Published at 11th of October 2021 11:01:57 AM

Chapter 206: 206

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"The patriarch is really powerful. Did you know from the beginning that he was the emperor of all ages?"

Zong peeped down his head and exclaimed in admiration.

When Zhou Xuanji challenged the great Zhou jianhuang, although he was powerful, he could catch a large number of such characters in the northern wasteland.

After all, he was only challenging the great Zhou jianhuang at that time. If the great Zhou jianhuang did his best, he couldn't go at all.

At that time, Xian Xianghua could identify Zhou Xuanji as the emperor of all ages and pledge the position of deputy patriarch to Zhou Xuanji. He really admired his courage.

Xian Xianghua smiled and didn't speak.

She thought to herself that if you saw that boy get the inheritance of bajiandi, you would think so!

"Your identity has been exposed. Your next task is to find out what Jiang Wudi is looking for. As for Zhou Xuanji, I have my own arrangement."

Xian Xianghua mused that the world map had been won by Zhou Xuanji. What else could Jiang Wudi be so excited about?

She doesn't know, so she wants to know.

Zong peeped at his life and nodded.

"I am preparing for the resurrection of the evil king. Once he is resurrected, our Epiphyllum sect should rise again."

If the immortal wanted to spend a deep meaning, he said. Hearing the speech, Zong peeped at his life and trembled all over. He didn't answer.

Then, Xianhua wanted to wave him away.

She turned and walked to the edge of the cliff, looked at the scorching sun at the end of the sea of clouds in the distance, and murmured, "the era that belongs to you is over, but I need your strength."


Seven days later.

Zhou Xuanji and others left Da Zhou and found a sophomore.

The two big guys had been hiding in the woods, but they were not in danger.

The people stopped in the woods and began to discuss the crazy old lady.

"Once this matter is discovered, we will offend the Jiang family. In order to eradicate future troubles, Emperor Jiang Wu must take action against you."

The old man who stole the cliff looked at Zhou Xuanji and reminded him.

Although emperor Jiang Wu was so kind before, it was because there was no interest dispute.

Once he became an enemy, Jiang Wudi knew the potential of Zhou Xuanji and would not stay.

Now Zhou Xuanji has surpassed Lin Guanyu, but it is still far from emperor Jiang Wu.

Zhou Xuanji mused: "at the beginning, her grandmother made such a big mistake that emperor Jiang Wudi didn't kill her. Now we shouldn't kill her for a baby. We don't have to take the crazy old lady. We mainly want to see if she is safe. Let the crazy old lady hand over the baby at that time, and we'll settle her down."

The crazy old lady left Jiang Xue without saying a word at the beginning of the day and still owed a lot of debt. Maybe she didn't have much debt, but it was just profits, but in Zhou Xuanji's heart, she was already an image of misconduct.

Jiang Xue nodded and said, "her kindness to my upbringing is only a few years. We don't have to go through fire and water for her."

It's not her unfeeling, but her own business. We can't let everyone risk their lives for her.

The old man who stole the cliff pinched his fingers and closed his eyes.

Chongming demon emperor shouted, "what treasure is worth a big man like emperor Jiang Wu coming in person?"

Is it the world map?

After all, the fact that the world map has been taken has not spread.

Xiao Jinghong frowned and said, "the most troublesome thing now is that Da Zhou is so big. How can we find the crazy old lady?"

Maybe they can mobilize Dazhou's strength to find it, but Dazhou is still too weak compared with Jiang's.

Jiang Wudi alone was enough to destroy the whole Zhou Dynasty.

"I've figured out where she is."

At this time, the old man who stole the cliff opened his eyes and said.

Others turned their eyes to him. These days, he is calculating crazy old lady every day. He has never succeeded. Why can he succeed today?

"The imperial dynasty is shrouded in good fortune. It's hard to calculate. At the beginning, it took me a long time to find the mystery. I just calculated that the crazy old lady has left Dazhou and is heading south."

The old man who stole the cliff replied with a pleased look on his face.


I still have to rely on you!

"It's not too late. Let's go now."

Zhou Xuanji immediately decided to say, then grabbed Jiang Xue's waist and jumped behind ADA with her.

Red Qilin followed the demon emperor of Chongming, and they soon flew out of the woods, led by the old man who stole the cliff.


The news that Zhou Xuanji killed Lin Guanyu spread wildly to the northern wasteland.

Big week!

All the events on the day of ascension have been excavated and become the talk of countless people.

Zhou Xuanji became famous again. Unlike before, this time, he directly replaced Lin Guanyu and reached the top 100 in the Northern Wilderness!

The youngest Beihuang top 100 in history!

At the same time, he is also the first in the Northern Wilderness Tianjiao list, ranking in the double list, with no second in the limelight.

Xinhao religion and Haoqi alliance couldn't sit still. Lin Guanyu fell. Should it be their turn next?

After the two forces got the news, they both negotiated with each other with tacit understanding and were ready to work together to eradicate Zhou Xuanji.

Canghai building gave Zhou Xuanji face and directly re promulgated the top 100 northern wasteland.

The 93rd in the world, Zhou Xuanji, the sword God in the world, the eternal pride of heaven!

The name of Zhou Xuanji is like a storm sweeping the world.


Big week.

Among the mountains, an old man sat on a boulder, and more than ten children were practicing swords on the grass in front.

Older children look almost fourteen or five years old, while younger children are only five or six years old. They even have trouble dancing swords.

The old man is Qiu Baili, the elder of Tibetan sword sect.

Looking at the children, he stroked his beard and smiled, looking very kind.

A boy who seemed to be in his early ten years old stopped, walked up to him and asked, "Qiu Changlao, did Zhou Jianshen succeed in kendo at the age of six? Is it true or false?"

As soon as he said this, the other children stopped and surrounded curiously.

Since Zhou Xuanji became famous all over the world, there has been a wind of Kendo in the great Zhou Dynasty.

Not long ago, Zhou Jianshen killed Beiba Daosheng, forced the great Zhou jianhuang back, and directly became a mythical figure.

For children as big as them, it can be said that they began to listen to the legend of Zhou Xuanji from birth.

Qiu Baili said with a smile, "not only has Zhou Xuanji learned sword since he was two years old, but he can practice sword meaning every year. His talent is comparable to immortal gods, and ordinary people can't compare with it."

When Zhou Xuanji was mentioned, he sighed in his heart.

When he first met Zhou Xuanji outside the Southern Han Dynasty, the boy also took Xiao Jiang Xue to flee everywhere. Twenty years later, he has become famous all over the world, more powerful than he had expected.

Now in his eyes, Zhou Xuanji is even more powerful than Zhou Yandi, and even the most powerful people in the world.

I'm afraid I'll never see that boy again in this life.

Qiu Baili sighed in his heart. Although he regretted it, he was more happy for Zhou Xuanji.

"Qiu Changlao, how do you know?"

A girl with bright eyes asked curiously.

This is the first time they have heard of these things.

They felt that Qiu Baili seemed to know Zhou Xuanji very well.

They can always hear all kinds of unknown things about Zhou Xuanji from Qiu Baili's mouth.

"Because I live longer than you."

Qiu Baili smiled mysteriously. He didn't tell his past with Zhou Xuanji in order to protect himself and avoid trouble.

Of course, he also understood that even if he said it now, no one would believe it.

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