Published at 3rd of February 2023 06:15:26 AM

Chapter 2275

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The palace of the human divine court.

"So, even memory can be devoured together. Is it deceiving the evil spirit?"

In front of Xiang Nan, there are more than 200 holy rank first grade spirit grass. At this time, he is picking off the leaves of one spirit grass and chewing it gently in his mouth.

There are more than 1500 herbs found from the evil spirits. Only 230 of them are spiritual herbs, and the rest are poisonous herbs.

Xiang Nan is carefully identifying the attributes of these spirit grasses.

"Not all of them." Guan Xiao shook his head and said: "when I absorb the ability to call spirits and evil spirits, I think of a question in my heart. Then when I absorb him, this question will find the answer from his memory."

Xiang Nan tasted a spirit grass, then wrote it on the blank sheepskin scroll, and said: "you didn't know at that time that phagocytosis still has such an effect."

Guan Xiao nodded: "at that time, what I wanted to know most was where his spirit grass was stored, so I got the answer at the first time."

Xiang Nan rubbed the temple and had tasted more than 30 strains. It was a slow process.

The types of lingcao are different from what Xiang Nan knows. It's really not easy to taste the medicine you need from lingcao.

Xiang Nan only knows the prescriptions of two kinds of first-class elixirs, one is from lingjiu sect, the other is from the journey of time.

But the composition of spirit grass is not single. In the real world, one spirit grass often contains more than two kinds of medicinal properties, or even as many as three to four kinds. This is very different from the pure spirit grass in the dream world.

This is the biggest problem for Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan took a deep breath and said, "well, what is the ability to call spirits and evil spirits?"

Guan Xiao absorbed ability, not strength, not realm.

Guan Xiao said: "it's the affinity of death, which calls the spirit. The evil god has a kind of natural ruling power over the dead spirit and can control the corpse, so correspondingly, he has a certain understanding of the vitality."

"Well, that's a good thing." Xiang Nan said and began to taste lingcao again.

Xiang Nan's blade of the dead also has a similar ability, but this ability is limited to the dream world, which can wake up the dead creatures in the creator's dream.

But the creatures in the dream world are not the same as those in the real world. As soon as they come here, Xiang Nan's ability to summon the spirits of the dead also fails.

I didn't expect Guan Xiao to fill this blank instead.

Xiang Nan is tasting the spirit grass while chatting with Guan Xiao. He finds that the ability of the evil spirit to control the undead does not need to pay the price of vitality.

This is related to Guan Xiao's own strength. The higher Guan Xiao's realm, the higher the level of the undead that can be manipulated.

The good news is that Guan Xiao can control the undead at different levels. That is to say, she can control a corpse with two levels.

This is a kind of necromancery.

Just at this time, Luo Sheng and Lan Ling also came back, and they also brought the wind exhibition.

As Guan Xiao said, Fengzhan is indeed under the control of evil spirits, and is in a coma at this time.

Guan Xiao checked for Fengzhan, then laughed and said, "I can't save him, but Xiang Nan can. This Fengzhan is not a physical coma, but a forced sleep of the soul by an evil spirit."

"It's hard for ordinary people to wake up if they don't summon spirits and evil spirits to do it in person."

Xiang Nan nodded: "I see. Just a moment."

Having said that, he used his right hands to point the eyebrow of Fengzhan and showed his dream.

Soon, Xiang Nan jumped into the dream of the wind exhibition.

The wind exhibition in his dream is still in a state of confusion. His memory of the first half of his life, in the form of fragments, forms a complex and flashing dream picture.

Xiang Nan grasped the wrist of Fengzhan's dream body and said, "wake up."

Suddenly, in the real world, both Feng Zhan and Xiang Nan opened their eyes at the same time.

The first thing Fengzhan did when he opened his eyes was to quickly catch Xiang Nan and say, "no! Be careful, everyone. An ancient witch doctor is following you. Do you want to... "

Xiang Nan said: "it has happened."

Xiang Nan said the cause and effect again. After listening to the wind exhibition, he was relieved, but at the same time, he also felt deeply worried.

As Xiang Nan expected, it would not be easy to kill the spirit calling evil god. The protoss spent a lot of energy to win him over. The LORD God attached great importance to the spirit calling evil god.

Feng Zhan took a long breath and said, "there are still seven days to go before the talent conference. You stay here and don't walk around. I'll go to the LORD God to explain the situation, hoping to get their forgiveness."

"If I don't come back in seven days, you can go to the talent meeting by yourself. I will announce your names to the LORD God, and you can attend."

Having said that, Feng Zhan pondered for a moment and turned to leave.

Next time, Xiang Nan continued to taste lingcao and wrote down every medicine he tasted.According to Tian Hui's eye, these lingcao are classified in detail.

Three days later, the vast project was finally completed.

The good news is that of the 230 plants, 35 can be used to refine the known elixirs in Xiangnan. They can be divided into 35 parts and 35 pieces.

This kind of elixir of the first grade of the holy rank is most helpful to the later stage of Tianjie and Yizhong of lingxu.

If Xiang Nan takes five pills, he can ascend to the level of spirit and deficiency. At that time, if he wants to ascend again, he must take the second grade pill of holy rank.

Let Luo Sheng, Lan Ling and Guan Xiao share the remaining 30.

Guan Xiao needs to swallow seven, which can be promoted to the double of spirit deficiency. Luo Sheng needs nine, and Lan Ling needs twelve.

A total of 28 are needed, and Xiang Nan if there is no accident can train 30, just enough.

The prospect seems to be very good, even more perfect than Guan Xiao expected. As soon as four people come to the real world, they can be promoted to the double of spirit and emptiness.

Xiang Nan did not hesitate to start alchemy immediately.

Fortunately, although the dream world and the real world are two different places, the methods and principles of alchemy are still common.

Xiang Nan put a fire of the sun and began to harden in the furnace of the holy step.

On the first day, after many attempts, he had his first success after wasting a holy rank first spirit grass.

This is very encouraging for everyone. The success rate will double after the first success. Everyone believes in Xiang Nan's strength.

Pills are shaped one by one.

When Xiang Nan refined the fourth Saint level elixir and began to refine the fifth one, they felt a strange fluctuation at the same time.

"It's just at this time." Under the baking of the fire of the sun, Xiang Nan, who focused on alchemy, could not help frowning.

That abnormal fluctuation, representing his own divine palace, has been invaded.

"Keep on alchemy. Let's go and have a look." Guan Xiaosan immediately walked out of the second floor and came to the first floor.

In front of him, Guan Xiaosan frowned. The one who came was not an outsider, but the one who mocked Fengzhan the most and tried to send them to the LORD God to absorb the spirit of Tao, the Templar Knight, Lingxiao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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