Published at 11th of October 2021 11:05:04 AM

Chapter 78: 78

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Break through Yuanying territory?

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows. Is this boy so powerful?

From low to high, the cultivation realm of Terran is to Nourish Qi, build foundation, open light, internal alchemy, Lingquan and Yuanying!

To reach Yuanying territory, as long as we don't suffer major disasters, we can live for a millennium.

He asked, "did you follow me and protect me in the dark?"

Xiao Jinghong nodded and sighed, "master, I'm far less advanced than you."

When he first saw Zhou Xuanji, he was evil enough.

Now at the age of 12, I have reached the seventh floor of Kaiguang territory

More evil than Zhao Congjian and Zhou Yalong.

Zhou Xuanji motioned him to sit on the spot, and then waved to Xiao Jiang Xue.

Huang Lianxin and Wang Jian of the North owl take the initiative to introduce themselves. Wang Jian of the North owl looks at Xiao Jinghong with a complex face.

That year, he lost to the North owl Wang Jian.

"North owl Wang Jian, although you are not talented, you have vision. You will be glad in the future."

Xiao Jinghong nodded and smiled at North owl Wang Jian. His tone made North owl Wang Jian very unhappy.

But there's no way. Xiao Jinghong is a disciple of Zhou Xuanji, and Beixiao Wang Jian is a sword slave.

The North owl King Jian snorted coldly, "I'm very lucky now."

This sentence is sincere. With Zhou Xuanji, his swordsmanship has been improving and is full every day. He doesn't have to challenge swordsmen everywhere and seek breakthrough as before.

Zhou Xuanji asked again, and Xiao Jinghong answered truthfully.

Finally, Xiao Jinghong said with a smile, "when I defeat Meng Tianlang, I'll travel around the world with my master. Master, what's your goal?"


Zhou Xuanji couldn't help thinking. After revenge, he really planned to travel around the world.

So he was full of pride and said with a smile, "one day, ten thousand swords will soar in the air, and I will stand at the highest place!"

As soon as this remark was made, everyone was restrained.

They thought of Zhou Xuanji's ten sword style.

It turns out that ten swords is not his limit. His goal is ten thousand swords

They imagined the scene. It was all goose bumps.

Xiao Jinghong sighed, "what master thinks is really spectacular."

Little Jiang Xue skimmed her lips and said, "he is invincible in the world."

Zhou Xuanji glanced at her and said, "wait, there will be that day."

The other side.

Zhao Congjian defeated Fang Junsheng, who looked frustrated.

Xiao Jinghong glanced at them and said, "this son is not worthy of being your disciple. It's almost like being a sword slave."

As soon as Fang Junsheng heard this, he wanted to find a crack to drill in.

With Xiao Jinghong, Zhou Xuanji's disciples had a high threshold, and he was unable to refute.

Zhou Xuanji looked at Fang Junsheng and asked, "do you really want to talk to me?"

Fang Junsheng immediately ran over, knelt behind Zhou Xuanji and said in a deep voice, "even if I'm a sword slave, I'd like to! I'm walking in kendo. My family can't give me too much help, and our family doesn't agree with the great Zhou jianhuang. I can't worship the great Zhou jianhuang as a teacher, so I can only take refuge in you."

Zhou Xuanji pondered, "follow us for half a year first. If you don't satisfy me within half a year, you'll leave."

Fang Junsheng was overjoyed and kowtowed to Zhou Xuanji.

Xiao Jinghong raised his mouth and didn't speak.

Zhao Congjian stared at Xiao Jinghong with burning eyes, with war in his eyes.

North owl Wang's hands in his sword sleeve are clenched. He must work hard and can't always exist at the bottom.

The addition of Xiao Jinghong and Fang Junsheng made the team more noisy.

Since then, Zhou Xuanji has instructed Xiao Jinghong every day.

Seeing Xiao Jinghong's modestly seeking advice in front of Zhou Xuanji, Zhao Congjian, Beixiao Wang Jian and Fang Junsheng were stimulated.

Zhou Xuanji's image in their hearts was even higher.

half a month later.

Zhao Congjian finally couldn't help but compete with Xiao Jinghong.

The result was less than three swords.

Three swords are invincible to Zhao Congjian. The name is so harsh for Zhao Congjian at the moment.

"When the master was six years old, he was better than me just by sword skill."

Xiao Jinghong pointed to Zhao Congjian's throat and said expressionless.

Zhao Congjian's pupil contracted and his expression became bitter.

Zhou Xuanji couldn't see it anymore. He stared at Xiao Jinghong and said, "don't bully people."

Xiao Jinghong smiled and turned to practice his sword.

Zhou Xuanji waved to Zhao Congjian and said, "I'll teach you how to practice the falling rain colorful sword into sword meaning."

As soon as Zhao Congjian listened, his eyes lit up. He immediately forgot his unhappiness and walked quickly to Zhou Xuanji.

Under the tree.

While building the house, Fang Junsheng asked Beixiao Wang Jian, who was practicing his sword nearby, "brother Beixiao, how many sword techniques does the master know? I think he can have many sword meanings."

He liked the atmosphere of Zhou Xuanji and others practicing swords.

Except for Xiao Jiang Xue, everyone likes to practice sword. This positive atmosphere infected him very much.

The North owl Wang Jian replied, "the master is unpredictable. How can you and I guess? He can practice the sword skill whenever he can."

Zhou Xuanji's talent has long made him a God.

Fang Junsheng nodded and continued to build the house, looking back from time to time.

Xiao Jiang Xue and Huang Lianxin practice in front of ah Xiaoer and Xiaoer.

Zhou Xuanji has captured many spells, enough for Xiao Jiang Xue to practice for hundreds of years.

Since Xiao Jinghong joined, the little black snake has become extremely honest. He didn't even say a word. It is estimated that he wants to pretend to be an ordinary little snake. People didn't expose it and intend to suffocate it.


In a canyon.

Countless snakes gather here, dense, like a black ocean, surging constantly, making people see their backs cold.

On a huge stone, there are two big demons, one male and one female, the evil spirit of men and the evil spirit of women.

Their lower bodies are snake bodies, and their upper bodies wear clothes made of snake skin.

"Husband, do we really want to deal with Zhou Jianshen? So far, no one knows his depth."

The Banshee frowned and asked anxiously.

The male demon waved his hand and said proudly, "who am I? I'm the snake king of South Huan! Xie Wuyou's five steps and ten layers cultivation is not enough in front of me, and Zhou Jianshen can't even Xie Wuyou. He's not so strong!"

Level 5 and level 10 are equivalent to level 10 of Lingquan realm!

Nanhuan snake king took the Banshee's hand and comforted: "don't worry, madam. As long as you take the head of Zhou Jianshen, I will take you and leave Dazhou with our children to go to the demon family territory and never participate in disputes."

The Banshee sighed, and the demon's face was full of melancholy clouds. She said faintly, "Your Majesty is really true. Didn't you owe a demon pill to the Gulan demon emperor? I sent you and me to kill Zhou Jianshen for this matter."

"There's no way. Our demon emperor takes these morals into account most."

Nanhuan snake king shook his head and said with a smile. After that, he turned his head and looked down at the snake sea, with a ferocious smile on his face, and shouted, "go and trace the whereabouts of Zhou Jianshen for me, and remember everything I told you before!"

The voice fell, and all the snakes rushed in different directions. The mountain walls were covered with them, as if they were dyed black.

The other side.

Zhou Xuanji and others welcomed another uninvited guest.

When they saw him, their faces changed slightly and they didn't take action immediately.

The comer is Meng Tianlang, the second on the list of the wind and cloud of Zhou Dynasty!

Meng Tianlang broke through Yuanying four years ago, one step faster than Xiao Jinghong, but his age is much older than Xiao Jinghong.

He was wearing a big round iron armor, riding a fierce horse under his body, and stepping on clouds under his hooves.

"Xiao Jinghong."

Meng Tianlang narrowed his eyes and stared at Xiao Jinghong. The smile on his face quickly disappeared.

He had come to look for Zhou Jianshen, but unexpectedly he met an old enemy.

Xiao Jinghong looked at him expressionless and didn't make a sound.

The two people looked at each other, and the atmosphere became dignified. They saw that Wang Jian, Fang Junsheng and Huang Lianxin were nervous.

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