Published at 11th of October 2021 11:05:38 AM

Chapter 53: 53

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This is a wasteland. It has just experienced war. There are corpses and limbs everywhere. The dried blood makes the earth look like a lot of blood marks.

The wind and sand swept, and the atmosphere was silent and bleak.

Zhou Xuanji and others set their eyes on a hill ahead.

There was a bloody machete standing upright, with the tip down, submerged in the soil, and the blade was wrapped with wisps of blood wind.

you 're right!

It's blood wind!

Blood wind visible to the naked eye!

Xiao Jiang Xue and Huang Lianxin were frightened. Looking at the bloody machete, they all had a creepy feeling.

Little ginger snow asked carefully, "shouldn't there be a ghost?"

Even if she is already a foundation monk, she has a congenital fear of ghosts.

North owl Wang jianleng hummed, "I'm afraid there are ghosts."

With that, he threw the sword out of his hand.

Hundred miles flying sword!

Compared with Zhou Xuanji's hundred mile flying sword, it is much slower, but it is still very fast.


The bloody machete was not knocked down, but blocked the sword of the North owl King's sword.

Zhou Xuanji was communicating with Jianling and asked, "are you sure?"

"That's right. This Sabre is an evil sabre, which is melted by blood gas and resentment. You can refine it and inject it into the blood killing sword to help the blood killing sword upgrade."

The sword spirit replied, his tone was still not emotional.

Zhou Xuanji asked, "how many levels can you rise?"

"It's clear only through close inspection, but it's definitely upgraded to gold."

The sword spirit replied again, making Zhou Xuanji excited.

The blood killing sword is different from other divine swords. The more blood you suck, the stronger the blood killing sword is.

How can you kill the enemy without blood?

In other words, once the bloody sword enters the highest rank of his divine sword, it can become the strongest divine sword!

Seeing that his sword was bounced off, the face of North owl Wang Jian was even more ugly.

Huang Lianxin's eyes swept around. The wind and sand filled the air. There were corpses and rubble everywhere, as if demons and ghosts would rush out at any time.

She said, "if this knife has a master, I'm afraid it's deliberately leading us to the bait."

Zhou Xuanji was also observing the surroundings. He ordered the two dragon eagles in the sky: "Heaven observe the situation."

A big and small two immediately fluttered their wings and set off the wind and sand flying.

Xiao Jiang Xue took out the fire fan and got ready for the battle.

Just then, six monks, four men and two women, all ragged, covered in blood, looked frightened and desperate.

As soon as they saw Zhou Xuanji and others, they immediately lit up hope and hurriedly accelerated.

"Jie... Where else do you want to run?"

A cold and frightening voice rang through the sky, causing goose bumps between Xiao Jiang Xue and Huang Lianxin.

Zhou Xuanji narrowed his eyes and felt a strong smell of danger, as if he had faced Zhuang repentance.

North owl Wang Jian was sweating on his forehead. He suddenly thought of something and murmured, "shouldn't it be..."

Zhou Xuanji stood beside him and asked, "what is it?"

"The bloodthirsty remnant blade of Lihuo demon cult is vicious! He once entered the list of heroes in the Zhou Dynasty, but he was wanted by the Zhou Dynasty and kicked out of the list of heroes in the Zhou Dynasty because he acted too vicious."

The North owl Wang Jian whispered, his tone mixed with a trace of tension.

Leave the fire demon sect!

It's this demon cult again!

Zhou Xuanji couldn't help thinking of the demon xiuye Feifan he killed eight years ago, so he asked, "what's the relationship between ye Fuguan and ye Feifan?"

The northern owl Wang Jian replied, "Ye Feifan? The genius of the fire demon sect who died strangely eight years ago? They are brothers."


It's really a narrow road for friends!

Zhou Xuanji narrowed his eyes. He was sure to get the blood knife. Since he knew that the other party was the enemy's brother, he didn't need to be polite.

Xiao Jiang Xue's expression was also strange, and she couldn't help recalling the scene of that year.

It's really a myth that a two-year-old child cut off the inner alchemy friar.

After she entered the cultivation, she discovered the power of Bai Neidan and admired Zhou Xuanji more.

I saw a white haired man in a blood robe leap from a distance.

His face was ferocious, his eyes were covered with blood, and the corners of his mouth were grinning wildly and cruelly, just like the fierce devil in the world.

"Want to run? Today I want to suck up your blood, let you feel your blood out of your body and die slowly in fear!"

"Hahaha -"

Ye uguan laughed, and the extreme murderous gas blocked the land hundreds of meters around.

Zhou Xuanji said in a deep voice, "kill him!"

North owl Wang Jian's face changed slightly and rushed out like a conditioned reflex.

Step by step, he secretly scolded himself for looking for death?

Ye uguan is a monk in the inner alchemy realm, and he is also the top generation in the inner alchemy realm.

He fought with it in a small open space, completely trying to die.

However, he was used to hearing orders from Zhou Xuanji, and now he could only rush up with a hard head.

Zhou Xuanji put down the three eyed dry rat. The little black snake dragged by the three eyed dry rat stared and scolded, "are you crazy? Dare to provoke him?"

It is a fifth order monster and has seen ye uguan. Although its cultivation is not as good as the peak, it is absolutely invincible for Zhou Xuanji and others.

Zhou Xuanji ignored it and rushed to the bloody machete.

The six friars were excited when they saw the North owl King's sword rushing towards ye oguan.

They are all wounded and can't escape if they want to escape.

North owl Wang Jian looks not weak. Maybe he is an expert.


The North owl King's sword vomited blood and fell in front of them from the air, causing dust to rise.

The six people were stunned. The next second, their expressions became very scary.

Zhou Xuanji came to the bloody machete and reached out to hold the handle. The surrounding blood weathered into the blade and attacked him. At this time, the thunder sword appeared behind him out of thin air.

The thunder sword shook violently, and the lightning overflowed, which directly dispersed the blood wind.

"Children! Dare to take my sword! Die!"

Ye uguan roared and rushed to Zhou Xuanji like a sharp arrow.

Zhou Xuanji directly put the bloody machete into the supreme library.

Without this sabre, ye oguan's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

He turned and looked at ye uguan. He held the thunder sword in front of him in his right hand and opened it in his left hand. The invisible sword appeared quietly.

Facing the fierce ye uguan, Zhou Xuanji took the thunder sword and cut it off with a sword.

Ternary Jue pulse sword!

The sword Qi turns into a storm and kills, instantly blocking Ye's path.

When ye aiguan saw that his sword was taken away, he was angry. His hands turned into blood claws and directly tore up the sword Qi in front of him.

He twisted his body, fell to the ground with his right foot, stamped again, leaned and stabbed Zhou Xuanji.

His right claw seemed to be skinned. His fingernail was sharp and turned into a blade, pointing directly at Zhou Xuanji's neck.

Zhou Xuanji was quick in hand and eyes. He cut his sword to the ground. Countless lightning fell along the blade and swept away in all directions. The weeds were instantly burned to ashes.

As soon as ye aiguan's face changed, he immediately somersaulted back to avoid retreating.

Six monks in the distance were excited. This son could compete with ye uguan!

The North owl king sword covered his chest and smiled bitterly. The gap between himself and his master was really growing.

After landing, ye evil Guan asked in a deep voice, "who the hell are you?"

Zhou Xuanji's right hand shook, the sword blade raised, the sword finger was evil, and said, "there is no matchless Zhou Jianshen in the world."

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