stared at him and struggled hard. His body surface turned golden. He couldn't stand up against King Kong's immortal body.

"Let this seat absorb your spiritual power!"

Huang Hantian laughed wildly. As long as he absorbed the spiritual power of Zhou Xuanji and Qin Gang, he would have the hope to surpass stepping on the sky and become the strongest existence of Xinhao religion!

"Huang Hantian, do you want to die?"

Just then, a cold female voice rang through the world.

Huang Hantian's face changed dramatically, and Qin Gang's face showed a look of ecstasy.

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