Published at 11th of October 2021 10:55:11 AM

Chapter 467: 467

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Zhou Xuanji looked at the old beggar, grabbed the red bead hanging around his neck and asked, "what is the red bead you gave me, and why can you summon Mo Jiuqing?"

Jiang Xue looked at the old beggar curiously. Zhou Xuanji was the first master in name. She was unfathomable. She wanted to see it for a long time.

The old beggar smiled proudly and said, "this is our school bead. If someone is in danger, he can send it directly through the school bead, but he must have true divine cultivation and be proficient in samsara shuttle."

School beads

Zhou Yun machine can not make complaints about this name. He asks, "what is the shuttle?"

If you can use the word proficient, it is estimated that it is a spell, array or divine power.

"Samsara shuttle is a magical power to shuttle planes. With your ability, you are far from qualified to learn."

The old beggar replied, turning his right hand, a jade lotus root appeared in his hand.

A gust of fragrance floated out along the jade lotus root, which made Zhou Xuanji and Jiang Xue feel clear physically and mentally.

"This is the extremely cold lotus root with a history of 100000 years. The huge aura contained in it is enough to let you directly break through to Lixu Jue fairyland. I will guard you so that no villains will jump out."

The old beggar threw the extremely cold lotus root to Zhou Xuanji, then drank a mouthful of wine and smiled.

He turned to look at Jiang Xue and exclaimed, "the five elements spirit body and talent are good. During this time, I also teach you a magic power, even as a gift from the teacher to his daughter-in-law."

Jiang Xue was surprised and quickly saluted and thanked her.

Zhou Xuanji looked at the extremely cold lotus root and asked, "what's the situation of Mo Jiuqing?"

Mo Jiuqing saved him. Naturally, he had to worry about it.

"The boy overestimated his strength. If it weren't for the demon ancestor, he would be dead. He has returned to central China to continue his revenge. Before long, you will hear from him again."

The old beggar replied carelessly, obviously not interested in Mo Jiuqing.

With so many disciples, Mo Jiuqing belongs to the group that doesn't please him.

Not this one?

Zhou Xuanji was surprised. Those eyes almost destroyed the northern wasteland. LV Jingfeng was very fragile in front of him. Such strength was not his own.

So how strong is the demon ancestor?

He no longer thought much, sat cross legged on the clouds and began to absorb the extremely cold lotus roots.

The old beggar went to Jiang Xue and said with a smile, "I'll teach you a magic power now. I think you practice magic power, which is not suitable for you. By the way, I'll teach you another skill, which can fully improve your five element spirit body."

With that, he quickly stretched out his hand and pointed his index finger on Jiang Xue's forehead.

After a while, he stopped, and Jiang Xue continued to feel the inheritance of memory.

He turned to look at Zhou Xuanji and said with a smile, "I'll go to your Shenya city first. You can break through at any time. Don't worry. With me, no one can stop you from breaking through."

With that, the old beggar disappeared.

Zhou Xuanji didn't open his eyes and absorbed the extremely cold lotus root.

An extreme cold ran through his body, and a layer of frost was attached to his body surface at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What a huge aura. This is just a section."

Zhou Xuanji sighed in his heart and suddenly wanted to know where the old beggar came from.

Half an hour later.

He asked Jiang Xue to return to the mansion to wait for him. He was about to cross the robbery and didn't want to hurt her by mistake.

Turning heaven into golden immortals is to turn your inner alchemy into heaven alchemy, and add ten Tao patterns containing the power of heaven.

Leaving emptiness and immortality is the transformation of the soul.

In the previous realm, the soul is fragile. Generally speaking, when the body is destroyed, the soul is difficult to defeat the enemy, and leaving the empty Jue immortal can harden the soul.


Thunder clouds suddenly gathered and the world became dark.

A great power of heaven was spreading, and even the disciples of Shenya city could feel it.

Soon, some people gathered. They looked at Zhou Xuanji from a distance and shouted in surprise.

"He's breaking through again?"

"It is said that he is only 150 years old. He is a hundred and fifty year old immortal?"

"Even if it is a great emperor, it can't be so exaggerated?"

"We don't understand the world of Yipin emperor."

"This is a good thing. Our God cliff will be stronger."

The disciples of Shenya are looking forward to Zhou Xuanji's strength after his breakthrough.

Before that, he could leave the virtual Jue immortal vertically and horizontally. After breaking through the virtual Jue immortal, could he fight the real God?

Yang Yutian appeared in the air out of thin air. He shouted, "disperse and guard Zhou Xuanji!"

The disciples came back and surrounded Zhou Xuanji from all directions.

They do not resist this task. Zhou Xuanji is already the signboard of Shenya, and the future of Shenya also depends on him.

The stronger Zhou Xuanji is, the stronger Shenya will be, and the higher the benefits their disciples will get.

If Zhou Xuanji dies prematurely, their divine cliff will be swallowed up by all forces, both prosperity and loss.

Tianlei's momentum became stronger and stronger, as if there was some terror rolling in the thunder cloud, which made all the disciples tremble.

What kind of disaster is this?

A lightning figure with three heads and six arms suddenly appeared above the clouds. His six arms spread out, each holding lightning. He was a hundred feet tall, just like the appearance of the God of thunder.

Zhou Xuanji looked up, and the thunder sword appeared above his head.

He frowned slightly. The thunder shadow is so strong!

Its momentum is stronger than Tang juetian!

Without waiting for him to think more, the thunder shadow with three heads and six arms swooped down, and the Wanjun thunder fell down, like the collapse of the sky, which was very spectacular.

Zhou Xuanji's mind moved and directly cast the virtual cave instant kill!

The thunder sword rocked up at an extremely fast speed and pierced the thunder shadow with three heads and six arms.

Everyone stared.

What a fast sword!

However, the robbery really began.

A thunder shadow was transformed from the sky thunder. Looking at it, there are countless, just like heaven's soldiers and generals surrounding Zhou Xuanji.

Yang Yutian frowned and muttered, "this robbery has broken through the posture of true God..."

The stronger the robbery, the stronger the strength of Zhou Xuanji and the higher his talent.

He was both happy and worried.


At the foot of the mountain, the woods are dense. The burly man comes to a cave with Bai Hao's heart and wind bitterness and joy.

The burly man said, "Mo Jiuqing, I haven't come out to meet my senior brother yet!"

Bai Hao was so excited that he stared at the cave. He wanted to see Mo Jiuqing for a long time.

Feng Kule was very nervous. He was afraid that Mo Jiuqing would go crazy and hit them.

"Aoshi, what can I do for you?"

Mo Jiuqing's voice came from the cave, and the tone was neither salty nor light.

Aoshi is the name of a burly man. To be exact, he calls himself Aoshi guru and likes to accept disciples.

This is obviously inherited from the old beggar.

Master Aoshi snorted coldly, "it's not good to talk about the past. You've been to the North wasteland before. Can you tell me what happened in the North wasteland and why the ghost of the demon ancestor appeared?"

A sound of footsteps came from the cave, and Mo Jiuqing, who was pale, came out of the cave.

His eyes were cold and fierce. First, he glanced at Bai Hao, who was full of bitterness and joy with the wind, which made them tremble.

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