Published at 26th of April 2023 05:32:21 AM

Chapter 296: That's why.

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I'm very thankful that Murscht-dono has stopped showing up and that I don't have to worry about his friend's side anymore. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's a fan of your work.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.

But wasn't Mixu just jealous of Mursht?" "Rakulla-dono, that's something you think about but don't say.

Yes, I don't like to admit it. I don't like to admit it, but I can't believe I'm becoming aware of the fact that I'm getting nervous that you might take my friend. No, it's quite frightening. You look like a pretty lady, but you're actually a gentleman, so you're much easier to get close to than a woman.

The other day, you asked your friend to take a bath with you, and he refused, saying, 'No, it's too small! If it was bigger, you would have taken a bath!

But I think Mr. Shosho likes Mr. Mursht a lot. But I think the Shosho likes Murshto a lot. He's more interested in male friendship than love.

"I heard that Sir Dmitri Kovkon had a difficult time. ......

If your friend prefers friendship with men to women, it is simply because he is conscious of women as the opposite s*x, and I am grateful to him for wanting to be conscious of women.

In addition, they dare to keep their distance from us so that we won't be jealous. He actively tries to make friends with women like Masetta-dono, Marya-dono, and Ao-dono, but he refrains from doing so in front of me and Murasaki-dono.

But it's okay. It's good for you to have someone close to you now, Shosho-sama. Since His Majesty Marit is not here, it is very nice to have Mr. Mursht to talk shoulder to shoulder with.

The brother sounded very unhappy. ......

If you are only looking for a relationship where you can talk as equals, Lord Ratzel will suffice,......, but Lord Ratzel is too serious. In the case of the men, Mr. Eckdruk is too uptight about his friends, Mr. Duvreau is too quiet, and Mr. Harkdock is treated more like a pet than a ...... man.

There's no one better than Murshto to take the place of an equal and outspoken brother. .......

I'm sure you've heard of it. I'm sure you're not the only one.

I'm sure it's just a reflexive stab at Rakra-dono's self-degradation.


In fact, in order to maintain an equal position with his friend, his brother is restraining himself from spoiling him, and he is jealous of Lakra-dono, who can spoil his friend right in front of his eyes. I'm not going to tell you, because if I do, you might think I'm being mean to you.

But I think we've reached the end of our information gathering.

"That's true. ....... I'm a stranger, after all, and I've changed my clothes, too. ......

In Serende, the reputation of the Yugoslavian religion is not very good, and Lacla and Masetha are acting in different outfits. Masetta originally had her own clothes, but Lakra was a fierce competitor who only had the priestly uniform and nightgown provided to her. So I had her dress as I like. To be honest, I'd like to expose her a little more, but she doesn't want to, and I don't want her to be the sole focus of her friends' attention.

If you've been active for this long, you'll recognize faces. ...... I can feel the organizational pressure.

The people of the city do not want to talk about information that could be detrimental to the merchants who have become the face of the city. They are stubbornly silent, saying they have never even heard of the rumors. However, it is clear from his expression that he has a deep-seated feeling of fear.

Everywhere there are eyes and ears. That's why they can't cooperate with strangers. So even we are under constant surveillance. .......

"Why don't we just catch him?

It's not a bad idea. ...... Hmm.

I've noticed the stares. There are a lot of people who are just like amateurs, so they don't care if they are found out. It's impossible to get any information from them.

You can't get information from there. It's going to be hard to focus on the signs of an expert. ...... I don't want to be too violent in other countries.

It's a good idea to take it easy and not get too caught up in it. You'll be able to get a broader perspective if you act in a relaxed manner.

That's right.

Although Lakra-dono is a slow-paced person, his sharpness at the critical moment is even better than mine, who spent most of her life as an adventurer. It's important to slow down and take it easy, that's what I'm learning! I wonder if I should be wary of his eyes glittering as he runs off to look at the stalls while I'm gathering information.

"Look, isn't this cute? It's worth trying to negotiate with Master Shosho next time to see if he'll buy it!

"Mister Lakra, don't get too excited, you'll bump into a passerby...?

My body moves reflexively. I pulled out my knife and found myself rushing towards Lakra-dono, sorting out the current situation in my mind.

A man approaches from the direction of Lakra-dono's blind spot, holding a basket of fruit in his hand, but there is something strange about the way he holds it. He is probably holding something in his other hand to prevent it from falling. Above all, he is looking straight at Mister Rakura, not at the destination, and there is a murderous intent there.

"Rakura-dono! Behind you...


Oh no, I called out to her and she looked at me. Seeing this as an opportunity, the man dropped his basket, grabbed his concealed knife, and moved toward Lacla-dono. At this distance, he couldn't get close enough in time, and if he threw the knife, he could just barely--


A figure jumps out from the side and hits you. I thought I was paying attention to my surroundings, but this can't be ......!

I looked away for a moment, and my eyes met with the woman who had bumped into me. There was no doubt in my mind that this woman had been approaching me with the intention of hitting me from the start. Her expression was a mixture of fear and impatience, an ordinary person whose only mission at this moment was to prevent me from interfering.

No, that's not what I'm thinking about right now, I'm thinking about Lakra-dono--

"Well, I'm sorry. Did I do something wrong?


The one with the shocked face was the man who thrust the knife into Lacla-dono's abdomen. The knife stopped just above Lacla-dono's clothes, and when the man realized that it was due to a tiny ward, he threw the knife away and fled into the crowd at once.

I'd like to praise Lakra-dono for blocking the blow from a perfect blind spot, but for now, my first priority is to catch the person who did it. The woman who bumped into me was probably not the right one, and the one who has the information is definitely the man who set the trap.

"Master Lakra! I'm going after the first man!

"What? Ah, yes!

In case you're not sure, you can use a knife coated with paralyzing poison to lightly slash the woman's leg, then jump on top of the stall and look for the man. --He was there, I saw him go between the houses.

Checking the layout of the surrounding buildings, she strengthened her legs with magic. He kicked a stall post and ran up the wall of a house to the roof. After closing the distance to a few houses, I supplemented the fleeing magic with detection magic. Check the distance, wind direction, and other obstacles.

"Mmm, there!

He throws the knife diagonally upward in an arc. Even if you can't see it directly, it's not hard to hit it if you're running at the same speed on a roofless road. The magic power is detected again at the timing of the impact, and it is determined to be a hit because the magic power that was escaping has stopped moving. He quickly closed the distance along the roof.

There was the man who had just fallen, with the knife I had thrown firmly lodged in his shoulder. Hmm, I'm glad it wasn't his head or neck. If you can see, it's hard to hit the target area when you throw by feel.

A little later, there was a magical detection from the rear, which Rakura-dono used to supplement my position. I'd better finish restraining him before he joins us.

I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that.

As I approached the man, I noticed that he didn't seem to be moving. If my paralyzing venom is blocking his movement, he should be twitching a bit without losing consciousness.

I rushed to the man and turned his body onto his back. He was bleeding from his mouth and was dying. The faint smell in his nose ...... was the poison in his mouth.

He judged that my knife was coated with a paralyzing poison, realized that he couldn't escape, and immediately committed suicide. ...... It's as graceful as the dark side.

Anyway, I can't get any more information from this man. The woman may still be alive, but she won't be able to give you the information you want.

I'm also a little worried about ...... Ex-Doctor and the others.

I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you out.

I'm sorry.

I'm not sure what to say. I've been in need of someone who can do the heavy lifting ever since my son left.

Don't mind me! I'm just responding to my own desire to help those in need! Hey, Exdoik-san!

...... Yeah, right. Marya, is the angle okay?

While I was gathering information with Mr. Eckdyke, we stopped by an old lady's house and found a broken window. She said she was single and had no one to ask to fix it. I thought I'd better do something about it, so I offered to fix it. ...... You're the man, Mr. Edoik.

You're amazing, Mr. Ecdysiac! I can't believe you can hold down a piece of wood with a chain and nail it with a chain!

I'm not sure what to make of this.

Oh, I thought about that a little bit. ...... But it's easier that way, isn't it?

Yes, it is. If you're not sure what to do, you can always ask your doctor.

I don't think I can understand that feeling either. If you want to know what you can do other than fight with a sword,......, I tried cutting vegetables and meat before, but I thought a knife was definitely better.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. ...... The other day, he was flying with a chain. ....... I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.

I'm sorry for making you go through this. But I couldn't leave it alone. ......

Don't worry about it. I've got something to learn.

Really? Oh, yeah?

Yeah. When I heard the word "information gathering," I thought it meant cutting straight to the chase or playing games to see what the other person would do. That's why this kind of attempt to get information out of people after getting close to them is new to me, and I can understand it.

I think the great thing about this person is that he can accept actions that he would never take as learning. If you can face it this straightforwardly, you can't help but respond to it, whether it's a person or a thing. .......

I'll leave the tea here for you two.

Thank you very much! Grandma, is there anything else you need help with?

Yes. ....... Can you take the big vase on the front porch to the barn behind the house? It's hard for me to take care of a vase that big at my age. It looks lonely without anything on it.

I glanced at the front door and saw a vase sitting there looking lonely. It's not a vase, but more like a pot. It's certainly too big for this old lady to take care of flowers in a vase of that size.

All right, I'll carry it in then. I'll carry them in, and you can relax at home.

"I'm sorry. I really appreciate it.

Grandma walked into the house with a smile. "Marya, I thought you knew.

Marya, you know what to do. ......

"It's okay. My people have told me not to eat or drink anything that is offered to me.

It seems that Serende has better assassination techniques using poisons than other countries, so they remind us to be very careful about what we eat and drink. Even if a person seems harmless, there is no guarantee that someone will not take advantage of that person and poison them.

I'm a little thirsty, so I'm going to spill some of it on the soil, although I'm sorry to leave it ...... behind.

I think it's a bit excessive, but I have to avoid bothering my fellow countrymen because of my carelessness. If I make the same mistake I made with Trinh again, it will be difficult for me to even be near my compatriots. If that happens, you will inevitably find yourself beside Exoik at .......

I guess I'm on my own here.

I'll go put the vase in the barn then!

I can carry it from here on a chain.

I think it's better to carry it by hand where it can't be seen. ......

I'm sure it's a memento of your life, and the sight of you carrying it around on a chain would be a surprise to your grandmother. This lack of common sense is both a flaw and a cute feature of ...... this person.

He carries the vase to the barn. The weight of the vase is a little low, but if you use magic enhancement, it will be no problem at all. If it was a fellow countryman, he might just shake his head in silence. ...... Don't be rude, I am!

The barn had a sliding door, so I put the vase down and opened the door to check inside. I found a place where I could put it and put the vase there. I have a lot of tools, but most of them are covered in dust. ....... When you're single, you don't take care of the tools you don't use.

"I should take care of it ......, but I don't want to spend too much time on it...?

The moment I stepped out of the barn, something jumped out from my right side. As soon as I blocked it with my arm, I felt a strong impact and a dull pain in my bones.

I was attacked. By who? There's someone there, a man I don't know, hostile eyes, I have to deal with him.

You move away from the man and reach for your sword. While drawing your sword, you check your opponent's equipment, he's holding an iron club. I'm sure he's used to roughhousing. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you out.

Return fire, no. What you need to do now is to share the information with the nearby Exduk-san. So the next step is to call out.


I tried to speak, but the blow from behind rendered me speechless. My head was shaken near the back of my neck. There's another one! Check--no, first get into position ......!

I couldn't move my body as I wanted to and fell to the ground. I'm conscious, but my vision is shaky and I can't see what's going on.

It's a good response. The holy knight is an inexperienced knight.

Hurry up. It's too late for me to get out. I don't know when to use magic detection. Make sure he's conscious... and get him out of here.

I can hear you talking. It's choppy, but I manage to figure out that they're trying to get me somewhere. One of them approaches me, trying to carry me up. I don't know what to do, I have to resist, I have to call for help, I have to go back to--


The man in front of me disappeared. No sign of him behind me. What the hell happened? I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. A kind of magical power flowed from the metal, and my consciousness gradually became clearer.

"Are you okay, Marya?

Oh, Mr. Ecdysiac. ....... Yes, probably .......

The next thing I knew, Mr. Eckdruk was holding me up. There was very little pain in my body, and it looked like he had used some healing magic to patch me up. I slowly got up and checked my body. Yeah, I'm a little wobbly, but I'm fine.

I'm a little late. Sorry.

I'm sorry I'm a little late." "No, you were surprisingly fast. ....... You didn't use any detection magic, did you? How did you find out about this?

"I had my chain wrapped around the belt of Marya's scabbard. I just saw her fall after a sudden tremor at a position where I thought she had left the barn and rushed over.

I glanced at my belt and saw that it was indeed wrapped around my chain. So they had been remotely monitoring the movement of the chain. But when the hell did .......

You're right! The person who attacked me was--?

I looked around, spotted something above my field of vision, and looked up to see three men hanging in the air, their entire bodies bound with chains. All of them were strangled or unconscious, and their arms and legs were bent in directions they shouldn't be.

I didn't kill them. "We didn't kill them. We strangled them, broke their limbs, and poisoned their whole bodies with paralysis. Should I be a little more careful?

I think that's more than enough. ...... There were three of them.

We need to talk to the old woman before we carry them out. These men's equipment, it's obvious their goal is to take Marya away. The old woman who led Marya to the barn is also likely to be an accomplice.


I tried not to think about it, but I knew it was true. ....... In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the following webpage. It's not a spur-of-the-moment attack, it's a surprise attack based on preparation.

The old woman herself is just being used, isn't she? Don't worry, I'm not going to be rough with her.

"Yes. ....... By the way, when is this chain ......?

When we leave the base in the morning. My compatriots told me to tie the chain to Marya and keep an eye on her at all times if I had to remove her from sight.

I'm being very overprotective: ....... This is how immature my compatriots think I am. ...... But it actually helped me. ......

It's a bit complicated, but ...... it helped. But it's a great chain. You can detect my movements at a distance.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

That's it. ......

This is so accurate that it could read my emotions! It's a great way to get a better idea of what's going on in your life.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea.

"No, sir! No! Don't worry about it!

I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot of people who are interested in this kind of thing. ...... I've always been jealous of Ao in many ways, but ...... this kind of thing is just too embarrassing. .......

I'm sorry.

In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.

"I'm back, Miss Hillemera.

"Welcome back. Did you take care of it properly?

"No, I didn't. Keh.

With a cough, the blood in my throat overflowed. I was able to stop the bleeding with the application of magic enhancement, but I couldn't breathe if I held my throat, so I had no choice.

You can't mess up my room. What would you do if your brother slipped?

You should be worried about my safety right now.

You look good. You smell like blood.

It's terrible, and it's mostly my blood. There's no way you can kill that thing in a proper fight. It's impossible.

It was strong. He's probably the strongest person in the world, isn't he?

That's true. The messenger also persisted in an endurance battle until his strength was exhausted.

Oh, I see. That's possible if you don't let him fight back.

But I had to go kill Arcreal on the order of this princess. In other words, I had to become the target of that absurd counterattack. It's not like it's a sly thing to evade and attack at the same time.

So, did you fail to silence him?

"50-50, I guess. Someone who seemed to be an acquaintance of Arcreal intervened and took Arcreal away.

You didn't go after him?

There's nothing we can do if he disappears without leaving a trace of his magic power.

A woman with a very bad appearance appeared and disappeared when she thought she touched Arcreal. I heard that one of Arcreal's former companions is a user of transference magic, and she's probably a bastard called Morari.

I would have liked to kill him with you, but I was dying in the battle with Arkreal, so I had no choice. Probably I would have died if we had gone into battle.

So you failed to keep your mouth shut.

No, he won't regain consciousness for the time being if he's injured like that, and it'll be quite a while before he's able to pass on the information. I think it will buy him enough time to expose the princes' secret.

I was so close to killing him, but I was too lazy and unlucky. I guess I'm not cut out for assassination after all.

Well... That's good enough. It's a shame, because you almost took the title of best.

You're kidding. I couldn't even get a single fatal wound on that guy, and I got a lot of fatal wounds. Total defeat. Total defeat.

A single fatal wound is usually fatal, you know? That's how badly he was hit.

Bones and flesh were cut, of course, but also a lot of internal organs. There were no traces of armor, so I changed into a spare, you know? Please arrange for a new spare.

If it were true, I would like to see him right now to relieve the fatigue of this absurd job. But this time, if I push myself any harder, I'll die. It's a miracle that I'm alive right now, isn't it?

Why are you still alive, you?

Don't you think it's cruel to deny your life?

I'm grateful that you're here. I've arranged for a doctor, so go get yourself fixed up.

You don't have to chase me away like that. I'll just throw up some more blood and get out. No, I'll die if I lose any more blood, so I'll hold it in.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!