Published at 11th of October 2021 11:00:24 AM

Chapter 266: 266

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In the ruins of the imperial city of the Zhou Dynasty, hundreds of thousands of prisoners were frightened.

They looked into the distance, where the dust curled, across the mountains and far away, they could not see the war.

The evil practitioners and demons on the side of the yellow spring road are also very nervous.

Why is there no movement all of a sudden?

The Dragon King of huangquan used to laugh wildly, but now it's gone.

Who won?

"If even he loses... Let's bite our tongue and kill ourselves."

Princess xuanya lowered her head and said in a trembling voice.

It's better to kill yourself directly than to suffer and die.

No one answered her, and others fell into despair and fear.

Born a man, who can really face death?

Just then.

"Zhou Xuanji is back!"

A demon screamed, causing an uproar between everyone and the demon.

Doesn't Zhou Xuanji's return mean?

The evil practitioners and demons of the huangquan family stared at them one after another. When they saw clearly the figures of Zhou Xuanji and Lin Changge, they were almost scared out of their wits.

"The Dragon King is dead! Run away!"


"Zhou Xuanji is back! Run for your life!"

"How could it be! How could the Dragon King be defeated? Why did the double demons and the hundred ghosts disappear?"

"They're all dead! They must be! Or they've escaped!"

For a time, the chicken flies and the dog jumps on the huangquan road and runs away.

Zhou Xuanji didn't chase these minions.

The Dragon King of huangquan is dead, and the huangquan road will plummet. Even if a new Lord is elected, he doesn't have the courage to trouble him!


When he came to Zhou Chengxin, hundreds of thousands of prisoners around him were excited and looked fanatical. Most people wept with joy.

After life and death, Zhou Xuanji sublimated his position in their hearts, just like a God.

"You... Really did it..."

Zhou Chengxin's eyes were red. Facing his brother, he could no longer restrain his emotions and burst into tears.

Zhou Xuanji was expressionless, holding the Holy Light redemption sword and stabbing it into his shoulder, which caused an uproar around him.

What does he want?

Zhou Chengxin was also frightened, but the next second he felt something wrong.

"My psychic power... Is recovering?"

He cried in surprise, which made people breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhou Xuanji didn't let him recover. After he recovered part of his spiritual power, he went to others.

He treated the civil and military officials, and the remaining prisoners were treated by these officials in the future.

For a time, the ruins of the imperial city returned to life.

"Is the Dragon King of huangquan really dead?"

Xi greedy Changshi came to Zhou Xuanji and asked nervously for fear that the yellow spring Dragon King would escape.

With the venom of the yellow spring Dragon King, he will definitely make a comeback.

Lin Changge disdained and said, "of course it's dead. I saw it with my own eyes. I was directly torn by brother Zhou. My soul didn't have time to escape."

Hearing the speech, Xi greedy Changshi and the people around him took a breath.

Is Zhou Xuanji so powerful?

Princess xuanya, Princess Lingling and other princesses and princesses all worship and look at Zhou Xuanji.

Does killing the fifth in the world mean that Zhou Xuanji will become the fifth in the new world?

"The world map has been exposed. In the future, I have to draw a clear line with you so as not to affect Da Zhou."

Zhou Xuanji said, it's bad, and everyone was anxious.

Their biggest backer now is Zhou Xuanji. How can they draw a clear line?

"We are not afraid to be enemies with the world!"


"You are our big week's person. If you are in trouble, you are in trouble!"

"What are you afraid of? We Zhou men are never afraid of many enemies."

"Stay in Dazhou and we will use all our resources to help you become stronger."

The civil servants and generals said one after another that the current great Zhou Dynasty might become the weakest existence among the imperial dynasties, and might even be swallowed up by other imperial dynasties. They must hold Zhou Xuanji tightly.

Without Zhou Xuanji, they will die!

Why don't you fight!

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and said, "don't worry, I'm not directly breaking up with Da Zhou. Now I'm in a war between the two ethnic groups. The major holy places and the imperial dynasty will protect you. Soon, I'll start a sect. At that time, I'll leave more positions for Da Zhou. When I continue to grow stronger, I'll be the Holy Land and support Da Zhou."

Kaizong school!

Everyone was shocked. Unexpectedly, Zhou Xuanji's ambition was so great.

I support for the Holy Land and Da Zhou!

Zhou Chengxin took a deep breath and said, "in that case, we can't trouble you all the time. Let's decide. We'll treat you well if you come to Dazhou at any time in the future."

In front of Zhou Xuanji, he didn't call himself I, because the throne was given to him by Zhou Xuanji.

"Settle down first. I'll go all over Dazhou to help you sweep away demons."

Zhou Xuanji nodded and left this sentence. He turned and left, followed by Lin Changge.

Zhou Chengxin, Xi greedy Changshi and others have not been able to retain them. They have disappeared in the sky like flying immortals.

"It's really a blessing for Da Zhou to have such a person."

Xi greedy sighed for a long time, and his eyes were full of admiration.

He admired Zhou Yandi!

Princess xuanya took Princess Lingling and said with a smile, "shall we go to his door to ask for a way in the future?"

As princesses, their end is marriage.

If it were not for their communication with Zhou Xuanji, Zhou Chengxin would not let them stay in the Imperial City in peace all the time.

After seeing Zhou Xuanji, it was difficult for them to be attracted to other men.


Princess Lingling blinked her eyes and said with a smile. Although her voice was light, it was firm.

She should practice hard, change her fate like Zhou Xuanji, and become an unparalleled strong man respected by everyone!


In the sky, Zhou Xuanji and Lin Changge moved forward with their swords. They flew side by side and chatted.

"How on earth did you get the world map?"

"I heard that you have not only the inheritance of BA Jiandi, but also the inheritance of crack Kong Jiandi?"

"Give me one."

Lin Changge tore open his cold and steady appearance and turned into a chatterbox.

Zhou Xuanji looked straight ahead and said, "when I am a sword slave, everything is easy to say. You can learn any sword skills you want!"

Sword slave?

Lin Changge was stunned and asked, "didn't you say apprentices before?"

The identity gap between apprentice and sword slave is very big.

It's not good to be a sword slave.

"As you said, that was before. Now I have shown my real strength. Naturally, I have to raise the price. You are no longer worthy of being my disciple."

Zhou Xuanji glanced at him and said indifferently, but his heart was dark and cool.

If Lin Changge is included in the door, and his clan removes him, there will already be two Mahayana sword practitioners.

With Lin Changge and Ning Zifeng's talent and kendo attainments, you can open up the sect alone.

Looking at the northern wasteland, they can also rank in the top five in kendo.

Lin Changge was depressed and entangled.

How arrogant is he? How can he be a sword slave?

"When I become the first in the world, you don't even have the qualification to be a sword slave for me. Remember, time waits for no one. Opportunity will never wait for you in situ. I already have a sword slave in Mahayana. He comes from overseas and is the first sword repair in that sea area."

Zhou Xuanji said leisurely, not in a hurry, just like Jiang Taigong fishing.

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