Published at 11th of October 2021 10:59:15 AM

Chapter 305: 305

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Zhou Xuanji's power was so great that he threw it with all his strength, and the blood beads turned into the sharpest arrow in the world. He directly pierced the shadow, and then smashed it into the cave wall, shaking the whole cave.

Then, he used all things to return to the yuan, sucked the blood beads back and held them in his hands.

This process took less than a breath, and both wane's mother and the shadow had no time to react.

Zhou Xuanji raised his right hand and sucked the shadow over.

The shadow was pinched by his neck. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of it.

Zhou Xuanji was not afraid of sneak attacks.

"Come on, what's your origin?"

Zhou Xuanji asked coldly. This guy looks like a shadow, but he has a physical touch and is very strange.

"I'm my mother... Zhan Yang ghost general under my seat... I advise you not to mess around... My mother adheres to the luck of the human race. If her soul is scattered, the human mansion will collapse, and even destroy the family from now on..."

The shadow clenched his teeth and said in a frightened tone.

Zhou Xuanji sneered and said, "scare me? She's such a sneaker. She only eats children. Can she uphold the luck of the human race? Does your mother only teach you to open your eyes and tell lies?"

Zhan Yang's ghost general was in a hurry.

He could feel Zhou Xuanji's murderous spirit.

"My mother is the princess of the first Universiade Dynasty of the human race. She is the daughter of the Xia emperor. She fell into the ghost road for the sake of the luck of the human race. Without her, the human race would no longer exist. What's wrong with her eating some children? In a word, my mother is your ancestor!"

Zhan Yang ghost said angrily, and Zhou Xuanji's eyes were cold.

Why does that sound like swearing?

Is this really the identity of wane's mother?

The first Universiade Dynasty of the Terran, he remembered, was called Daxia.

This is quite similar to Chinese history.

But the historical background is quite different.

Da Xia was born in the period when the demon family took charge of heaven and earth. The Xia emperor is a generation of people's emperor. It is said that he is also the strongest people's emperor. He led the people to dominate the world and established the dominant position of heaven and earth for the people.

A long time ago, the Xia emperor soared.

If he were still alive, how terrible would his cultivation be?

The bajian emperor can observe the northern wasteland by will, not to mention the Xia emperor.

If he kills wane's mother, wouldn't it be very troublesome after flying?

Moreover, if Zhan Yang ghost is true, killing wane's mother is tantamount to breaking the luck of the Terran. If he pushes back, Zhou Xuanji may overthrow the Terran.


What are you doing so far away?

Zhou Xuanji's eyes became firm again. He asked coldly, "since her origin is so important, why does she exist in the demon family, not afraid to be destroyed by monsters, and then destroy the human family?"

Don't tell me, your idea is that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

"The most dangerous place is the safest. It is impossible for the demon family to think that the old mother will hide in the place of the demon family!"

Zhan Yang ghost will hum, and his tone reveals a sense of superiority in IQ.

Zhou Xuanji was silent.

He suddenly realized that no wonder wane's mother had been hiding here for so long and had not come back to life.

How many years has summer been?

100000 years?

I'm afraid not!

History can not be calculated completely, only that long ago, the first Universiade Dynasty of the Terran was the great summer.

"Smelly boy, I think you are young and have a world map. You are qualified to become the next generation of emperor. If you help me resurrect, I will push you to the top in the name of emperor Xia. At that time, you will surpass the sages for tens of thousands of years and achieve the throne. The human race will not die, and you will never die!"

Wan'e's old mother hummed coldly. The tone made Zhou Xuanji inexplicably associate with a person.

Long Aohua.

The tone of the two old demons was so hanging.

Zhou Xuanji disdained and said, "do you want to bewitch me? I used it when I took the sword slave."

With that, he directly sucked the soul in the blood bead into the world map.

He suddenly remembered that the soul of the yellow spring Dragon King was still in the world map, and almost forgot.

His mind moved and directly wiped out the huangquan Dragon King.

Lonely men and women live in the same place. Even if the human demons are separated and there are only residual souls, Zhou Xuanji is afraid of them.

"You... You killed my mother..."

Zhan Yang ghost will tremble and collapse with anger.

Zhou Xuanji said contemptuously, "yes, what can you do if I kill her?"

This guy is quite interesting. He has a serious and humorous temperament.


Zhan yanggui called that a rage.

"I'll kill myself!"

He screamed and immediately chose to explode.


Zhou Xuanji relied on the reincarnation of the world without any damage, but the whole cave shook violently.

He was speechless, but did not waste time. He disappeared and went to rescue the children.

Zhan Yang ghost will also have Mahayana cultivation. His soul will explode and the whole mountain will collapse.

Soon, Zhou Xuanji flew out of the mountain with dozens of boys and girls.

Just as they flew out, the Qianzhang peak collapsed, and the dust lifted up to block out the sky and the sun.

The king of the Quran demon and Zhuang repentance were so frightened that Zhou Xuanji didn't go in for long. How did he blow up the whole mountain?

Zhou Xuanji came with his sword. The boys and girls behind him were so frightened that they cried loudly. The momentum was like thousands of troops and horses.

Hearing this, he stared at the father and son of the Quran demon emperor and said, "the nearby villages are under the protection of our sword court, including the home of my sword court disciples. If you want to dominate the nearby mountains and forests, do you understand what to do?"

The Quran demon emperor and Zhuang repentance were very excited.

"Jiandi, please rest assured that we will never let them suffer again!"

The Koran demon emperor patted his chest and promised. Zhuang repented and nodded.

Zhou Xuanji smiled and turned around to take the children away.

Looking at his leaving back, the father and son were silent for a long time.

long time.

Zhuang regretted: "father, I feel that the future belongs to him and Emperor Yang. They must have a fight. Once emperor Yang rises, the world will be the world of the sword emperor."

The Quran demon emperor nodded and said, "maybe the world belongs to Emperor Yang before he rises."

Zhou Xuanji's talent, in his opinion, is unprecedented.


The sky is mighty. Under the rolling thunder clouds, there are mountains.

These peaks are straight, like huge ground thorns, straight into the sky, covering thousands of miles, like an earth colored forest.

There are countless swords on each mountain, in various styles.

Wanjian Shenling!

This was once the holy land of Kendo in the northern wasteland.

At the edge of wanjianshenling, the coir raincoat man who had negotiated with Zhou Xuanji stood by the cliff and looked at the wanjianshenling in front of him.

He still wears a hat to cover his face.

"Wanjian Shenling, Shi Shenzong, how amazing your strength is. You shouldn't fall here. I'll give you another chance to be reborn, so that the name of the sword saint can be heard all over the world again and become famous forever!"

The coir raincoat man muttered to himself. While talking, he slowly raised his right hand.

A golden light like a snake emerged from its sleeve, turned into a golden dragon, flew into the sky of wanjian Shenling, expanded rapidly, turned into a mighty dragon, and then burst into countless light spots and fell down.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!