Published at 11th of October 2021 10:46:21 AM

Chapter 817: 817

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Black time soul army.

As soon as Zhou Xuanji heard it, he was more sure that the army was related to the chaos of time and space.

Zhou Fu stared at him and said, "kindness does exist, but you don't remember, but it doesn't matter."

After that, Zhou Fu slowly retreated, and his face gradually became distorted.

Looking at his face full of hatred, Zhou Xuanji was helpless.

He hasn't been clear about Zhou's punishment.

Where did this guy come from, what's his purpose, and what's his connection?

"Since you want to be the enemy of life and death, solve my doubts and clarify your relationship with me. At that time, even if I lose, I will die in peace."

Zhou Xuanji sighed and youyou said.

He is not afraid to be the enemy of Zhou's punishment, but he has doubts and is very unhappy.

Zhou Jing said calmly, "even if I said it, you forget me. You were kind to me in the northern wasteland. For you, I'm just countless passers-by."

"Zhou Xuanji, I'm going to fight you squarely to see if your imperial sword Divine pulse is powerful or my black sword court is stronger!"

The voice fell and Zhou penalty disappeared.

Northern wilderness?

He has saved countless people. Where does he remember who it is?

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and laughed. Although he didn't know why Zhou penalty came back from the dead, it didn't matter.

An hour later.

Zhou Xuanji left with tens of thousands of emperor sword Divine vein disciples.

Zhou Tanhua and Zhou Xiaoxuan followed him with excitement on their faces.

"Epiphyllum, are you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of? Shouldn't you expect?"

"Cut, you really can pretend. Don't be scared to pee your pants."

"Sister, don't talk nonsense. What if it's you? How ashamed girls are?"

Listening to the quarrel between his sister and brother, Zhou Xuanji almost laughed.

I hope they can keep going and will not turn against each other.

Nothing happened all the way.

Wrapped in the magnificent power of Zhou Xuanji, they soon came to the battlefield.

The black time soul army is being besieged by more than ten gods. Instead of falling into the disadvantage, they are getting stronger and stronger in the Vietnam War.

Wearing a white robe, Zhou Xuanji shouted, "kill!"

Tens of thousands of disciples of emperor sword Divine pulse rushed to the battlefield immediately, all excited.

Zhou Xuanji didn't hurry, but looked at the huge dark figure with four green eyes.

The body of ten thousand feet was so eye-catching that Zhou Xuanji couldn't help looking at him.

"What kind of state is this guy? He doesn't feel much weaker than the demon Emperor..."

Zhou Xuanji was thoughtful. When he looked at the huge shadow, the other party was also looking at him.

"Who is this person and why does his constitution make me uneasy?"

The huge dark shadow was surprised to think that the black time soul army was not irrational, but completely listened to him.

His name is black time God King, who commands the whole black time soul army. He came here and vowed to devour the Kunlun yuan court, so he was not afraid even if he couldn't see through Zhou Xuanji.

"Hum! I'll kill you first!"

The four green eyes of the God King flickered with strange light. The soul army immediately turned and killed Zhou Xuanji.

A magic sword appeared around Zhou Xuanji, and the immortal ghost sobbed directly. All the magic swords wrapped around the body and burst into shining silver light.

Zhou Xuanji at this moment is definitely the unparalleled sword emperor of Kunlun Yuanting!

His terrible momentum was like a tornado, which attracted countless eyes in an instant.

"Who is that?"

"It's him! Zhou Xuanji!"

"What a strong momentum. He is really the God King of Yuanrong!"

"Not only Yuanrong God King, my master is not as good as him. I feel this momentum for the first time."

"Yes, now we are saved."

"Has he ever failed since Zhou Xuanji was born?"

The appearance of Zhou Xuanji inspired everyone, especially the creatures with insufficient Taoist power.

In the dark, the God King came fiercely and led the army to Zhou Xuanji. With great momentum, many creatures were scared to crack.

Even the disciples of emperor Jian Shenmai were frightened.

In the face of this countless black time soul army, how can they not be afraid?

Although they were afraid, they did not escape!

Just as they were ready to fight, the whole time and space froze and made them unable to move.

When it was dark, the soul army followed and settled down, all maintaining a ferocious and terrible posture.

In the dark, the God King was still active, but the speed decreased significantly.

As Zhou Xuanji stepped away, thousands of divine swords circled around him at high speed, making a sharp sound penetrating time and space.

Everything was fixed, only Zhou Xuanji and Heishi God King were still walking towards each other.

Six eyes relative!

Killing machine burst out!

Zhou Xuanji's eyebrows burst out soul source beads and cast the light of calming extinction at the same time.

The two purple lights went away, and they were about to cover the black time God King. The black time God King disappeared out of thin air and came to the head of Zhou Xuanji.

He raised his right hand, condensed the black gas into a sharp knife and cut it towards Zhou Xuanji.

This knife contains the rules of time and space and shakes and suppresses the hegemonic power in the universe.

Whew! Whew! Whew

All the divine swords suddenly turned around and killed upward, like crucian carp crossing the river, like thousands of arrows and rain.

When it was dark, the divine king cut down with a knife to block a divine sword.

Although he didn't stop his knife completely, the falling speed of the knife decreased sharply.

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyes, and silver light burst from his body and swept in all directions.

Delusion sword sea!

To read the sea!

There are countless silver swords in the vast silver sea. The Kunlun universe is majestic.

Those creatures who were trapped in the repressed universe all stared.

Including Zhou Tanhua and Zhou Xiaoxuan.

"What a domineering power... Is this the power of my father?"

Zhou Tanhua was very excited and his eyes were full of worship brilliance.

So did Zhou Xiaoxuan.

They have always admired Zhou Xuanji, but Zhou Xuanji has not shown his real strength in front of them for a long time.

This time, they were shocked.

Parents and children are still like this, not to mention other creatures?

Zhou Xuanji subverted his image in the hearts of all sentient beings with delusion about the sword sea.

He didn't notice all this, but stared at the dark time king.

The sea of delusional sword suddenly contracted, and the silver light flashed. It gathered strongly with the dark time God King as the center.

"This is..."

The God King was moved in the dark, and the light of extinction had frightened him. Now the delusion sword sea made him feel the breath of death.

He subconsciously mobilized the power of time and space to resist.


In the dark, the God King disappeared directly with the delusion sword sea.

The surging huge divine power poured into Zhou Xuanji's body and made him squint.

That's amazing!

This guy has so many yuan Rong magical powers and implies space-time rules. It's really a big experience package!

But this guy is definitely not dead!

Zhou Xuanji glanced, and all the dark shadows exploded and disappeared one after another.

Suppress the power of enhancement in the universe!

Squeeze time and space!

One thought, directly crush the soul army of Heishi!

"You want to die!"

A furious voice came. The God King appeared behind Zhou Xuanji out of thin air in the dark. He qiwei'an was his boundless body. Zhou Xuanji looked small in front of one of his green eyes.

The strong broken broken sword for the rest of his life and the dream fulfilled sword in his previous life appeared in Zhou Xuanji's hands.

He smiled contemptuously, turned and waved his sword.

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