Published at 11th of October 2021 10:48:26 AM

Chapter 735: 735

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"If you can't find it, keep checking!"

The demon emperor snorted coldly and glared at the evil dry God guard below.

The evil dry God guard could only say yes, and then quickly left under the wave of the demon emperor.

The demon emperor looked at Zhou Xuanji again.

"No matter who wants to harm you, there is only one way out."

He snorted coldly, and the corners of his mouth rose with a contemptuous smile.

Who can kill the man he wants to protect?


Within days of the Qing sword, Zhou Xuanji was still in a breakthrough state.

He has condensed the seeds of the tenth Tao flower.

Ten flowers in Daojing!

Even he was surprised.

Soul source bead is too powerful. According to this posture, he won't stay in the Taoist ancestral realm for too long!

Thinking of this, he was even more excited.

His soul suddenly degenerated and his Taoist power soared.

Unspeakable comfort filled his heart, making him want to take the sword to vent.

About the past two hours.

The thunder dispersed.

There are twelve Taoist flowers in the soul of Zhou Xuanji.

His moral power is still growing.

Sprint towards the twelve flowers of Daozu.

With the realm, Taoist cultivation naturally has to keep up.

The wonderful feeling of breakthrough is over, and all that remains is the soaring Taoist power.

He called out the information of two divine swords to check:

Sword Name: multiple chopping sword

Grade: daguangtian

Description: the divine sword that can cut open the multi universe contains infinite power of space rules. Using this sword at least needs to reach the state of Taoist ancestor's six pin flowers.


Sword Name: proud mortal sword

Grade: zunhou

Note: the divine sword that can cut off the Qi of the world of mortals can become the most precious treasure of the world of mortals if matched with the ghost sword. Using this sword must at least reach the realm of the first flower of the Taoist ancestor.


He has gone beyond the realm he needs.

It was the first time he felt this way.

The higher level divine sword obtained by breakthrough can be used directly.

Another half hour passed.

His cultivation was completely consolidated on the twelve grade flowers of Taoist ancestors. He slowly stood up and hunted in white. The thunder sword above his head was shining with lightning.

Now thunder sword has been upgraded to xuandao level.

Zhou Xuanji will use it as long as he crosses the robbery.

Others will use it.

This is also a way to help it become stronger.

Jiang Xue, Zhou Xiaoxuan, Xian Xianghua and Chang Xiyan flew over one after another to congratulate him on his successful breakthrough.

"It's amazing and powerful to directly reach the twelve flowers of the Taoist ancestors."

Chang Xiyan exclaimed. Compared with the usual, she obviously lost her manners.

Zhou Xuanji shocked her too much.

Zhou Xiaoxuan said excitedly, "father, you are so powerful. Do you still have any beads on your forehead?"

The soul source bead in the center of Zhou Xuanji's eyebrows has not been closed, making him look like a God.

The soul source beads are crystal clear, like hiding a galaxy, which is very attractive.

"This is the treasure of Kunlun Yuanting. Don't think about it."

Zhou Xuanji smiled and listened to Zhou Xiaoxuan's loss.

The fairy wanted to spend to come forward and asked curiously, "have your eyes changed again?"

Zhou Xuanji's purple pupil seems to hide a flower. If you look carefully, both flowers are turning by themselves.

Zhou Xiaoxuan came up with him and said, "really, it's amazing. Father, have you changed?"

Zhou Xuanji rolled his eyes and patted her on the head, too lazy to answer.

Then they chatted briefly, and Zhou Xuanji hid in an attic to consolidate his cultivation.

A month later.

Zhou Xuanji took out multiple chopping sword, proud mortal sword, proud mortal sword, small supreme sword and Ruyi Shunxin sword.

The five divine swords radiate different light, noble and bright.

The most striking thing is Ruyi Shunxin divine sword, which emits colorful light and gives people a dreamy feeling.

Ruyi Shunxin sword has not yet revealed its level. Zhou Xuanji can't help guessing whether its level will surpass the level of British yuan court?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

He held the multiple chopping sword and felt a terrible force. He felt that a random wave could destroy the whole Qingjian sky.

He picked up the little supreme sword again and felt that the sword was very calm without any power fluctuation.


Zhou Xuanji immediately put his mind into it with a bang!

Heaven and earth explode!

The strong light shines his conscious vision, and he vaguely sees a figure, which is vague but exudes indescribable domineering.


Zhou Xuanji's consciousness returned to the real world, and a cold sweat overflowed on his forehead.

Even if it is already the 12th flower of Daozu, it is still scary in the face of this momentum.

Little supreme!

Zhou Xuanji frowned. The little Supreme Master was so powerful. Judging from his figure, he was obviously not a child.

He underestimated the existence of being supreme.

Becoming supreme must be the most powerful existence of Kunlun Yuanting at present.

Then, he turned his attention to the proud mortal sword and the proud mortal ghost sword, and found that if the two swords were completely pasted together, they could be integrated.

After the fusion, the proud mortal ghost divine sword was extremely powerful, which made the space in the house fluctuate, and scared him to separate the two swords.

"The greatest treasure of the world of mortals is so powerful?"

Zhou Xuanji was shocked. He suddenly felt the Qi of the world of mortals everywhere.

If so, by cutting the world of mortals, can't you cut any existence?

The universe is so big that there are no surprises.

After a while.

Zhou Xuanji fell into thinking. He was considering whether to use Ruyi Shunxin divine sword.

His previous choice was Yao Jinbao basket.

But Zhou's appearance made him have to be careful.

Ruyi Shunxin sword can be used to kill the enemy. It's better to wait.

Wait until Zhou is dead. It's not urgent anyway.

Think about it. Zhou Xuanji took back all the divine swords.

He went out of the attic and took out the Sanfeng Qilin car.

He waited for this day for a long time.

After he let Sanfeng Qilin car recognize the Lord successfully, the three fire phoenixes and two fire Qilin immediately came back to life. The Feng roared and roared through the clear sword sky.

Zhou Xiaoxuan heard the sound and saw the Sanfeng Qilin car. Her eyes lit up.

Good mount of Shenjun!

"What is this?"

Zhou Xiaoxuan asked excitedly with the expression I wanted.

Zhou Xuanji smiled proudly and said, "Sanfeng Qilin car, this is the most advanced mount magic weapon of the evil dry God vein. When your father has a more advanced mount magic weapon one day, he will give it to you."

The more he looked at the Sanfeng Qilin car, the more he liked it.

"Cut, if my mother wants it from you, you must give it."

Zhou Xiaoxuan glanced and disdained to say, "I don't want it!"

But her eyes betrayed her.

Zhou Xuanji was soft hearted, shook his head and said, "after a while, I'll take you to buy a mount magic weapon within the price of 100 million merit points. How about it?"

Hearing the speech, Zhou Xiaoxuan was surprised, hugged his arm and began to flatter.

The other side.

Outside Kunlun Yuanting, there is a layer of purple cosmic plane.

Zhou Fei was suspended in the air and opened his arms. Countless purple Qi poured into his body from all directions.

Looking around, there is a purple God moon everywhere.

A grey robed old man appeared beside him and said respectfully, "Lord, Zhou Xuanji has broken through. Since he can't catch it, do you want to kill him?"

Zhou Fei opened his eyes, glanced at him and said coldly, "when did I say I wanted to kill him?"

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