Published at 11th of October 2021 11:00:40 AM

Chapter 255: 255

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"If you don't go, Da Zhou will die."

Zhou Xuanji stared at Xian Xianghua and said solemnly.

The immortal wanted to spend a frown and said, "if the great Zhou Dynasty dies, it's none of your business. Why do you need false benevolence and righteousness?"

The hospital was silent. Everyone looked at them nervously. The atmosphere didn't dare to breathe.

Zhou Xuanji stood up and looked at each other. No one softened his attitude.

"This is not a false benevolence and righteousness, but a promise. It has no faith and no principle. When walking in the world, everything is just to live, just like a street mouse, like rotten bone worms and maggots. It's really interesting to live?"

He asked softly, in a firm tone, not moved by the fairy want to spend.

"But you will die. If people die, promise still makes sense?"

The fairy wanted to spend her breath, and said in a deep voice.

Why is this boy so stubborn?

Zhou Xuanji asked, "how do you know I will die when I go?"

"I have lived in the northern wasteland for 28 years. If I always do uncertain things, can I live to this day?"

Now he has broken through the refining realm, holding two heavenly soul swords, and his strength has been very strong!

What's more, he still has time to continue to grow stronger!

He is a man who values commitment very much.

If Da Zhou dies because of him, there may be mental demons in future practice.

Once a person breaks the principle, there is no difference between once and twice, only zero and countless times.

Fairy wanted to be moved by his eyes, sighed and had to give up persuasion.

Others in the hospital were convinced by Zhou Xuanji.

This is Zhou Jianshen they know.

be fearless!

Never avoid the provocation of strong enemies!

"I believe in master."

Xiao Jinghong said, with a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes.

He has begun to look forward to Zhou Xuanji's defeat of the huangquan Dragon King.

Others followed and spoke in support of Zhou Xuanji.

The fairy wanted to spend angry, stamped her feet and hummed coldly, but she didn't speak again.

But Zhou Xuanji's words moved her very much.

"The boy has the best demeanor in the world."

Xian Xianghua thought in her heart and kept staring at Zhou Xuanji.

An hour later.

Zhou Xuanji called everyone together. He told the story of the Dragon King of the yellow spring.

He plans to go to Dazhou alone. Everyone is waiting for him here.

It's hard for someone to threaten them with Ning Zifeng.

Everyone had no objection. Although Jiang Xue was worried, she knew that she could not change Zhou Xuanji's idea, so she could only give a few instructions.

"After I leave, you should go out as little as possible. Even if you go out, don't give a name. The enemy's intelligence ability is stronger than expected."

Zhou Xuanji ordered. After saying this, he left with his sword and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the direction of his departure, Xian Xianghua brushed his sleeve, hummed, turned and left, and went back to the house to heal his wounds.

Huang Lianxin took Jiang Xue's arm and said with a smile, "don't worry. Trust your master. After only one year, the news that the huangquan Dragon King was defeated by his master will spread wildly to the North wasteland."

Looking back, how many people thought Zhou Xuanji would lose the battle, and he won?

What if the huangquan Dragon King is the fifth in the world?

Jiang Xue sighed and said, "of course I believe him, but I'm afraid he will suffer."


Big week.

The former bustling imperial city has been turned into ruins, filled with smoke.

People could be seen faintly in the collapsed houses. They hid in them and dared not come out, just like the wronged souls in panic and despair.

There is a huge dragon in the broken imperial palace. It is covered with yellowish scales. Its body diameter reaches tens of feet. Its claws are bigger than the palace. The dragon head is submerged in the clouds. The Dragon whiskers twist with the wind, like two ties connecting heaven and earth.

Anyone in front of this dragon will tremble.

It seems to be the largest creature in the world.

It is the Yellow Dragon King!

The two demons of the yellow spring stood at the top of a palace below and looked at the surging sea of clouds. They looked amazed.

"The Dragon King's acceptance of Qi is really spectacular. It feels like a sea embracing all rivers."

"That's right. I feel that the Dragon King is stronger. The next millennium may impact a higher ranking."

"That's nature. Xianxiang flowers have been abandoned, and it's difficult for emperor Jiang Wu to become a climate."

"Do you think Zhou Xuanji dares to come?"

"He has such a good face that he won't come?"

The two demons exchanged with each other. When they mentioned Zhou Xuanji, they gnashed their teeth.

They have lost several times because of Zhou Xuanji. In their hearts, Zhou Xuanji is already the number one enemy.

Even if they killed Zhou Xuanji, they could not solve their hatred.

At this time, a group of demons came from the side and escorted Zhou Chengxin, Xi greedy Changshi and other people in power of the great Zhou Dynasty.

In the huangquan Road, demon cultivation is mixed with demons, so the huangquan Dragon King has always been a neutral force, but this time he chose to support Ji Huang demon king.

Zhou Chengxin looked desperate. His imperial robe was torn and his hair was messy, like a beggar.

He was escorted to the huangquan Dragon King and forced to kneel down.

At the moment, he has no demeanor of the son of Zhou.

"Son of heaven, the king has ordered to invite Zhou Xuanji to fight. If Zhou Xuanji doesn't come, you will see the whole Zhou buried, and the king will let you die at last."

The voice of the Dragon King of the yellow spring sounded, loud and shaking the sea of clouds.

Hearing the speech, Zhou Chengxin turned pale.

He has seen with his own eyes how strong the huangquan Dragon King is.

It is as powerful as the God of heaven!

Although Zhou Xuanji's talent is impressive, his strength is still too weak compared with the huangquan Dragon King.

They are not a hierarchy at all.

"If you have a way to lead Zhou Xuanji to meet you, you will survive and the king will leave!"

The voice of the yellow spring Dragon King sounded again. His great dragon body was like a sacred mountain, standing tall and boundless.

Zhou Chengxin looked up at him and fell into a choice.

Where can he contact Zhou Xuanji.

If I could, I would have asked Zhou Xuanji to help.

A big demon with a wolf head suddenly appeared next to Zhou Chengxin. He hugged his fist and said, "tell the Dragon King that emperor Yang has something moving. He has passed the customs and threatened to walk in the world for a hundred years."

Emperor Yang!

The giant dragon body of the yellow spring Dragon King trembled slightly.

the best in all the land!

The name was enough to weigh him out of breath.

He didn't speak, but fell into silence, as if thinking about something.


The news that the Dragon King of huangquan threatened to fight Zhou Xuanji with the threat of Zhou has spread.

On the Terran side, they all scold the yellow spring Dragon King for being shameless. How can Zhou Xuanji beat him?

The demon clan is mocking Zhou Xuanji for not coming, thus trampling on the morale of the Terran.

For a time, the world gathered on Zhou Xuanji again.


Under the blue sky, the waves hit the beach and reef coast one after another.

Jiang Wudi stood on a reef with a frown. Behind him, a man in white knelt. His face was ordinary, but his temperament was excellent.

"The Dragon King of huangquan is really shameless."

After hearing the report from the man in white, Emperor Jiang Wu disdained.

He began to calculate whether to help Zhou Xuanji.

The boy's talent is really terrible. He wants to use his talent to make Jiang take off.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!