Published at 11th of October 2021 11:04:44 AM

Chapter 93: 93

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"Have you ever practiced this sword technique? Deliberately pretending?"

Wang Xiaofei's hundred Zhang dark shadow asked, in a somewhat angry tone.

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows and said, "this is my first time to touch this sword."

"I don't believe it!"

"No one can practice dipin sword technique into sword meaning in such a short time."

Wang Xiaofei said in a deep voice. Listening to this tone, he was ready to end the inheritance test at any time.

Zhou Xuanji said impatiently, "if you don't believe it, take out another sword skill."

Dare to question me!

The supreme sword system I designed is so abnormal!

Another ancient book appeared in front of Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji took it and read it again. He found that this sword technique is more difficult than sword dancing in the wind under the moon.

More than that.

Soul devouring and demon killing!

The name is very powerful. I don't know what kind of power I can have after Dacheng.

He took out his pig killing sword and began to practice it.

The first time, he spent twenty minutes.

The second time, it only took ten minutes.

After a hundred times, kill Xiaocheng.

After three hundred times, the soul devours and the demons kill Dacheng.

Five hundred times later, the soul devouring, mourning and demon cutting achieve the sword intention.

Zhou Xuanji received his sword and was pleasantly surprised.

If this sword technique is performed by ghost curse sword, it is God blocking killing God and devil blocking killing devil!

It's too lethal!

He pretended to be expressionless and said, "what do you say?"

Wang Xiaofei was silent.

Zhou Xuanji stared and said, "don't you want to admit it?"

Wang Xiaofei's tone was complicated and said, "who are you?"

Zhou Xuanji replied, "I'm from the holy land of China, named Zhou Jianshen."

"Sword God? Such insight is really God."

Wang Xiao was not a youyou way. Then, he turned his language front and said, "even if the remaining dozens of passes are counted, you can directly pass the examination."

Dozens of levels?

Zhou Xuanji's eyes are wide open. How treacherous!

Who can stand this?

"You have two choices, one is the imperial sword I left behind, and the other is a sword technique I left behind." Wang Xiaofei continued.

Zhou Xuanji frowned and asked, "you are one of the Nine Emperors of kendo. Are you so stingy?"

Wang Xiao Fei snorted coldly and said proudly, "no matter which one you choose, you can cross the world!"

Zhou Xuanji thought for a moment and decided to use the sword.

No matter how strong the sword technique is, it is still based on spiritual power.

"Emperor sword!"

Zhou Xuanji said that if it is a good sword, it can also be integrated with his divine sword.

Maybe the Amethyst sword will be born!

Of course, it can also be used alone.

"When you go out, the emperor sword will appear in your hand. Well, the inheritance is over."

Wang Xiaofei's tone became indifferent again.

Zhou Xuanji blinked and asked curiously, "I really want to know whether you are dead or alive?"


Wang Xiaofei waved, and then Zhou Xuanji felt that everything around him was broken.

Like waking up in a dream, he opened his eyes and saw Jiang Xue's face in his eyes, which made him tremble.

He cried, "what are you doing?"

Zhao Congjian, Wang Jian and Huang Lianxin all turn around.

Jiang Xue was also frightened. She covered her chest and said, "just look at you. It's necessary to exaggerate?"

Zhou Xuanji rolled his eyes and looked so close that he would be scared to death!

Zhao Congjian hurriedly asked, "so fast? Did the master fail?"

Zhou Xuanji stared at him and said, "look down on my master?"

He explained the assessment process again and heard people sigh.

Dozens of levels?

What a hole!

The North owl king sword asked curiously, "master, where's the emperor sword? Take it out and let's have a look."


Where's the emperor sword?

Zhou Xuanji looked down and held the golden sword in his hand. There was no imperial sword.

"The old man lied to me?"

Zhou Xuanji frowned. At this time, the golden sword suddenly burst into countless golden light spots and quickly condensed into a giant sword up to one meter and five.

The whole body of this sword is golden. The blade is 30 cm wide. The hilt is wrapped around two golden dragons. It is extremely powerful.

"Is this the emperor's sword? It weighs ten thousand kilograms."

Zhou Xuanji muttered to himself that if he had not been strong, he might have been directly pressed into meat mud.

As soon as the others heard it, they all reached out and shook it.

Jiang Xue and Huang Lianxin can't pick them up at all.

Zhao Congjian is relaxed. Wang Jian, the northern owl, has some difficulty.

"Sword spirit, what level is this sword?"

Zhou Xuanji asked curiously in his heart, should the level of emperor's sword exceed the gold level?

"The sword spirit needs to be tested. Is it included in the supreme sword system?"

"Take it."

With Zhou Xuanji's voice falling, the emperor sword disappeared out of thin air.

Zhao Congjian glanced and said, "this inheritance is a little shabby. It seems that the Nine Emperors of Jiandao are just like this."

Huang Lianxin guessed: "the period when he may set up inheritance is not his peak, or he just wants to help future generations, not really let people inherit his mantle."

The little black snake didn't know when to come over and disdained to say, "the heart is not enough. The snake swallows the elephant. Two local sword techniques and a sword emperor sword. What else do you want?"

North owl Wang Jian said, "lotus heart, starve it for seven days?"

Huang Lianxin nodded, "OK."

Little black snake is in a hurry. Are you too stingy?


In an antique Inn in the imperial city of Zhou Dynasty.

A storyteller stood in the middle of the first floor, surrounded by nearly 100 people.

He shook the folding fan, stared and said, "in the face of the threat of emperor Wei and imperial soldiers such as Tieyu dragon, the sword God cut out that week, and the sword light was cold and shining in the world. The scene could not be described in words. After hundreds of thousands of personnel in Gu Xia City, they all lamented, the sword of God!"

"It is said that Zhou Jianshen killed tieyulong and others with one sword and cut down a mountain, almost sinking Gu Xiacheng!"

The audience were all exclaimed with admiration.

At this time, a voice came from the corner of the inn: "Sir, do you think Zhou Jianshen is powerful or the great Zhou jianhuang is powerful?"

The storyteller pinched his goatee and said, "in fact, there was a war between Zhou Jianshen and the great Zhou jianhuang."

As soon as he said this, everyone stared.

"Really? Why haven't I heard of it?"

A big man with a wine bowl questioned.

The storyteller smiled and said, "really, I saw it with my own eyes. They fought equally and admired each other."

"The great Zhou jianhuang said that once Zhou Jianshen was born, he will be famous all over the world."

"Sure enough, Zhou Jianshen became the first person on this year's big week wind and cloud list! Even Jianjun Xiao Jinghong said he was Zhou Jianshen's apprentice!"

"Zhou Jianshen is unparalleled in the world. He deserves his name!"

The crowd clapped their hands and shouted, and listened to the stories of Zhou Jianshen. They all felt excited, as if they were Zhou Jianshen.

"Nonsense, Zhou Jianshen is far from the great Zhou jianhuang! Not even the disciples of the jianhuang!"

The voice in the corner of the inn sounded again with disdain.

This time, he caused public anger.

Everyone turned to look, but the next moment, they were all moved and knelt down one after another. They didn't dare to see the man again.

The storyteller was also frightened. He quickly knelt down and said in a trembling voice: "see your Majesty the prince!"

The speaker is the crown prince of the Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Tianyu!

Zhou Tianyu looks in his early thirties, with a dignified face and calm temperament. He is dressed in white.

The shopkeeper was also frightened. He hurriedly trotted over and stammered, "Your Highness, why are you here..."

Zhou Tianyu drank a bowl of wine and said expressionless, "I passed by this inn and heard that someone praised Zhou Jianshen and belittled the great Zhou jianhuang, so I wanted to come in and have a look."

Then he got up and walked to the side door of the inn.

When he came to the door, he suddenly stopped, turned his back to everyone in the Inn and said: "Zhou Jianshen can't even protect his disciples. He can't be regarded as a hero. If he dares to challenge the great Zhou jianhuang, Zhou Tianyu is willing to worship him as a teacher and let him be the teacher of the prince!"

"You can put your words out."

"I dare not forgive him."

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