Published at 26th of April 2023 05:32:55 AM

Chapter 279: That's why it increased.

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While our compatriots were recuperating in Serende, we each took some time to rest. There are still concerns about the escaped Rituals, and who may be working with Nektokhar and the others in Serende. But our priority is to heal the wounds of our people.

The healing spells we use without hesitation. For those of our people who cannot benefit from it, even a shallow wound becomes a life-threatening problem. If you don't have the right tools at your side, you might overreach.

I agree with you, but why are we heading towards the Mejis demon world when we should be heading towards the Mejis?

No, there's something I want to do when I have time: ......

I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

If you look for signs, you can find some low-grade demons, but they don't seem to be approaching us. But with this companion of mine, there is no way I can approach him.

I don't really feel at home in a place filled with my own magic, do you? It's a wasteland to begin with, and it's not very scenic, is it?

And why is Purple with you?

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it. I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site.

I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm not sure what to make of this.

It's true that I have business in the demon world, Mejis. But it's easier to ride on this bone dragon than to have a demon carry you around.


Can you not use a man's trump card as a chariot?

And why shouldn't I be interested in what the other demons of the Demon Lord are doing in my demon world?

How can you treat it as your territory when you've given up control of it? ...... Come on, Ecdysiac! Just tell me what you want! It's not something to be ashamed of, is it?

I'm sure it's nothing to be ashamed of. ....... I'm going to return Lacia to Marya.


She was captured and killed so that I could learn about human society. I buried her corpse here in Medisworld. But she had a sister, Marya, waiting for her return. So I decided that Leisia's corpse should go to Marya.

It's not going to change anything, but I want to do what I can to make amends.

...... So, yeah. ...... is good, isn't it?

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it. I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who would like to know more about this.

I remembered that Marya had said something similar to me. I thought I had settled my feelings, but I guess I'm still holding on to them.

I thought, "Then I want to do some good. Let's put it that way.

"Yeah, that's a good attitude to have, isn't it? You can't put too much thought into everything.

You say that?

Oh, he's not afraid of my feelings.

The land where Vegragudo was based was close to the border between Mejis and the Mejis demon world, and it would not take long to reach Daluagestia.

And so I arrived at the place where it all began for me. The scene was almost the same as it had been in the past, but it was even more unpleasant than I had expected. My body has already stopped accepting the magic that fills this magical world, and a ward has been placed around my body. Perhaps because of this, the sensations I feel on my skin are diminished.

The Purple Demon King and Duvraeori left the scene to see where Vegragudo had been using. Ao and I walked to the place where Lacia was buried.

Is this it?

"Yeah. It looks like she's okay.

An unnatural pile of dirt. This is where Leasia lies. Maybe it's because I've seen decent graves in human society, but I feel sorry for the rudeness of this one.

There's definitely human remains. The demons didn't dig it up, did they?

Demons like human blood and flesh. The demons like human blood and flesh. The lower level demons came around for a while after the burial, but I warded them off during that time. After the bones turned white, I didn't have to do anything.

He unfolded the chains, hollowed out the earth where the bones were buried, and moved them into the wooden box he had prepared. Now you have achieved the purpose of your visit to this magical world. Is there anything else I should do? Soon this place will be purified by the priests of Mejis and become a land of humans. I won't have a chance to come here again.

Did you have a room of your own?

"I did, but ...... the only thing I needed in my room was this chain. Okay, I have no more use for this place. To Mejis...

I felt some strong magic and deployed the chain to get into a fighting stance. I'll use my detection magic to get a better position.

"So it's Ecdysium. What do you want now that you've escaped?

The demon flying overhead was a higher level demon, and that twisted, broken horn looked familiar. That's right, that's the same demon that was close to Vegragudo as me. Since he hadn't joined the ranks of the other demons after Vegragudo was defeated, I assumed that he had been defeated by Lakra along with Vegragudo.

You're ...... still alive. No, why are you here? All demons must have received the Purple Demon Lord's call at one time or another.

After the incident at Taze and the battle with the Scarlet Demon King, most of the senior demons who had not been given a name or position died out. Those who survived should all be waiting in the wings of the new Purple Demon Lord as the Battler Army. Thus, it was unnatural for a senior demon to be in the Mejis demon world.

"I serve only you, Vegragudo, and I resist you. That's all.

"Didn't you spare ...... your life?

The Purple Demon King's orders are absolute for demons. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to be doing and how you're going to do it.

If you're looking for the best of the best, you're going to have to go with the best. So they were lucky to escape the Purple Demon Lord's summons because they had the power and were still in the upper ranks.

There is no such thing as a spared life,......, although it is humiliating that the life that should have been given is still here,.......

"Have you continued to protect this place even after the demons that rule it are gone? But this place will be cleansed by the humans before long. This is the result of the Purple Demon Lord's negotiations with the humans. Don't say anything bad, just join the Purple Demon Lord.

The world is changing. But I'm fine with the way things are. If the humans want to invade this land, I will only resist until my death.

This demon has a much stronger ego than a normal high-level demon. This demon is reaching the unique class, after all. Leaving it unattended could be a threat to the humans in Mejis.

"Oh, so this is where the featherworm was reported to be, huh? They've grown so half-assed, haven't they?


The demon that was flying in the sky was knocked to the ground. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. It's also a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. If this thing attacked people, it would have broken my promise to him, wouldn't it? But thank God, right? One of my goals was easily found, right?

In order to win the Purple Demon King over to their side, one of the promises my people made to Mejis was to neutralize the demons in the Mejis demon world. It is true that if this demon had attacked the priests who were performing the purification, it would have been a big problem.

"My Lord. What should we do with this one?

I know they're half-baked, but as a unique class, they're valuable, right? But the fact remains that he is an incompetent demon who has defied me. ...... So, what should I do?

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had to deal with this. I cannot serve you, and I will not abandon my role of protecting the lands left behind by Master Beguragud.

The demon quietly lowered his head without resisting. Once he realized the strength of Duvraeus, he would not have the strength to resist.

But when the purple demon lord saw the demon, he felt a faint hint of interest in his eyes.

It's an interesting ego, if a bit scruffy. Yes, ...... I've got an idea. You don't have to work for me, you can work for that guy instead.

"What about ......?

The Purple Demon Lord's gaze was fixed on me. Apparently, the man there is me. Everyone is dumbfounded by his outlandish statement.

"Is it enough for you to protect what Beguragud left behind? The most valuable thing for a great demon is the uniqueness it has acquired, which in the case of Vegragudo is the 'blind eye'. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on here.

"...... Is that so?

I'm not sure if you're asking me. I was given this eye as a symbol of my ownership of Vegragudo. I don't think it was entrusted to me.

"Come on, Duvraeori, tell me what you think as the only great demon.

"Ha. ...... Now I have eleven idiosyncrasies in me. One is my own, but the rest I inherited from other demons. They died and left nothing in their place. No territory, no body, not even a name, will remain solid. But this power remains as proof that they have become great demons.

"Is protecting ...... Ecdysium the same as protecting ...... Master Vegragudo?

I don't mean to be categorical. But I think that would be the closest thing. At least it's better than dying out here in the middle of nowhere.

The demon is thinking something serious. But is it my imagination that Duvraeus' gaze is somewhat swimming? I think he's just trying to keep up with the Purple Demon King, who has suddenly developed his own theory. I'm not sure what to do.

This is a great way to make sure that you get the most out of your vacation.

"Forgive me, but that's what I'm ordering you to do. If you refuse, I'll just kill you right here. You're not giving me a choice, are you?

Thank you, sir.

I don't know how it happened, but it seems that this demon is going to be my subordinate. What the hell is the Purple Demon Lord thinking? What's in it for me?

I'm not going to let you get away with this. I'm not sure what to do.

"Oh, isn't it shabby that your demon tribe doesn't have any subordinates?

I'm sure the skeletons and such will obey your orders!

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. How many of them have clear intentions?

No. ....... And it's your demon world's demon! You can't fit into your demon world, Quama!

That's definitely a problem. I'm not sure what to do. You can act without problems with a simple ward, but it's hard to keep it up all the time. This demon, too, will always be a burden if it is allowed to operate in the Quama demon world.

"We just have to make it fit, right? Now, lend me your magic, will you?

"...... Okay, okay. Here.

I'm not sure what to do with it. The purple demon king took his hand and touched the demon with his other hand. This is a great way to make sure that you are getting the most out of your money.

"Demons can change their bodies at will, you know. With a little tinkering, they can be adapted to be demons from another demon world. As for me, I can get rid of the misfits who don't listen to me, and you can add near-unique class individuals to your ranks. Not bad, right?

"How is that possible ......?

In the past, the Purple Demon King could control his own emotions and create deformed demons. It's a good idea to take a look at the actual information on the web.

After watching for a while, the demon's body turned into a stone and stopped moving. You can feel the magic flowing through it, so it's not dead. .......

It's like a chrysalis, isn't it? I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

Oh, so demons are like insects?

I could have just let it change normally, but I wanted to see the squirming, melted mass of flesh?

Thanks for the ...... consideration.

The petrified demon's surface cracked and shattered as he said this. What emerged from within was a being in the form of a ...... person.

It wasn't just a person, but it had horns and a tail that were unique to demons. I think it matches the characteristics of the succubus that my compatriot was talking about earlier.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out why it's a female form.

I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. Besides, that demon won't get in the way of him and me, will it?

"Who the hell are you? You did that on purpose! You're just having fun, aren't you?

Apparently, demons don't have genders, but are the result of adjustments made by the Purple Demon King. Personally, I think the normal demon form is more functional.

"This is ...... me ......?

Yes, it is. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. Demons have a bad sense of naming, don't they?

"Lord ......, my name is .......

It's hard to pronounce. Duvreoli.

It's hard to pronounce.

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it. The purple demon king looks pleased to see them. My people are doing a great job of dealing with this person.

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