Published at 3rd of February 2023 06:36:41 AM

Chapter 1637

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Through chatting with durian, Xiang Nan has a little understanding of the setting sun.

This man is a typical local warrior in holy land. His parents are from other planes, but he was born in holy land.

He is an orphan. He was picked up from the eternal secret. He doesn't know his name. His nickname is the setting sun.

He is a fire pulse warrior, but unlike other fire pulse warriors, his fire pulse attributes will not be released.

Other people's fire talent can easily burn up or send out a fire. But when he shows his strength, his fire is introverted. Once used in his body, the whole person will turn red, like a big red iron block in human form.

Because this man spoke in the holy land, he knew little about morality and ethics in this complex environment, even very strange.

He has been pursuing something. He wants to be a good man, but he doesn't know how to do it, and no one has taught him. So when he meets people he doesn't like, he usually goes up to fight.

Because of this habit, his reputation has become very bad, and he has many enemies.

But he has a lot of power. No one can help him. After being beaten by him, most people can only swallow their anger.

After hearing the introduction of durian, Xiang Nan is more and more interested in the setting sun.

He found that this strong man should be regarded as half a giant. He is more than five meters tall, almost as high as Yuan Meng, but his realm is not so good, just three levels of Shenwu.

Yes, who would like to give him the Holy Spirit stone? It seems that he is also not popular in his former guild.

"Is the realm a little too low?" Durian path.

Xiang Nan smiles and shakes his head: "what I see is his character and potential. As for the realm, it can be cultivated."

"But if a person's character is very bad, it's hard to correct it."

Durian looked at Xiang Nan with great interest and said, "listen to your voice, mention the aspect of character several times. Are you going to create a just guild?"

Xiang Nan pointed around and said, "look at the world. It's too chaotic. I want to establish an orderly guild. What I want is not only justice, but also order."

"Only when there is a clear order in a world, can the warriors and ordinary people who live in this world have a sense of security."

"My hometown is an orderly place, where fighters are not allowed to fight in the city, otherwise the military will definitely intervene."

"In this kind of place, people don't have to worry about being killed when they walk in the street, and they don't have to worry about whether they can live to see the sun the next day when they go to bed every night."

How could there be such a world? That's really unheard of. I'm longing to hear that. "

The more he has been to the world, the more he finds out that a person like the fourth Prince of Haotian is really a talent of the emperor. People should be glad to have such a bright King.

Then the snake said, "Xiang Nan, that boy is not a giant. He is not even a human."

Xiang Nan said, "what is that?"

The snake said, "if I'm right, he seems to be a rare Xuanwu people."

"Xuanwu?" Xiang Nan said in his heart, "are you sure?"

The snake said, "I'm not sure. In fact, I haven't seen Xuanwu with my own eyes. I've just heard about Xuanwu people."

"The strong man named Canyang, whose physical characteristics are very similar to those of the Xuanwu people, doesn't know why he is in human form and has no evil spirit. Moreover, his blood seems to be more like a flower than a blooming flower."

"What do you mean?" Xiang Nan frowned: "do you mean that his blood has not been fully developed?"

The big snake said, "yes, there are only two reasons for this. One reason is that like those of Yalong people, he is a semi Xuanwu people, and his blood is not pure."

"In another case, his blood is sealed."

Xiang Nan thinks that things are not simple. Even the Yalong people have obvious aura in their bodies, rather than pure aura like the setting sun.

The setting sun seems to have a complicated origin.

By this time, the battle was over.

The setting sun is really like an iron King Kong who can't fight to death. He stands in the empty space, surrounded by two hundred martial arts men lying on the ground and dying.

A commentator excitedly walked into the field and yelled, "is there anyone else to bet on, is there anyone else to challenge?"

This battle, the vast majority of people have bought the setting sun to lose, as a result, they lost nothing.

A lot of people clamored to kill the setting sun to vent their anger.

But the setting sun just stood in the open space laughing, is so informal, so indulgent.As if in his eyes, those who yell and curse the street are just a group of dogs who only know how to bark.

"Is there anyone else who wants to kill Laozi?" The setting sun waved his arms, completely ignoring the whole audience's scolding.

It seems that no one will challenge the setting sun today.

As it was getting late, the audience left.

Two martial saints came up and shackled the setting sun, ready to escort back.

Xiang Nan said hello to durian blue sky and said, "stay here and wait for me. I'll meet him."

After that, Xiang Nan jumped out of the audience and came to the open space.

"I'll fight him."

The commentator took a look at Xiang Nan and said, "the audience are gone. We need to challenge them. Come back tomorrow."

Xiang Nan said, "I can't wait. Today, now."

The setting sun looked back at Xiang Nan, but it was this one that made him unable to move any more.

He looked back and stared at Xiang Nan's eyes. His whole blood began to boil, and he became red, as if a lion had found its prey, ready to pounce at any time!

In Xiang Nan's eyes, he saw a kind of eyes, which only fierce people who have experienced many battles can have.

"Hold him!" The commentator saw that the setting sun was about to get out of control, and he said in a hurry.

Two martial saints dragged the setting sun to death. Both of them were martial saints, but they were dragged on the ground by the amazing strength of the setting sun.

This power is not what human beings should have! Even the demon clan, even the demon clan, can't have such terrible strength.

"Seriously..." The commentator's eyes were cold. He had never seen the setting sun in such a violent state.

"I said, tomorrow!" The commentator pointed to Xiang Nan angrily and said, "now the audience is gone, no one is betting! If you win or lose, we have nothing to gain. "

Xiang Nan smiles, opens the Najie, and directly scatters the lower level Holy Spirit stones on the ground, with a total of 452 pieces. This is all Xiang Nan's family. The narrator's eyes lit up when he saw so many holy spirit stones. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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