Published at 3rd of June 2022 03:36:05 AM

Chapter 476: Ate their rabbits

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This meal depends entirely on the giant fish Jiang Siming caught today.

Three dishes of fish and vegetables were divided among everyone, and they were eaten cleanly.

"Haha, what we like most about cooking is that everyone eats the dishes clean, and I look comfortable." Huang Laoxie was very happy.

He Jiu and the others sat in the pavilion holding their stomachs, and they were also very full.

"This fish is so delicious. I have never eaten such a delicious fish. Not only is Teacher Huang cooked well, the fish itself is delicious!"

"I also think that I have eaten three bowls of rice." Reba covered her belly, and today she also ate.

Let alone ghosts, after eating, while shouting incense while crying for stomach pain, I support...

After lunch, He Jiu contracted the task of washing dishes and cleaning.

Many viewers who watched "Longing" always said that He Jiu did nothing, but He Jiu did much more than Huang Laoxie.

At noon, the four big men in the mushroom house all choose to take a nap.

Reba and Guigui are still very new to the rural environment here, and they make an appointment to pick strawberries together.

Not long after, Reba and Guigui rushed back, their faces flushed with excitement.

And Reba actually held a wild rabbit in her arms.

The two rushed into the hall to announce the good news, only to find that only Jiang Siming was cutting wood carvings, and a character model was slowly taking shape in his hands.

But the two girls didn't want to watch at this time.

"Where are they?" Reba asked curiously.

"All went upstairs to sleep." Jiang Siming said.

"Look! Isn't it nice?" Reba showed off to Jiang Siming with his arms around the fat wild rabbit.

"It looks good." Jiang Siming drooled when he looked at the rabbit. It would look better if the rabbit had its skin and braised it.

"Hehe, this is what I found while picking strawberries with Guigui, so cute this little rabbit."

Reba loves this cute pet that he picked up very much.

"Reba, let's see if there are any other rabbits, and we haven't picked strawberries yet." Guigui said.

Reba was very motivated and agreed, but he couldn't move while holding the rabbit.

Reba thought for a while, put the rabbit next to Jiang Siming, and begged: "This rabbit will be handed over to you first, don't let it run."

"Don't worry, you can't run." Jiang Siming readily agreed.

Reba and Guigui left with confidence.

"What's wrong?" Huang Laoxie, who was awakened upstairs, walked down.

"I'm going, why is there a rabbit?"

Jiang Siming replied immediately: "This is the rabbit that Reba and Guigui picked up. They can't do it. Do you think you can?"

"Of course it will! Such a big wild rabbit is delicious after grilling. Would you like to try roasted rabbit meat?"

Huang Laoxie is like Jiang Siming, the first thing he thinks when he sees this!

If Teacher He comes over, he will definitely help take care of it. It is estimated that there will be one more member in the family.

Fortunately, Teacher He is still sleeping.

Jiang Siming and Huang Laoxie exchanged glances, and the two began to act tacitly.

Within half an hour, the smell of barbecue came from the yard, and the smell awakened both Teacher He and Xiao Peng upstairs.

Although I was full at noon, two or three hours have passed, and their gluttons are out again.

And this barbecue is really fragrant, sprinkled with the smell of cumin.

They all ate fish at noon, and they all woke up when they smelled the smell of barbecue.

Come down and see Wow, this is worth it! These two guys carry them on their backs and eat barbecue in the yard!

"You are too uninteresting. Carrying our barbecue on your back, I protest!"

After He Jiu finished speaking, he came over very consciously, found a bench and sat next to him. It seemed that he couldn't leave.

Xiao Peng also watched indifferently.

Jiang Siming and Huang Laoxie looked at each other and understood each other.

"I'm not going to call you after it's baked. We haven't eaten it either." Huang Laoxie said.

He Jiu asked curiously: "What kind of meat is this? Why does it look like rabbit meat?"

"It's rabbit meat, wild rabbit, Reba and Guigui caught it." Jiang Siming replied.

"What about them?"

"The two of them said to check if there is any more, I guess it is because we are afraid that one of our rabbits is not enough to eat. No matter it, it is already baked. Let's do it first. Teacher He, you take a piece first." Jiang Siming said.

He Jiu didn't think much about it, this rabbit meat is really attractive.

"Then I will do it first." He Jiu said as he pulled a piece of the rabbit's leg down, bit his mouth, and showed a happy expression.

"It's so delicious! This rabbit meat has no smell at all, and Teacher Huang's cooking skills are awesome!" He Jiu still praised Huang Laoxie.

"Xiao Peng, come here too." Huang Laoxie said generously.

Xiao Peng quickly grabbed a leg and gnawed.

Jiang Siming and Huang Laoxie laughed, relieved.

"Okay, let's start eating too, there is something to be done." Huang Laoxie smiled and cut a piece of rabbit meat for himself and Jiang Siming.

"What do you mean? What do you mean?" He Jiu was puzzled.

"It's nothing, eat it quickly, this hare meat will still have a smell if it is hot and cold, so hurry up." Jiang Siming said that the clouds were already in the wind.

"Reba and Guigui haven't come yet, why don't you wait?" He Jiu said.

"No, they don't like to eat, we just need to take care of it." Huang Laoxie cut Hejiu's ribs again after he finished speaking.

Four people feasted on the wild rabbit.

Both Jiang Siming and Huang Laoxie ate very quickly, half of them all in one go, and they said they were sleepy after eating, and went upstairs to sleep.

He Jiu and Xiao Peng are still sitting in the yard and continue to enjoy.

"I'll add some cumin, it's so delicious, how weird Teacher Huang and Amin are."

He Jiu said that he sprinkled some cumin on the rabbit without forgetting to murmur.

"We are back!"

At this moment, Reba ran back with Guigui, Reba holding a basket of strawberries, Guigui holding a basket of grass that rabbits love to eat.

"Teacher He, Xiao Peng, what are you eating?" The ghost looked confused, looking at the unidentified creature with only bones left on the grill with curiosity.

"Mr. He, where is Jiang Siming?" Reba asked.

"Oh, I went upstairs to sleep." He Jiu replied.

"What about the little rabbit we caught?" Reba asked.

"Rabbit? Isn't this here?" He Jiu said and sprinkled cumin.

Reba and Guigui thought that the rabbit was still in the yard, they looked around and found nothing.

"Ms. He, no." Reba wondered.

He Jiu screamed at a rabbit rib, pointed to the braised rabbit on the shelf, and said, "Isn't it this, it's almost done, do you want to have some too?"


He Jiu felt a cold back after eating, with an ominous premonition.


Three shifts and three shifts~ Today’s update is still satisfactory, sir?

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