Published at 26th of April 2023 05:35:44 AM

Chapter 213: So it won't end.

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Morari is heading for the mix. Then all I have to deal with is Jastet. But how do I attack him? ....... From the feel of the chain, its strength is superior to Lakra's defensive wards. It's a good idea to take a look at a few of the more common types of shoes and boots that are available.

If you don't want to make a move, I'll let you go first.

Jastet is coming at you in a straight line. If you've got a lot of time and energy, you're going to want to make sure that you've got the right equipment. The first thing I need to do is to accurately grasp the reach of the wards he wears. Float multiple chains around yourself and prepare for Jastet's attack.

(Right fist ...... two fists long. Equal on the left!

Yastet appears to be floating slightly. The soles of his feet must be covered with wards. You can get a rough idea of his reach from the width of his float. The thickness of the warding covering the whole body should be almost constant.

You're looking at ....... You're a cool guy.

I think we both know that.

Jastet is aware that he is being analyzed. This means that he leaves room to observe his opponent during the attack. If he continued to observe, he would still be at a disadvantage, so it was time to strike back. After dodging his fist, you try to shake the chain to see if you can't restrain him. I dodged his fist just in time, and just as I was about to make my move--


I'm sure my timing was fine, but the attack I thought I had avoided hit me in the abdomen. The chain that he was wearing for protection shattered, and the shock that he couldn't kill reached his internal organs. Was the distance between us extended? I forgot to mention that Lakra can also change her form while activating her wards. Then I guess Jastet can change the size of his wards at will.

"Brother Ekduik, I'll help you!

Lakra's voice came from behind him, and at the same time, Jastet was blown backwards. It wasn't a new technique. It was a direct hit from a slash using the usual warding magic. The fact that he was blown away without being cut by it means that .......

I've never heard of anyone else using ...... warding magic as an attack.

"Wow, you're completely unharmed.

Jastet wakes up, his neck bones snapping. There is no sign of any external injury. It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this.

"Rakura, what does this Jastet guy look like from your point of view?

"As well as the strength of the wards, the fact that he is able to maintain that strength while expanding and contracting his body is extraordinary. It takes a certain amount of concentration just to maintain the wards. ......

I'm sure. I'm not sure what to make of it.

You were hit with a very painful blow. Are you okay?

No problem. A few of my ribs are broken, but I've used healing magic to give myself some first aid.

If I don't move too much, I can make it heal completely in a little while, but I don't think they'll be so kind as to wait for that. For now, we have to settle for a first aid situation.

It's not so much the hardness of the ...... wards as the speed at which they deploy. It will be difficult to avoid, but it's not an attack that can't be prevented.

As Jastet runs out and swings his fist, Lakra deploys a defensive ward to block it. The warding was able to stop the fist, but it cracked under the blow. It's not as bad as it looks in pure power terms, since Balaguerin and Duvraioli had destroyed it, but it's enough of a monster to crack Lakra's wards, which were unscathed by my attack.

Yastet tried to pound his fist on top of it, but Lakra was quicker than that to redraw the wards and prevent the attack. And as soon as it was released, she hit Yastet with an offensive ward. Yastet was sent flying backwards, but this time he managed to stay on his feet without falling.

"No... My attack is not going to be able to break through that warding. ......!

But isn't that the same ...... for them?

I feel like Jastet still has some energy left. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to be doing.

Why don't you use the true "blind eye", which greatly increases the hardness of the material it generates? No, Lakra's wards may be able to prevent her opponent's big moves, but it will be difficult to break through that defense. No matter how hard you make the blade of your attack, it won't be as sharp if you release it at the same speed. My chains may be able to block his movement, but as long as he has his wards up, he won't be able to do any damage. If you can't touch him directly, you can't get the sealing effect of the six towers of chain-binding. If you use the eye for a long time, you will be at a disadvantage because you will be worn out.

...... is not going to get us anywhere. Let's change our stance.

I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to make of it. It seems to be aimed at piercing rather than destroying.

"Be careful, Lakra, it's a single point form. It will penetrate the wards!

I'm fine, but what about you, Exduk?

We'll have to do something about that.

Jastet pounces. It's hard to tell which way he's going to move when he's frozen in place. It's hard to tell which way he's going to attack if he's frozen in place. He keeps a slight distance from Lakra and prepares to attack. The target is ...... Lakra!

If the defensive wards don't work, ......!

Jastet's right fist jumped up. I see, he caught it with an offensive warded slash. Even if it couldn't cut him, the impact of blowing up Jastet himself would have prevented the momentum of his fist. It was not just a single blow, but three in this instant, as only Lakra could do with a quick and precise attack.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what to do with it.


Lakra's body bends. In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a few things you can do. It's not good. Unlike me, Lakra has no armor chains and no magic enhancement to increase her durability. If I take a kick from a man who can destroy wards with his flesh and blood body--

I've been waiting for that!


Jastet's body floated as he kicked forcibly from a position where his right arm was flipped. Lakra used a warding attack from the underside to lift Jastet's body.

"Brother Ekduik! I'll set it up! Put chains on him and me!


He twisted the chains around Jastet's body from the top of the wards he was wearing. And let Lakra hold the other end. Lakra continued to attack from the underside two or three times, continuously carrying Jastet's body into the air. Even if it doesn't break the wards, the impact can still lift Jastet high into the air. And because they are chained together, Lakra's body is pulled into the sky as well.

"...... You're wasting your time!

No, it's not a waste. When I first popped you, you made a snapping gesture with your neck bone. You may be able to protect yourself from external attacks, but you can't protect yourself from the impact of a fall!

I check their conversation through the chain. Lakra didn't stop her attack on Jastet, but carried him far up into the sky. She reached a height where she looked no bigger than a grain from the ground. Seeing what Rakura was trying to do, I crawled with numerous chains on the ground.

Jastet was unable to use any other magic to maintain the wards to prevent further attacks. Then Lakra began to attack not from below, but from above. Naturally, Jastet's body began to descend, accelerating with each follow-up attack. Lakra does not let go of the chain and falls with the accelerating Jastet.

"......, you're not going to be safe!

You're right, but you're alone and we're two!

But you're alone and we're two! You'll be able to see the speed and direction of their fall just in time to build a chain around their feet.

"Now, Lacula! Let go of the chains!

At the moment of hitting the ground, the deployed chain is latched onto Lacla to absorb the impact. I lowered the hardness of the chain to its limit and enlarged it. Then, the chain at the point of Jastet's fall is entwined with the earth, increasing its hardness to the limit. The impact of Jastet's fall sent Lakra flying, and she caught it with her body.

"Are you alright, Lacra?

"I managed to ......

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing and how you're doing it.

That kick gave me the willies. ......

I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was going to attack when his fist was flicked. This is why I deployed the type of wards that Tarzan's knights wear all over my body. It's also much more fragile than normal wards, and you can't read where they're aiming, so you can't concentrate on defending yourself. ......

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure if the kick I just gave her injured her internal organs. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

"...... Guh.

Yastet moves his body and changes his posture from lying on his back to prone. He seems to be conscious, but you can see that he's visibly injured. His head is bleeding and he is far worse off than Lakra. I don't think his whole body is intact.

You've lost, Jastet. You've lost, Jastet. You may have some magic left in you, but your strength is almost gone.

"...... What are you saying? My wards haven't been broken yet. The woman can't fight anymore, then I still have a chance to win!

Jastet staggered to his feet. The wards continue to hold, and the fighting spirit in his eyes has not disappeared. But he won't be able to afford to unleash any more of his highly skilled physical arts.

"No, it's over. Lakra taught me how to beat you. You're so stiff you can't even move, I'll do just fine on my own.

Chains crawled from all directions of Jastet and wrapped around him. Yugra's wards are fixed in space and cannot be lifted, but Jastet's wards revolve around himself. The current Jastet would not have the strength to break the chains that were trying to lift him.


I'm not going to cut corners with a weakened opponent. I'm not going to cut corners on a weaker opponent. I'm going to smash it as many times as I can until its wards are broken!

He manipulates the chain and throws Jastet into the air. Then, pull him in at once and slam him into the ground. You can feel the warding that Jastet is deploying being maintained through the chain. Throw it again and slam it down. Twice, three times, four times, the impact is weaker than what Lakra has done, but he continues to repeat it over and over. And on the thirteenth strike, he saw that Jastet's ward had been lifted.

"Haha ...... haha ....... At last. ......

Thinking of the possibility of faking a faint, he sprinkled chains directly on Jastet's bare skin and cast a paralyzing spell that took away his entire freedom. If this had been a one-on-one situation, the chains would have been cut to shreds with ordinary restraints. If I had used the chains created by the true Blind Eye, I might have been able to restrain him and throw him as he is now, but my eyes would not have lasted until his strength was exhausted.

"You almost managed it, Brother Ecdysiac. ......

"If it weren't for Lakra, we might have lost.

Honestly, though, it's an unbelievable way to win. ......

"In the end, we couldn't break this man's wards head-on. It would be extravagant to be concerned about how to win, since we were able to win against such a strong opponent.

What about the others? When he looked towards Mikus, he saw that he had already restrained Morari and was waving at him. Harkdok was still in the fight. However, Ceraes' men are heading towards us, taking advantage of the fact that we are wounded. We'll have to join up with the mix and deal with them first.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!