Published at 26th of April 2023 05:41:12 AM

Chapter 101: It smells first.

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With one victory, both sides have the same number of battle-ready pieces.

When Mixu returns, you give him a high five for his raised hand.

As your friend requested, I have won!

"Yeah, I've never seen you fight before, but you're good.

Mixu's specs were not as high as the others.

Not to mention his strength and skill are inferior to those of Iliad and Exdoik.

However, he uses his knives with various peculiarities and his psychological shaking to hit the target accurately.

This is her weapon of choice.

"Hee hee!

But it's true what they say about first-time killers.

The greatest strength of Mixu is that her opponent does not know her tricks, it's like a magic trick.

The other great demons have seen this battle somewhere, and it is a disadvantage to have seen how they fight.

I have a lot more to draw from, but by the way, if your friend was a demon, how would he deal with me?

It's a good thing that I'm not the only one who can't do that. After that, just plunge straight in without thinking.

It's a barbaric and artless method. ...... Not that there aren't countermeasures, but that's what scares me the most.

It's not as if the mix doesn't have a technique or two in place to deal with the fact that you're going to be running straight into it, but it's the one with the highest accident rate.

It's not that he doesn't have a few tricks up his sleeve, but it's the one with the highest accident rate.

Now, what to do next?

I can still fight, you know!

You're right, but...

I've heard the information from Ecdysium, the common names of the remaining demons and their special abilities.

The remaining are the right leg, the left leg, the tail, the nose, the ear, and the tongue.

Taking into account their personalities, and considering Purple's loyalty to the Demon Lord, we can roughly guess the next three pieces to be used.

All of them are specialized in hand-to-hand combat, so the mix should be left out.

I sit down at the table again.

Should I congratulate you on your victory?

"Yeah, I'm glad my guy won. You don't think anything of it, do you?

The Purple Demon King is quietly placing his pieces, no change in his appearance.

The Purple Demon King quietly places his pieces, his appearance unchanged. I've been thinking that even if you release the restrictions of the Mask of the Pawn, you still don't stand a chance.

"Yes, and by the way, you're only messing with two of them aside from Duvraeus, the nose and the ears, right?

What makes you think that?

It's a hunch, I'm not sure how to explain it.

Okay, ......, we're done here.

Let me think.

Bite the second joint of your index finger lightly and think it over.

This is not the way I usually think, but this time I'm giving it my all, thinking in the most concentrated position.

"You can't see my pieces and they won't work the way you want them to, can they?

"Well, I've decided.

The pieces are set, the drawer is closed, and then the pieces appear on the table.

The pieces of the Purple Demon King are, from left to right: none, none, right leg, left leg, tail.

This is "I", ecdysiac, none, none, and the Golden Demon King.

This sets up a battle between the Gold Demon King and the Great Demon.

"...... You're going to keep doing that, aren't you?

"So it was the tail that replenished first.

"Zerkanlitessa, come out.

He threw out a demon piece with a blackened tail.

And a great demon appears.

The new form is a forced mixture of human and demon forms, trying to maintain a human form but not being able to control the original body of the great demon.

The most conspicuous feature is its tail, which has many joints that seem to show off its bony body, and each joint is equipped with sharp claws.

"Zerkanlitessa, the 'shaving tail', never thought you'd be fighting the Demon King. Good, good.

The gold, despite its strong warding, has only a few means of attack, and those are magic. You're as good as the lowest of the low, aren't you?

I'm sure you're talking about me, the lowest of the low.

It is true that the physical abilities of the Golden Demon King are obviously low.

It is said that Lord Ragdoll had his head chopped off several times when he was waging war against Taze in the virtual world.

He gets up from the table and walks over to the Golden Demon King.

"You're next.

"So it seems. You said you'd join me, but I didn't expect you to be a fighter.

I'm sure she'll kill without mercy.

I'm not much of a hand-to-hand combatant, but I'm sure I can find out what she's up to.

I know.

By the way, my Lord, since we're here, why don't we negotiate?

What is it?

If she fights well and wins, will you reward her? Of course, I don't expect to win, do you?


Well, since the odds are miraculous, you want something very good, don't you?

He grabs the base of the tail gently.

And smile kindly.

"No, no, not the base! And I'm telling you, those eyes are scary!

"I thought we were negotiating something clever, I promise you the same as the others. But no more.

"My mistress is a weak woman, you know?

"I know, and I can beat all of you here.

"......, you knew that, didn't you?

"How can a man be so weak that he wanders off to Garne alone?

I'm sure you'll get your reward then.

The Golden Demon King is on his way to the center of the square.

Now, let's do what we have to do before the battle begins.

He takes out a piece of parchment from his pocket and writes a note.

After that, I go back to the table without going to my side.

"Oh, now you're going to sit with me and watch?

"Yeah, I've already blasted him. I've already blasted him. I don't need him to stop me at a moment's notice.

The only reason I stayed close to Ecdysius was so that I could get him to safety if the Mix ever struggled and his life was in danger.

But with the Golden Demon, he didn't have to worry about that.

"Well, since the gold is immortal thanks to the power of resurrection magic, it doesn't matter if you die because you're too late, right?

"I didn't mean it like that, but I don't want to see you hurt or die, even if you're an immortal demon lord.

What do you mean then?

You'll find out soon enough, and you won't be able to afford it.

I'd like to continue, but the game is about to begin, and it's going to be more than just a mix of first-time killers, so the metahuman glasses are in focus mode from the start.

I want to keep talking, but the game is about to begin.

I'd like to continue talking, but the game is about to begin.

It's a good idea to have a fan in your hand.

"Let the games begin!

The one who moved at the same time as the voice was Zerkanlitessa, who must have learned from the battle in the Mix that it was dangerous to wait and see.

She stretched her tail around the Golden Demon Lord faster than Ecdysium's freely manipulated chain and tried to slam it down.

However, the tail was stopped right in front of the Golden Demon Lord, no, it was stopped by the Golden Demon Lord's wards with his own power.

I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep that up.

Zerkanlitessa turns sideways on the spot, and then unleashes his tail again.

You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

All of them are stopped short, but it doesn't matter, it continues to attack.

It is a very efficient defense by making the attack stop with the opponent's power, but even so, Zerkanlitessa's physical strength, amplified by the Mask of the Pawn, is almost inexhaustible, while the Golden Demon King's magic power is limited.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

You'll get tired if you use it all the time.

A fan waved haphazardly hits the tail.

It's not easy to touch an attack that's repeatedly stopping you with no room to escape.

However, if you try to touch it of your own will, the protection of the warding will be nullified only in that range.

As a result, the fan was shattered by the impact of the tail.

And the game is over.

...... "What?

It was the purple demon king who let out a voice.

It's no wonder that Zerkanlitessa, who had been on the offensive until now, collapsed without a sound.

Naturally, the tail's attack also stopped.

The tail, which had lost its will, slumped and slammed to the ground.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea." "Oh dear, even though it's a cheap fan from a souvenir shop, ...... it's the fan that this mistress chose.

The Golden Demon King stomped on the tail lying on the ground and approached Zerkanlitessa's side.

And then he held out his hand and used magic.

In the event that you have any questions regarding where by and how to use it, you can call us at the web site.

After confirming that her body began to disintegrate due to her death, the Golden Demon King came back to us.

"There, the mistress has won.

Gold, what have you done?

"What, didn't Yugra teach you the basics of wind magic?

You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. It's not like Yugra was given that kind of power or any other power!

What are you talking about? She used the power of governance, which Purple knows well.

The power of governance is the creation of a virtual world.


The golden demon king naturally touched Duvraeori, who was approaching.

This is the first time that I've ever seen such a thing.

He allowed himself to be touched by the Golden Demon King.

Duvvleoli collapsed without strength.


"Oh, don't worry. The monk wants a fight, so I won't do anything rash.

After a while, Duvraeus came to his senses and jumped up.

I saw him get up very fast.

"That was--

DuVreoli, are you all right?

No, no, I found myself in the dark, in the middle of nowhere.

I'm sorry, but you must be bored, since I didn't prepare this virtual world for your entertainment. Only the mind can go to my virtual world. When you are transported to a virtual world, your body is unprotected, that's all.

"The spirit...

Yes, the Golden Demon Lord's power is the ability to create virtual worlds and perform advanced calculations within them.

The only way to do this is by transferring your spirit into the virtual world she has created.

The Golden Demon Lord has a previous record of using this power to play tricks on the bodies of Ilias and others who were sent to the virtual world.

A mindless state is more vulnerable than sleep.

If you are sent to the virtual world during a battle, as has just happened, you can cook all you want.

This method cannot be used in the virtual world, which is why the Golden Demon King in the virtual world had only a defensive ward and could not treat him as a fighting force.

"Can't you resist?

"Basically, I do it with your consent, but I don't need your consent if I want to.

Did you know about the power of the ...... gold?

I don't know if you knew or not, because you're the one who took it.

I've used it many times without paying any attention to the Lord.

Someone who had sashayed through the game in Garne had gone to check on the others while chatting happily with the Golden Demon King, and had been repeatedly thrown into the virtual world with or without being told.

I tried to see if I could resist, but it was impossible.

Incidentally, in a later story, Lakra also stated that he had tried to refuse, but was unable to do so.

I scolded him and bought him a drink.

The reason I was able to determine that he could be used in actual combat was because of the way the Blue Demon King behaved at the regular meetings that the Golden Demon King told me about.

"The Blue?

I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. I've heard that.

"Yes, yes, the Blue Demon Lord is more powerful than any of the current resurrected Demon Lords.

I've been listening to what the Blue Demon King has to say, and I've analyzed it carefully, and I didn't interrupt the Gold Demon King while he was talking. And he never threatened the Goldilocks personally.


...... Oh, I see what you mean.

This means that the Blue Demon King acknowledges that the Gold Demon King is superior to the other Demon Lords, even if he doesn't fear them.

Isn't it because of the Pecking Order Curse?

"If that's all, use it. If you use it, you can just threaten to kill me. Then it's natural to assume that he was wary of the Golden Demon Lord's power of 'ruling'.

This is still speculation, so I can't say, but I'm guessing it's because the power that was used in the past when the Blue Demon King was almost killed by the Kuro Demon King, who was given all the power by Seiya Yukura, was the power of governance.

The second place in the rankings that Seiya Yukura gave to the Golden Demon King was not only to give him a voice, but also to take into account the strength of his power.

If it was a simple combat power, it would be an absurd power that could defeat even the Blue Demon King, which the other Demon Lords recognized as being beyond their standards.

You're a great mistress, aren't you?

I'm not sure what to say.

It's not that she doesn't have weaknesses, for example, at this point, she has shown the flaw that she needs to touch her opponent.

It's not that I don't like it, but it's not that I don't like it.

Well, this weakness may be just a pretense.

And this fact would cause a very bad situation for the Purple Demon King.

The Purple Demon Lord is confident in Duvvleor's strength, and that's why he brought in this game.

The only way to avoid defeat in this game is to avoid a situation in which the Purple Devil King is forced to play his pieces.

In order to do so, there should be no possibility of losing only the last three pieces.

At least two of them, though not as strong as Duvraeor, are considered to be stronger than the other great demons.

However, Duvraeori, who was just touched, fell down without resistance, which made the Purple Demon Lord impatient.

It's because he can see the possibility of the Golden Demon King winning against all demons.

In fact, there was a hint of impatience on his face.

Not only is the color of defeat visible, but it also has to do with what happens after the game.

The Golden Demon King has been appointed as the observer of this game.

It goes without saying that there is a difference in coercive power between a powerful Demon Lord and a less powerful one.

Yes, I see why you needed the gold. It was a blade that could always crack my ranks, right?

Oh, so you feel a little more equal now?

Yes, but only as equals, the game is still up in the air.

With that, the Purple Demon Lord opens the drawer.

Then the Purple Demon Lord opens the drawer, and we open the drawer as well.

They set their pieces and declare to each other.


"So do I.

The pieces appear on the table.

From left to right: none, right leg, nose, left leg, none.

This is "I", none, ecdysiac, none, lacra.

This sets up a battle between Ecdysius and the Great Demon.

The Purple Demon King bites his lip when he sees this piece.

"So what are you doing?

I thought you said nothing about a plan.

"What's the point of using your piece in defeat and saving the gold piece to win?

I'm not sure what to make of this.

And this shake is working, his mind is wavering.

I'm not sure what to make of this. I thought I'd handle it first.

Ekduik had told him the name of the great demon who had insulted Beguragud, as well as Gugegderestuf.

He had been asked by Ecdysium if it was possible to prepare a place for him in this match.

The Purple Demon King seemed to have begun to notice the strangeness of the current situation, or at least made him notice.

"Wait, why did you think I would put this piece here?

"Well, it's a good thing I know what I'm doing.

He throws a piece of parchment on the table, on which are written "-○○○-" and "○○○-○" side by side.

This is the prediction chart that I had written down earlier.

This should make it clear to the Purple Demon King that the current situation is not the result of luck.

This is the ...... current arrangement of the pieces. ...... Why, why is this happening? What's with the ...... eyes, what's with the eyes?

What's with the ...... eyes? "Oh, ...... 'purple', I tell you, if you get those eyes, you'll be scared, really scared, mistress, because you almost cried.

Analyze the other person, put yourself in their shoes, and read their thoughts and actions.

It's one of the few weapons I've acquired to survive in a world full of malice.

As for how long I've been using it, it's been there since the beginning, and the Iliad only gave me permission to use it once.

Then let's use it once, all the time.

I told you, I mean it. The Iliad has given me permission, I'm not saving it. I'll do everything I can to understand you.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!